Verified Businesses on Trustindex

Let’s take a look at verified businesses on Trustindex and the verification processes.

Verified companies on Trustindex get a Verified badge on their Review Summary Page.

This means that the business provided key details about themselves for their company page. The verified icon signals transparency from the company and boosts trust within the customer base.

Users that provide important information about their company receive a Verified icon on their Review Summary Page, like this:

verified badge on a company page

In order to become a Verified company on Trustindex, companies must provide the following key information about themselves:

  • Official business name
  • Registered domain
  • Contact details
  • A short description

1. Enhanced Credibility

A verified badge signifies a foundation of transparency and reliability. Customers are more likely to trust and engage with companies that have a verified status, knowing that they have been authenticated.

2. Improved Online Reputation

With a verified badge, businesses can enhance their online reputation. This mark of credibility helps differentiate them from unverified competitors, thereby positioning them as more reputable and dependable in the eyes of customers.

3. Better Conversion Rates

Trust is a crucial factor in the conversion process. Having a verified badge can reduce hesitation among potential customers, leading to higher conversion rates.

4. Verified Company + Verified Reviews = Maximum Trust

Getting verified is not the only thing a successful company can achieve – verified reviews can double the trust for your business as well, so make sure to collect as many as possible.
