The Trustindex review certification has been created to make it easy for website visitors to see which websites they can trust based on their ratings.
Websites can obtain the review certificate if they consistently meet all the criteria set by Trustindex.
More than 100.000 certified websites…
Thousands of websites and online stores have earned the Trustindex certification by demonstrating their commitment to customer service and data security.
How does the certificate work?
To obtain the certification, Trustindex has set up a 5-point criteria system for websites. If a website meets all 5 criteria, Trustindex will issue it with a certificate that can be displayed.
Trustindex constantly monitors website ratings to ensure that only the best and most trustworthy companies are awarded the certificate.
The certificate’s 5-point criteria
1. Authenticity of reviews
Customer reviews show how a website serves its customers overall. Trustindex integrates with 127 review platforms to give website visitors access to real, verified reviews in one place.
In order to obtain the Trustindex certification, a website must collect at least 30 new ratings per year. Ratings must be collected continuously, with at least 8 new ratings every 3 months. Everyone has a grace period of 1 month to meet the targets.
2. 99% problem-free orders
Trustindex continuously measures customer satisfaction based on reviews. Our software uses the ratings to showcase the average percentage of customers who experience problems with a particular website.
To qualify for the certification, you must have an average score of at least 4.5 or above for all the ratings collected by the websites.
3. Verification of contact details
Trusitndex independently verifies the contact information of websites. The following information must be provided by the website during the certification process:
- Phone number
- Email address
4. Verification of business data
Trusitndex independently verifies the business data of websites. The following information must be provided by the website during the certification process:
- Domain:
- Date of the business establishment:
- Number of employees:
- Business management:
- Starting date of the Trustindex certificate:
5. Data protection
Trustindex continuously monitors websites for security issues. We use these 4 software tools to check the security of websites:
- Valid SSL certificate
- Google Safe Browsing
- Spam check
- Blacklist check
The Trustindex Review Certificate Summary
The Trustindex review certificate can only be obtained by websites that maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and comply with a high level of security protocols.
Look for the Trustindex certificates when shopping and buy with confidence.
Do you own a website or webshop?
Discover how getting a Trustindex review certificate can help increase the sales of websites and online stores.