
Collect Customer Reviews Automatically

Boost your reputation with unlimited review invitation emails. Collect reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp, Trustindex and various other platforms fast and easy with Trustindex Integrations.

Benefits of integrations

  • Unlimited, completely automatic review invite emails
  • Customizable email templates that directs your customers to the review platform of your choice
  • Convenient process with easy setup
  • Keep negative reviews away with our intelligent invitation system

Shopify Customer Reviews Collector

Skyrocket your online reputation and sales on Shopify and WooCommerce websites alike with the Trustindex Customer Reviews Collector app.

With the help of our handy Customer Reviews Collector, you will boost your business’ social proof and reliability. More trust = more sales!

WooCommerce Customer Review Collector

Skyrocket your online reputation and sales on Shopify and WooCommerce websites alike with the Trustindex Customer Reviews Collector app.

With the help of our handy Customer Reviews Collector, you will boost your business’ social proof and reliability. More trust = more sales!

How to use the integrations

  1. After a completed order, invite your customers to leave a review for your business.
  2. Choose one of our pre-written templates and customize it to your audience
  3. Set the invitation to redirect the customers to your chosen platform. 100+ platforms available! (Google, Facebook, Trustpilot, Yelp, Sitejabber, etc.)
  4. Scheduled emails are automatically sent out after an order has been completed
  5. Analyze your email campaign’s statistics. See what works best for your business

Reduce the number of negative reviews drastically with our intelligent invitation system.