
Cityklinikka Reviews

GOOD rating
77 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 77 ) 3.7

Helen Chung Setala
Helen Chung Setala
First Appointment Cancel by Cityklinikka same day someone called in afternoon. Varausnumero: 203887 Hyvä Helen Chung Setala. Vahvistamme 29.4.2024 17:00. Terveisin: Cityklinikka Helsinki Second Appointment 13.5. 24 at 16.00 Varausnumero: 203887 Hyvä Helen Chung Setala. Vahvistamme 13.5.2024 16:00. Terveisin: Cityklinikka Helsinki The above second appointment I called and informed I was late got to cityklinnika 20mins late receptionist rudely told me to pay 60 euro although I signed up for free consultation. Third appointment Cityklinikka again cancel and received this below message. Hi. You had appointment on monday 27th of may 8:15am. Unfortunately we have to cancel and reschedule your appointment to some other day. Could you please call us so we can look new suitable date and time for a new appointment. Our sinciere apologies for inconvenience. Best regards, Cityklinikka This is the second time been cancelled - last appointment I called to informed I was late when I get to City klinnika I have to pay 60euro for lateness and given a new appointment - I have made arrangement and now again its cancel ! I demand City klinikka pay me back the 60 euro. So its fine when u cancel ( 2 times now) but when I am late (that I called and informed) need to pay 60 euro ??? and its supposed to be free consultation. Cityklinikka do not even have email that I can write proper complaint ? I think I will report to Consumer Complaint Bureau. Its not the about the money but the way you treat your ’future customer’ ??? To follow up on my last above complaint it is now over a month today is 18.6.24 - still have not hear from anyone from Cityklinikka !
Reply from Cityklinikka 2024.05.24
Hi Helen, Im sorry you have had a bad experience with us. Some of out employes have gotten sick recently and that is also why your time has been rescheduled most likely. Since it is the summer period some of the staff is on deserved holidays, therefore we can’t sadly just reschedule for someone else on the same day. Im not quite sure about the situation with the 60€ missed appointment fee. We do have email addresses you can contact about the issue. Theyre on our website as well as a phone number. Could you send us an email to about the issue, so we can solve this appropiately . We cannot do anything through the marketing team, here in our google ratings. I wish you a nice day full of sunshine and will be letting the staff know to expect your email about the issue! :)
Peppi Robinson
Peppi Robinson
Kävin viikko sitten käsien rasvaimussa. Toimenpide on nopea ja potilasystävällinen. Ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta huolehti minusta alusta loppuun ja koin operaatiossa olemisen turvalliseksi kokemukseksi. Kiitos Cityklinikalle helposta, nopeasta ja hyvästä kokemuksesta!
Reply from Cityklinikka 2024.06.10
Hei, Peppi! Kiitos palautteestasi ja tervetuloa uudelleen! 😊
Cecilia Wang
Cecilia Wang
I've been there a few times and I'm not happy with the service here at all. Their receptionist, who I believe was named Elina, came off as very impatient and condescending. When I asked if someone else who spoke English could help because we were having trouble understanding each other, she just said, "it's not her problem." Not cool. Honestly, you’re better off spending your money somewhere else where they actually care about helping you.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2024.05.02
Hello! We're sorry to hear about this feedback. We've investigated the incident with the customer service representative who assisted you, and they mentioned that the situation arose due to their limited proficiency in English. We kindly ask you to get in touch with us again so we can go over the situation with you once more. We don't want any of our customers to feel dissatisfied. Our customers are our top priority, and we strive to make each and every one of them feel welcome.
Viviane Oliveira
Viviane Oliveira
Olen vaikuttunut tohtori Nikitan taidoista! Täysi ihailu! Erittäin ammattitaitoinen, lahjakas ja olin todella yllättynyt hyaluronihapposovellusten tuloksista, jotka antavat kasvoille harmoniaa ja nuorekkuutta. Suosittelen tätä Dr.:tä silmät kiinni. Hän on todella erinomainen!
Reply from Cityklinikka 2024.04.23
Hei, kiitos palautteestasi! Tervetuloa uudelleen! 😊
Tuija Westlin
Tuija Westlin
Kävin 2 kuukautta sitten kasvojen kohotuksessa Riikka Veltheimilla. Operaatio meni hienosti vaikka jännitin sitä tosi paljon. Tikkien poisto ja sen jälkeinen toipuminen on sujunut hyvin. Oma hoito on tässä myös tärkeässä roolissa. Suosittelen Riikkaa, jos etsit hyvää plastiikkakirurgia.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2024.01.26
Hei, Tuija! Kiitos hienosta palautteestasi! Lämpimästi tervetuloa Cityklinikalle myös jatkossa. 😊
Johanna Rodriguez
Johanna Rodriguez
0. Taysin epapateva ja kokematon hoito. Saastaa rahaa kun ei edes ajattele tanne menemista edes huippu tarjouksiin uskoen. Ei.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2024.01.16
Hei, Johanna! Haluaisimme kuulla lisää kokemuksestasi ja selvittää, mikä on ollut vialla. Voisitko lähettää meille lisätietoja: Meille asiakastyytyväisyys on tärkeintä, joten toivomme saavamme sinulta viestiä tapaukseen liittyen. Ihanaa viikkoa!
Päivi Päätalo
Päivi Päätalo
2x asioinut. Kaikki sujunut sovitusti. Kivutonta, ei ongelmia jälkeenpäin. Ystävällinen henkilökunta.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.12.29
Hei, Päivi! Kiitos palautteestasi ja lämpimästi tervetuloa uudelleen! 😊
Sini Bono
Sini Bono
Eipä tämä selittelyjä kaipaa, ihan 5/5 👌🏻
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.12.29
Hei, Sini! Kiitos arvostelustasi. 😊 Tervetuloa uudestaan!
EDIT - the reason I wrote this review is because they have done absolutely nothing about this when I raised a formal complaint. They came onto respond to this Google review, and to that I say they removed me as a customer and engaged in emotional abuse saying that their nurses are not comfortable to be in a room with me. None of them complained until I complained about a nurse. This is so childish. I have not received an apology for their behaviour. I have got Botox here about 4 times. 2 of them were great, with excellent staff. One was a bit rude and did not treat me like a patient, more like an item in a factory line. Very rude and cutting attitude. The last time I went, the nurse was rude from the get go. She blinded me with a light over my face, and as I lay there blinded asking to remove the light for a minute, she said "I have 20 year experience of doing this and I need this light here, right now". Not true BTW. There is no need for the light for this procedure. Absolute shocking lack of care, and then lying to the patient about it. No apology, no sympathy. I asked to get up for a minute. She was not appropriately responsive to this but just ignored me and jabbed at my face with her fingers. I went to reception and politely asked that another person does the treatment. The receptionist got aggressive/defensive, and I was removed as a patient with a refund for services I had already paid for. I complained to management, and they started to bully me making accusations that the staff feel "unsafe" with me like I have done something to them. What is shocking is that they could just apologise. 2/4 of the nurses who treated me did not have adequate skills or sensitivity to work with people.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.09.26
Hi, Jonnza! Customer service and customer satisfaction are of utmost importance to us. We apologize for the recent experience you had, as we aim to provide a first-class experience to each of our customers. We take your feedback seriously and will take steps to improve the quality of our customer service.
Mabs official
Mabs official
I had an outstanding experience at Citi Clinic. The staff was incredibly friendly and attentive from the moment I walked in. The clinic’s atmosphere was clean, welcoming, and well-organized. The medical professionals were knowledgeable, and they took the time to address all of my concerns, ensuring I felt comfortable throughout my visit. Moreover, the clinic’s efficiency was impressive. I didn’t have to wait long, and they managed appointments effectively, respecting my time. Their commitment to patient care truly stood out. I left Citi Clinic with the assurance that my health was in capable hands. I highly recommend Citi Clinic for anyone seeking top-notch medical care in a friendly and efficient environment.”
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.09.26
Hi, thank you for your review. 😊 Your are warmly welcome again!
Katri Mattila
Katri Mattila
Olen ostanut verkosta lääkärin laittamana yhden alueen botoxin (noin 160e) vajaa vuosi sitten. En ole vielä käyttänyt sitä, koska mielestäni edellisessä laitossa oli tullut ainetta siten, että kulmat olivat hieman painuneet, joten odottelin aineen vaikutuksen katoamista. Ilmeisesti odotin liian kauan, koska aikaa varatessa sain kuulla, että maksu ei ole enää voimassa, mikä olisi pitänyt osata lukea sopimustekstistä. Mielestäni aika kohtuutonta, että koko raha menee hukkaan😡.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.09.26
Hei, Katri! Olemme pahoillamme tapahtuneesta. Olemme pyrkineet tuomaan asian esiin selkeästi verkkokaupassamme näin: ”Käytä ostamasi toimenpide kuuden kuukauden sisällä ostosta.” Otamme kuitenkin palautteesi huomioon ja selkeytämme mainintoja. Voit olla yhteydessä meihin myös asian selvittämiseksi.
S. Herself
S. Herself
Very weird customer service. I found I was not the only one here. The nurse sounded very unprofessional and acted like automatic chatbot when I asked practical questions. They also refused to reveal which device they are using for the treatment, which is suspicious. The overall tone was very hostile. I wouldn't use such untrustworthy service.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.09.18
Hello, we are sorry to hear about your experience. All of our devices used for our treatments such as lasers are shown on our website and each treatment description usually over goes what kind of laser is been used. Unfortunately most of our pages are not yet in english. We are sorry to hear about your experience with our customer service, please note that sometimes it can be hard to hear and understand over the phone, nevertheless we hope you will have a good day. If you want to, you can still contact us via chat.
Svetlana Smorodina
Svetlana Smorodina
Проводилась лазерная процедура по удалению сосудов на лице. Результатом довольна.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.08.08
Kiitos arvostelusta! 🙂
Laura Suomela
Laura Suomela
Asiantuntevaa palvelua! Heti aikaa tilatessa tunsin itseni tervetulleeksi. Paikanpäällä erittäin ystävälliset, asiantuntevat sairaanhoitajat ja hoitajat. Hoidon jälki myös priimaa. Suosittelen lämpimästi!
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.04.06
Hei, Laura! Kiitos kovasti palautteestasi. ☺️ Tervetuloa uudelleen!
Writing this review solely because I had the worst custom service experience of my life from a lady called Helena. I've called during 2 different months to book an appointment and both times I was talked down to with an offensive tone and refused the right to book appointments. I've never had any issues with other custom supports but they have a psycho working there. Her attitude shows how little customers matter to this company. Avoid at all cost The other employees I've met are nice, The problem is the customer service
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.03.16
Hi, Erol! We took your experience very seriously. We have discussed about your situation with our team. Customer feedback is important to us, and we want to give the best experience for all.
Marja Järvelä
Marja Järvelä
Kävin botox hoidossa. 3 aluetta maksettu. 2 käyntiä, eikä vieläkään hyvä tulos. Botox kallista, säästelevät sitä. Tarjoukset huijausta.
Reply from Cityklinikka 2023.03.16
Hei, Marja! Kuulisimme mielellämme, miksi koet tarjousten olevan huijausta. Olemme pahoillamme, että kokemuksesi ei ollut odotetunlainen. Meille asiakastyytyväisyys on ensiarvoisen tärkeää, joten otamme tämän palautteesi vastaan ja haluamme kehittää toimintaamme. Mikäli toivot asian selvitystä, otathan yhteyttä
Suvi Tikkanen
Suvi Tikkanen
Miellyttävä asiakaspalvelu! Nikitalle erityiskiitos: Rauhallinen, osaava ja kokenut moniosaaja, jonka kädenjälki on taitavaa & huolellista! Suosittelen ehdottomasti❤
Reply from Cityklinikka 2022.09.23
Kiitos vierailustasi sekä ihanasta palautteesta! 🤩 Välitän tämän eteenpäin Nikitalle.
heidi keränen
heidi keränen
Kiitos Jarkolle osaavasta skin booster hoidosta ei sattunut lähes ollenkaan
Reply from Cityklinikka 2022.09.09
Kiitos, että kävit sekä kiitos ihanasta palautteesta. Tämä välitetään myös Jarkolle. :)
Mia N
Mia N
Kävin 2 kerta siellä, oli tosi mukava paikka ja ystävällinen henkilökunnat:). Otin tänään tatuoinnin poisto laserilla ja hoito meni hyvin ja asiallinen hoitaja, suosittelen. Tokki se hoidon tulokset ei vielä näy ensimmäisella kerralla mutta kyllä varmasti varaan uuden ajan sieltä:)
Reply from Cityklinikka 2022.06.30
Hei Mia! ☺️ Kiitos palautteestasi ja ihana kuulla, että viihdyit meillä. Tatuoinnin poisto tosiaan on sarjahoito ja tapauksesta riippuen hoitokertoja tarvitaan muutama. Toivottavasti kuitenkin pääset pian nauttimaan lopullisesta hoitotuloksesta! 😊👌
Riitta Savolainen
Riitta Savolainen
Erinomainen, ystävällinen palvelu. Kiitokset erityisesti Jarkolle!
Reply from Cityklinikka 2022.06.16
Kiitos ihanasta palautteestasi! ☺️ Tämä on välitetty myös Jarkolle.