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Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing

Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing Reviews

39 reviews Verified
Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing


Reviews ( 39 ) 5.0

Lavetta G
Lavetta G
Two beautiful souls doing powerful, life-affirming work. Namaste
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2024.12.17
Thank you, Lavetta! It’s a great pleasure to work with You! 🙏
Asi Al
Asi Al
I believe I was led to Biofield Medical and Marco as our encounter happened suddenly. This was the first time I tried energy healing. It takes me a while to open up and be comfortable. I did not know what to expect and was scared initially but felt compelled after to trust the process. I noticed with time Marco spent more time explaining concepts to me and tried to make me understand. This helped me to feel safe, put my mind at ease and to connect with myself more and with what was happening. I felt I could be myself more and more. I am still in the process of healing but I feel calmer knowing I can check in with Marco and have a fulfilling session of healing, jokes and effective conversations.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2024.02.02
Thank you so much Asi for your testimonial. It's a joy to see your progresses and you to start walking on path of light and coherence again!
Elena Siavelis
Elena Siavelis
After working with Marco for awhile now for Quantum healing sessions I can truly and genuinely feel a difference in my body and mental state. Even my family have noticed a positive difference after my sessions with Marco. Truly gifted person who cares and has compassion. I am so happy I have met Marco and looking forward to continuing my sessions with him. I would highly recommend!
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.08.08
Thank you so much, Elena, for sharing your experience at Biofield Medical. I am delighted to work with you. Thanks again! Marco
Milica Zivanic
Milica Zivanic
Ljudi, ako imate nekih nedoumica da li kvantna medicina radi ili ne, i da li će Vam tretmani kod Marka i Džeraldine pomoći, tu sam da vam ispričam svoje iskustvo. Dakle, poznato nam je svima da je za sve što radimo potrebna volja i želja da se iscelimo i zalečimo svoje vidljive (a tek nevidljive!) rane. E, pa ja sam toliko izgubila bilo kakvu veru i nadu da je moguće živeti sa nekim svojim mirom i stabilnosti, i to zato što sam uvek ja sebi stvarala neku konfuziju u glavi. Na razne načine. Zanemarivanjem svojih potreba (people pleasing heheh), uvek krijući ono što jesam da bih bila sigurna da ću dobiti ljubavi i pažnju ljudi oko sebe, samosabotiranjem, prokrastinacijom, i ima tu još mehanizama. I to sve zato što sam duboko u sebi verovala da ne zaslužujem ljubav, da ne zaslužujem pažnju, da zapravo i ne zaslužujem da postojim. Imala sam dobre periode, kada bih uspevala da činim dobre stvari za sebe, ali bi onda nailazili oni loši, autodestruktivni, koji ne samo da su potirali ove dobre, nego su me i vraćali par koraka unazad. I to me je užasno umaralo, toliko da sam polako ali sigurno sa svojih 26 godina odustajala od sebe i svog života. A onda mi je mama poslala Markov broj i rekla mi da mu se javim. Nakon prvog razgovora sa Markom, već je krenula da mi se vraća poverenje u sebe i u svet. Zato što mi je Marko objasnio da osećanja sa kojima se borim nisu moja i da zato nisam umela ni znala šta da radim sa njima. Ispričao mi je da su ta osećanja nasleđena. Tačnije, pošto i nauka sama kaže da je sve oko nas frekvencija, pa tako i mi sami, naše misli, a naročito naša osećanja, tako mi je i savršeno logično da je quantum healing (odn. kvantno lečenje) čista fizika. A iz fizike ste verovatno učili da kad nekom objektu pošaljete njegovu frekvenciju, on se ruši. Setite se samo primera da glasom može da se razbije staklo - da, to nije mit. Isto tako Marko pronalazi u našem polju osećanja čije vibracije nam smetaju i ometaju našu ravnotežu. On pronađe određenu frejvenciju tog osećanja, utiče na njega tom istom frekvencijom, i ta osećanja se izbrišu i ostaju nam samo racionalna sećanja na njih, ne pričinjavajući nam više nikakav fizički ili emotivni bol. Osetila sam kao da je ogroman teret sklonjen sa mojih pleća već nakon prvog razgovora i tretmana sa Markom. Ljudi, osećaj je neverovatan. E sad, ne samo da sam ja osetila promene kod sebe i u svom funkcionisanju, nego su i ljudi oko mene, i oni koji su znali, i oni koji nisu da idem na terapiju, govore mi da bolje izgledam, da delujem sigurnije nekako, i srećnije. I vidim koliko su mi se poboljšali odnosi sa ljudima. Osećam da sam bliskija sa njima, ne povlačim se u sebe kada nastane neki nesporazum, osećam da mogu da kažem svoje mišljenje i da iskažem svoja osećanja, bez straha da ću biti odbačena ili manje voljena, i preduzimljivija sam i odgovornija prema sebi i svojim obavezama. Jer sada mislim da zaslužujem to. I da zaslužujem da živim. A to osećam prvi put sa svojih 26 godina. Samo da napomenem da sam ja u Srbiji, dakle nije neophodno da budete u istoj prostoriji sa Markom ili Džeraldinom. Tako da, čak i sa razdaljine od hiljadu i nešto kilometara, ova nauka itekako ima smisla i uticaja. I to vrlo blagotvornog. Sve preporuke! Marko, zahvalna sam ti do neba. Idemo dalje!
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.08.08
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Mila! And yes, we are made of energy and, therefore, frequencies. Entertaining frequencies in our biofield—or energy body—that are discordant with our natural frequency range, can cause discomfort, illnesses, or mental disorders. Conversely, harmonious frequencies provide protection from physical disease, mental clarity and balance, and emotional stability. Thanks again, Mila! Marco
Michelle Medved
Michelle Medved
What can I say about Geraldine and Marco…plenty! Geraldine came into my life at a perfect time. I’ve been exploring and practicing non-Western approaches to health and wellness for a long time, but something was missing. Geraldine moved my healing journey in the right direction. Her ability to clear blockages in the energetic body has brought balance to my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body. In fact, Geraldine has been instrumental in helping me access my spiritual self. She is a gifted soul and I’m in a better place because of her. I’m healthier and stronger and grateful for her intuitiveness and genuine care. And that takes me to Marco who also came into my life in divine timing. Marco has been able to help me take everything to another level. His biofield technique has been vital in my healing journey. He’s the Therapist that you could only imagine existed because who could really know so much about the human condition…well, it’s Marco. With Marco’s healing treatments and my training using his recommended techniques, my mental body now has a better handle of my emotional body. He’s given me the strength and support to follow my evolutionary path with more inner peace. His dedication to his practice and clients is like no other. He’s truly a remarkable human being who’s knowledge, experience, and commitment to healing has changed my life. I wouldn’t be able to choose one modality over the other because the two complement one another perfectly. The only downside to any of this is that I didn’t meet Geraldine and Marco sooner.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.08.08
Thank you so much, Michelle! We are honoured to support you in your healing and evolutionary path 🙏 Marco
Shannon Seven
Shannon Seven
If anyone is struggling in life, health, mind or soul - this is a place that you can turn to, to help you navigate life with ease and gentleness. With every remote session with Geraldine, I always know what area she is working energetically in my body. Afterwards for the next few days life is much more peaceful, calm and enjoyable. If you are looking for a shift or any form of betterment I would def recommend turning to Biofield Medical. I look forward to my sessions and can’t say enough how important this kind of modality can help improve you life.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.03.15
Thank you so much Shannon! Much love to your beautiful soul 💕
I was referred to Geraldine by my Naturopathic Doctor, for some pretty intense gut issues I had been dealing with for many years. I had come a long way in my journey, but I was still blocked from fully healing. Geraldine has helped me greatly - her healing capabilities are incredible. And my sessions with her have gone beyond the physical - she is now helping me tap into a higher vibration, because I realize this is all interconnected with my physical health (and has become of great importance to me, this past year). I was in a pretty desolate state before reaching out to Geraldine, but I couldn't be happier with the subtle - and not so subtle - shifts in my energy and physical health. I look forward to continuing working with her!
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.01.30
Thank you so much Anna! It’s such a pleasure to assist you on your journey 🙏
I highly recommend Geraldine and Marco energy/quantum healers. As a logical scientific minded person, I was sceptical at first when I went to see Geraldine for some stubborn chronic health issues. Within minutes her intuitive abilities were able pinpoint the root causes and help me shift things towards healing. During the sessions I feel sensations of energy moving through my body both in person and virtually. She has been the most tremendous help/support in my life for spiritual questions and health issues and I've recommended her to friends and family who also experienced healing. Marco has been a tremendous support during one of the most difficult times in my life. His coaching, stress reduction modalities, support and quantum healing are profound. He really takes the time to listen, offer insight and go above and beyond to provide support and healing. Geraldine and Marco, thank you for everything you've done for me and my family. Words cannot express my gratitude enough.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.01.15
Thank you, dear M*, for your testimonial and kind words! Geraldine and I are delighted to support you in your healing journey.
Caroline Brovedani
Caroline Brovedani
In my quest to find ways to improve my mental health after trying different methods over the years (chakra balancing via yoga and breath work, Silva method, CBT) the clarity of mind was always short-lived. Then, I came across energy healing and spiritual healing, and in my search for healers, I met Marco and Geraldine who do extraordinary work. Marco’s gift has amounted to creating positive shifts when it comes to self-sabotaging patterns, healing negative emotional triggers/wounds and helping reactivate the Parasympathetic nervous system to find bliss in chaos. I am grateful to have crossed path and have them be part of my quest.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.01.12
Dear Caroline, thank you so much for sharing your experience! "Finding bliss in chaos" is what Quantum Healing is about. Restoring coherence into and between the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body is the key to unlocking optimal physical health, emotional stability, and mental and spiritual clarity. It is very rewarding and exciting to see your progress and your evolution as the beautiful soul you are. Thanks again, Caroline!
Julia Sydney
Julia Sydney
In March of 2022, I reached a point where I was unable to ignore my trauma. It was impacting my relationships and I did not like the path I was heading down. I had started traditional therapy, but the sessions didn’t always sit well with me. So, I took to the internet and came across Biofield Medical. In my first session with Marco, I did not even explicitly state the things I was dealing with but rather the emotions I wanted to be free from. After that session, I already felt lighter. It’s a thing you cannot quite put into words unless you experience it yourself. Over the course of a few months I had made changes in my life I never thought were possible. I am off one of my anxiety medications; I am able to face my traumas with a new understanding; I am no longer emotionally burdened with guilt; and I feel more connected with my mind and body. Learning how to “come into myself” so to speak, and offer myself love and compassion has been such a healing force. Thank you Marco for your guidance, for your safe presence and for the light you bring into the world. Whoever it reading this, and if you made it this far - I urge you to try just one session - they have been pivotal for me and I hope it will be for you too. Much love.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.01.07
Dear Julia, it's a great pleasure to support you in your healing and life path. Emotional traumas prevent our body from functioning in Alignment and Coherence. Alignment and Coherence in our bodies not only improve our health and well-being but also allow us to see and feel what we couldn't have seen and felt before. Thank you, Julia, for your kind words and sharing your wisdom!
sarah nadur
sarah nadur
Your resonance, understanding, and unwavering energy has left me in a place of healing, tranquility, and peace. I am truly grateful for the lessons and future benefits of our journey thus far. Thank you for your guidance, my new findings and a deeper understanding of self; the unity of mind, body, and spirit. Bless you! Forever grateful. - Sarah
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2022.12.03
Thank you, Sarah! It is a great honor to work with you and your Light! Marco
Morgan Blackman
Morgan Blackman
Don’t even know where to start. Being at the lowest point in my life this year, I knew I needed something more than just basic talk therapy. Marco has been a great support system ever since we started working together. I always leave our sessions feeling ten times lighter and he gives practical grounding exercises to use when on your own. I’ve made the most money this year, whenever I get a healing session done too and am in awe at the calm and abundance that flows in, each and every time. If you’ve been suffering from depression, anxiety, PTSD…Book just one call and see for yourself. He will not disappoint!
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2023.01.07
Dear Morgan, thank you so much for your testimonial! Quantum Healing is about reestablishing Coherence in your body to improve health and Clarity in your mind to allow making the right decisions for your life. Thanks again, Morgan, for sharing your experience!
Margarita Ivanova
Margarita Ivanova
When I came to know Geraldine, I came to see her in person. Due to life circumstances we ended up in different cities and I deeply missed our sessions. She then let me know that remote sessions was an option but I was skeptical at first as I didn't have much experience. I really enjoyed these sessions as I didn't need to worry about driving home or traffic, and could simply lie there and enjoy the energies for as long as I wanted. In 2020 with Marco's remote Quantum Healing I was able to get off serious medication within a month's time, when the doctors told me I would have to be taking it for the rest of my life. Marco and Geraldine helped me to get my life and self back at my darkest time. They are truly heaven sent and I would recommend them to anyone.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2021.02.22
Thank you, Rita! It's always a great pleasure to work with you!
Taryn Rizzo
Taryn Rizzo
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2022.06.09
Thank you, Taryn!
Wendy MacNeil
Wendy MacNeil
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2022.03.08
Thank you, Wendy!
Anne-Marie Magny Dusablon
Anne-Marie Magny Dusablon
There are no words of how much I would recommend both Geraldine and Marco’s treatments. In the past year, I have struggled with health issues like no other time in my life, and both Marco and Geraldine, went above and beyond to help me and it has made an enormous impact on my overall well-being journey. Apart from my own health issues, my father was diagnosed with an agressive prostate cancer stage 9, with metastasis in his lymph nodes in his pelvis. His initial PSA level was 7.6. After few treatments with Marco, the size of his cancer decreased significantly both in the prostate and in the lymph nodes, and the PSA level also decreased to a normal level (0.2). It allowed my father to be a suitable candidate to radiotherapy and now the cancer is no longer visible. I come from a traditional medical professional background, and those experiences with both Marco and Geraldine, finally opened my eyes to the importance of incorporating energy healing and quantum healing in our lives. I would without a doubt recommend to everyone to try those treatments with an open heart and you won’t be disappointed! Géraldine and Marco are both truly fantastic healers, and also, are deeply concerned about the health and well-being of their clients! Thank you both so very much!!!
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2021.12.29
Thank you so much Anne-Marie! Your testimonial is of utmost importance to us 🙏
Maggie Salo
Maggie Salo
Marco and Geraldine are fantastic practitioners who are well trained and provide top notch care to their patients. My family, friends, and me are all benefiting greatly. I highly recommend them!
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2021.10.17
Thank you so much, Maggie! We are very glad to have you, your family and friends at Biofield Medical.
Elijah Medeiros
Elijah Medeiros
Marco is both a brilliant man, and a powerful healer, who truly cares for the well being of his clients. Prior to seeing Marco, I had been going through one of the most difficult times in my teenage life thus far. Over the past year I began to develop acne all over my face, and with this acne soon came more serious issues. I became depressed as a result of the way my face looked, I developed social anxiety which not only made me scared, but also embarrassed to hang out with my friends, and in general I was not happy or behaving like myself at all. I was in a dark place to say the least. However, my sessions with Marco helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. During our weekly sessions Marco gave me so much great insight on how to take back control of my own mind, informed me on what dietary changes I would need to make in order to combat my acne, and in general provided an unthinkable amount of care and support to me during my most challenging times. He gave up his free time to check on me by phoning and texting me almost every day, and made it abundantly clear that I could reach out to him without hesitation whenever I was in need of help. After just over two months of seeing Marco and using the tips and tricks that he gave me, my acne has improved beyond what I thought was possible, and much more than it did over the 5 months that I was taking medication for my condition. In tandem with seeing improvements in my skin, my mental state has also greatly improved, and I feel as if I’m almost 100% back to my old self. I can not thank Marco enough for the life changing help he has been to me, and I would without a doubt recommend his services to anyone who may be in need of them.
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2021.09.13
Thank you so much, Elijah! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you and see your improvement and transformation into the strong young man you have become. Marco
Anna Uma
Anna Uma
I went in for healing for my depression and bipolar disorder and have noticed amazing results. After one month of seeing Marco weekly, my heavy depression feelings have gone away completely. I still have some symptoms of depression but of course it takes time to heal completely. I am so thankful he was able to lift me out of the heaviness I was feeling every day. In one of my sessions with him I felt tingles and chills all over my body, and then felt like I was floating on a cloud so I KNOW it's working. I am continuing to see Marco biweekly for maintenance because I know he's worth every penny that I pay. I have also recommended him to my cousin who has bipolar disorder. If you are hesitant let me be the final push - just try even one session with him and you will notice a difference. He is so understanding and caring and very professional. I have no bad things to say at all. Keep up the great work Marco!
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2021.06.07
Dear Anna, thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience and your kind words! Marco
Patricia Couselo
Patricia Couselo
Agradezco profundamente toda la ayuda recibida, la comprensión y contención emocional y espiritual. Cuando creí tocar fondo, Marco fue mi salvavidas!! Gracias desde Uruguay
Reply from Biofield Medical | Energy Healing and Quantum Healing 2021.04.24
Querida Patricia, estoy muy feliz de haber visto el gran progreso que ha realizado. Muchísimas gracias por su testimonio y amables palabras! Marco