Dominion Financial Services

Dominion Financial Services Opinie

92 reviews Zweryfikowany
Dominion Financial Services


Opinie ( 92 ) 4.1

Rory Calhoun
2024.09.23 2024.09.23 | United States
Incompetent and unapologetic about it! The buyer for our house used Dominion Financial Services. I would have said no to the buyer if I had understood how incompetent his lender was. The buyer's loan application sat motionless an entire week because Dominion didn't realize an employee was out sick. The loan still wasn't completed at the end of the 5 day grace period. On the following Monday, inquiries about getting a wire payment received vague assurances but no money. The title company had to repeatedly submit the same documents and email them multiple times inquiring about when the seller could expect a wire payment.
2024.06.17 2024.06.17 | United States
I was astounded by recovcapital I was astounded by recovcapital .com dedication and knowledge. They helped me after fraud caused me to lose a significant amount of money. Their team's diligence and experience were evident in the way they thoroughly analyzed the case. Their regular updates and communication eased my mind. Their cutting-edge methods, which considered my particular circumstance, enabled me to make a profit and get my money back in a timely manner. 
Blimi Wosner
2024.06.05 2024.06.05 | United States
It's been a pleasure working with Dominion and getting to know such a professional team. Janina, you've always been helpful! Thank you!!

Data doświadczenia: 05 Czerwiec, 2024
2024.05.15 2024.05.15 | United States
Beware Dominion has to be the worst company in the lending business.
Fred Chalmers
2024.04.23 2024.04.23 | United States
My Experince with Dominion My initial experience with Dominion was really bumpy because the processor left the job unfinished just few days before my closing; it was nerve wracking, the seller wanted to terminate the deal. Then came Anthony Smith who diligently took over and made the deal possible. Ever Since, I had several more loans through Dominion and Anthony has been always on top of his game. He is exceptionally responsive, and that is important in this highly complex and fast pace environment of the real estate market these days.
Nationwide Advertising Agency
2024.03.22 2024.03.22 | United States
The best services i have receive in 2024 thus far The customer service i have receive from Ariadna Erickson and craig fuhr was superb and bar none i would advice and encourage anyone to go to Dominion Financials Services and ask to work with Ariadna Erickson and craig fuhr, they took me by the hand and help me me out throughout the whole till closing which was extremely fast Go Dominion Financial Services see you soon on my next projects
John Hay
2023.12.15 2023.12.15 | United States
I tried to them twice (shame on me). FIrst time, we were finalizing the terms and they jammed me on rate and term. I walked away. Tried them again a few years later, my bad. They left me high and dry a day before closing. They have very limited resources and will have no problem screwing you.
Superfly Holdings
2023.09.29 2023.09.29 | United States
Liars After providing all the details of my loan they ran me around for over 3 months… requesting heaps of info and then not honoring the loan they committed to. I have over 800 Credit score and the dscr loan they offered more than qualified. The short term rents were well over the debt coverage…. They promised and promised and then disappeared. The property went into foreclosure and I lose over 350K. John and Travis were not honest nor did they seem to care. Stay away from these liars
Pamela Anderson
2023.06.29 2023.06.29 | United States
Steer clear I have had several loans for investment properties, and Dominion is by far the worst. I received an email stating the following "we fund up to 90% of the purchase plus 100% of the rehab with no upfront fees and we will do it within 5 days with no appraisal." When I was ready to purchase and sent it, along with my ID to Dominion, I ended up having to change lenders due to their non-responsiveness and them starting to request loads and loads of information - I knew we would not complete the loan in the time they stated. I own over 20 rental properties, credit is in the 800s, and complete at least 2 flips each year, net worth is over $1,000,000. They explained before receiving my ID that approval amount was 3X net worth. Once they received my ID, it went to 3X my liquid cash on hand. Steer away from Dominion - broken promises...I've been meaning to report them for discrimination, just decided to stay clear!
Gabriel Bartash
Gabriel Bartash
I am holding Dominion Financial responsible for the following, which is why Dominion gets a 1 star rating: I took a blanket mortgage with Dominion, thinking based on their ratings that they were a good and reputable company. They aren’t and I will explain why…. All would probably have been ok, but immediately after the mortgage was opened they inexplicably decided to sell my mortgage to the worst mortgage company imaginable, which is called Fay Servicing. Go look at their reviews on Google. 1.2 stars…. Almost every comment is a horror story. I have been dealing with Fay’s near total incompetence since the moment they purchased my blanket mortgage from Dominion. I have had to deal with them using my bank information improperly, drawing funds to pay someone else's mortgage. I have had to deal with their failure to pay the insurance on one of these properties in a timely manner. I am now struggling to get them to pay ALL of the property tax bills in a timely manner. They only paid one out of the four tax bills and they are running out of time!!!!! They are obligated by FEDERAL LAW to pay the property taxes and insurance bills in a timely manner. They apparently don’t care and you can see that this is an ongoing pattern when you read their reviews. My account statement even still says prepayment penalty "YES" despite the fact that prepayment penalties are ILLEGAL in Pennsylvania. All of this could have been avoided if I had simply decided NOT to do business with Dominion Financial. Dominion sold my mortgage without any concern over the reputation of the company they were selling it to or the damage they would cause to their customer. STAY FAR AWAY FROM DOMINION. If they cared about their customers, they wouldn’t sell off their mortgages to disreputable scoundrels. Dominion is just another shady company trying to make a quick buck with no regard for their customers. A mortgage company that sells your mortgage to a disreputable company is itself disreputable. Dominion is disreputable. SHAME ON YOU DOMINION!!!! And I strongly encourage anyone else out there who was screwed by Dominion in this manner to speak up and issue one star reviews. And then maybe Dominion will think twice before putting another customer through this nightmare. ** Update** In response to Jack’s comments: 1. It doesn’t matter whether you sold my mortgage directly to Fay, or if you sold it to an outfit that simply uses Fay. The fact of the matter is that you didn’t do your due diligence in researching who you were selling your customer to and it is 100% your fault that I am now stuck dealing with Fay. You sold me down the river and now you’re crying about how I’m not being fair? 2. It would be a complete waste of time to write a one-star review on Fay because nobody goes to Fay for loans anyway. They have a 1.2 star rating on Google with MANY bad reviews. Nobody in their right mind would voluntarily do business with them. Nobody chooses Fay Servicing. They choose companies like Dominion and then get sold into dealing with Fay. I chose Dominion, not Fay. And so YOU get the bad review. 3. This is YOUR fault. What you did, selling a brand new account that was in perfectly good standing, shouldn’t even be legal in the first place. But if you’re going to engage in this shady practice you’ll have to be more careful about who your customers accounts get sold to. Because now you’re connected to a 1.2 star mortgage servicing company that is rightly dragging down your reputation, whether you want to admit it or not. The one star stands. That’s what you deserve.
Odpowiedz z Dominion Financial Services 2022.08.26
Gabriel, I"m sorry that you're having a tough time with Fay Servicing. Just as an FYI we didn't sell your loan to Fay, but we did sell your loan to a company that uses Fay as a servicer. That said, Dominion has no relationship with Fay, direct or indirect. Fay services 120,000+ loans (I had to look that up - I just knew they were big). I'm sorry that they're not servicing your loans well - I truly am. I don't think that its fair that you're holding Dominion responsible for another company's actions, though. I checked your other reviews - you didn't give Fay a negative Google review but you vented on Dominion instead? I would consider filing a complaint with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, as more appropriate recourse to Fay. If there's anything that we can do to help, our team would be happy to do so. Please feel free to email us at and we'll exert as much pressure as we can. I'm also asking that you consider taking down your 1-star review and cut & paste your comments on Fay's page instead of Dominion's. I just don't think we deserve it. -Jack BeVier, Partner
Gabriel Bartash
Gabriel Bartash
I am holding Dominion Financial responsible for the following, which is why Dominion gets a 1 star rating: I took a blanket mortgage with Dominion, thinking based on their ratings that they were a good and reputable company. They aren’t and I will explain why…. All would probably have been ok, but immediately after the mortgage was opened they inexplicably decided to sell my mortgage to the worst mortgage company imaginable, which is called Fay Servicing. Go look at their reviews on Google. 1.2 stars…. Almost every comment is a horror story. I have been dealing with Fay’s near total incompetence since the moment they purchased my blanket mortgage from Dominion. I have had to deal with them using my bank information improperly, drawing funds to pay someone else's mortgage. I have had to deal with their failure to pay the insurance on one of these properties in a timely manner. I am now struggling to get them to pay ALL of the property tax bills in a timely manner. They only paid one out of the four tax bills and they are running out of time!!!!! They are obligated by FEDERAL LAW to pay the property taxes and insurance bills in a timely manner. They apparently don’t care and you can see that this is an ongoing pattern when you read their reviews. My account statement even still says prepayment penalty "YES" despite the fact that prepayment penalties are ILLEGAL in Pennsylvania. All of this could have been avoided if I had simply decided NOT to do business with Dominion Financial. Dominion sold my mortgage without any concern over the reputation of the company they were selling it to or the damage they would cause to their customer. STAY FAR AWAY FROM DOMINION. If they cared about their customers, they wouldn’t sell off their mortgages to disreputable scoundrels. Dominion is just another shady company trying to make a quick buck with no regard for their customers. A mortgage company that sells your mortgage to a disreputable company is itself disreputable. Dominion is disreputable. SHAME ON YOU DOMINION!!!! And I strongly encourage anyone else out there who was screwed by Dominion in this manner to speak up and issue one star reviews. And then maybe Dominion will think twice before putting another customer through this nightmare.
paul schmitz
paul schmitz
I don't believe this organization is very forthright. I have been a landlord for nearly 20 years and have multiple properties that I have pulled equity from several times over. My credit rating is very good. After DFS got all of my personal information and charged their upfront fee and a healthy appraisal charge they provided me some BS about my monthly rent did not hit a "guideline." When I asked for these "guidelines" in print I was told I would receive a screenshot of them. No such screenshot was shared. My opinion ...this organization is NOT credible and trustworthy. Stay Away.
Odpowiedz z Dominion Financial Services 2022.07.01
Mr Schmitz, I'm sorry that you're upset. FYI the rate lock fee that you paid for is (always was) being refunded, as your property didn't qualify for the loan program that you wanted. The appraisal cost went to an appraisal company. Dominion Financial Services gained absolutely nothing by your property not qualifying for a loan. Your loan officer explained that the minimum rent per month is $800/mo. You decided to proceed with the appraisal, even though there was a risk because the market rent is on the bottom edge of the program guidelines. The fair market rent for the property, as determined by the appraiser, came back at $775/mo. You understood this risk when you ordered the appraisal. While its frustrating when appraisals don't come back as hoped, to suggest that Dominion Financial did something underhanded or lacks credibility doesn't make sense. We benefited in no way by your property not qualifying, and certainly lost money by working the deal and it not qualifying. Sometimes frustrating things happen, but your frustration is misdirected.
Kisha P
Kisha P
I own several rental properties so I’m not new to lending transactions. Wade and his team have provided the most seamless, FASTEST transaction I’ve ever experienced! Moreover, I shopped our loan and they by far have the best product offerings. I highly recommend them. I look forward to doing business with Dominion in the future!
2022.05.27 2022.05.27
DOMINION FINANCIAL IS SLOPPY AND UNTRUSTWORTHY IMHO These people appear to scrape "people finding" type sites, and in apparent violation of the terms of service of those sites, and possibly of the law, they use the inaccurate information that they scrape in order to mail solicitations to property owners, offering exploitative 30-year loans at 5% or more. I say this because Wade Susini wrote to an entity that I control, getting my name and the name of the entity wrong. They also included the addresses of properties that are not owned by that entity. If they had scraped information from county assessor rolls, they might have culled full and accurate ownership records. As it is, in my opinion, they put homeowners in danger of title theft.
mousumi roy
mousumi roy
We refinanced our properties through Dominion on October 2021. After some time they have sold that loan to another company. As per the initial/original agreement mortgagee Dominion was responsible to pay the premium for insurance policies. Now we have received the cancellation notice from the insurance company which states that mortgagee company has failed to make payment on time. It also clears that insurance company doesn’t have any updates on the change of mortgagee which was Dominion Financial’s responsibility to inform the insurance company. It’s a big mistake from their side . It shows their lack of responsibility. Not happy at all !!!!We have never faced such irresponsible work ethics with any other mortgagee company.
Odpowiedz z Dominion Financial Services 2022.05.23
Mousumi, I'm not able to find you in our system in order to research this issue. Can you please email me the property addresses? I'm happy to make sure this is taken care of. If we made a mistake, I want to make it right. I don't think that anyone acted unethically, but we do want to make sure everything is proper. My email address is or 410.353.5667 is my cell. -Jack BeVier, Partner
Ian Middleton
Ian Middleton
After putting the cash-out refi of one of my rentals on hold (due to the seasoning period requirement), i asked to hold the appraisal as this cost seemed unnecessary at this stage. The cost for the appraisal was however double charged to my credit card anyway. After quite a lot of time and effort the charges were finally reversed. I happen to check my credit card statement again today (a few weeks after the refund) and low and behold - it has been charged for a third time. I was not expecting this poor level of service or underhanded charging practice and certainly not going ahead with these guys for any future mortgage requirements.
Amit Jain
Amit Jain
Odpowiedz z Dominion Financial Services 2022.04.24
Mr Jain, I'm deeply disappointed that you would provide a 1-star review. We last did business over 5 years ago, and your loans went into default for failure to make payments. You have contacted my office and me personally dozens of times since then, and we have declined to do business with you, given your prior defaults. Rejection (based on your defaulting on your loans) is not a reason that we should receive a 1-star review. You defaulted - we did everything that we said we would. You're welcome to bring attention to your prior default by keeping this review up, but if I were you (and you're still presumably seeking credit at other lenders), I'd recommend that you take your review down. -Jack BeVier, Partner
Mike Vecchia
Mike Vecchia
Anthony and his team were great. Highly responsive, which is important to me. First transaction went smoothly and I will be using them again
Kisha P
Kisha P
March 22nd I inquired about a loan quote and received an automatic response from a person named Wade requesting additional info. March 23rd I provided the info. I emailed to follow up March 25th and March 28th, no response. I tried to call both days that I emailed and no one answered the phone! I couldn’t believe I was calling a lending company and the phone was just ringing and going to voicemail. That should have been “red flag” enough for me. March 28th I happened to see a FB ad and someone from Dominion was responding to inquiries, so I asked if he could help me. The person pm’d me promptly, took my number and said he would reach out to Wade directly. I then tried to call again and someone answered the phone! I explained that I’ve been trying to get a loan quote. The guy who answered said he or Wade would get back with me the same day. March 29th Wade emailed the quote, and no he did not apologize for not responding to me. April 1st I emailed Wade and said I’d like to move forward. Today is the April 10th and I’ve still not received a response. As an investor I’ve shopped for loans many times and I’ve never experienced this kind of treatment. I read through all of their reviews prior to asking for a loan quote. There was one reviewer who mentioned he didn’t receive a response even after placing an application. That same reviewer also mentioned he felt violated based on the (Equal Credit Opportunity Act). I agree with that reviewer, I think the folks at Dominion may be discriminating. Based on my experience with Dominion of being ignored and not followed up with seems blatant, as I can’t imagine any other reason for such poor business practices. How many others have they done this to that just walked away or didn’t leave a review? It’s been 3 weeks since my first inquiry, I’ve closed on loans in this kind of time. If you want fair, prompt, professional, business practices DO NOT use Dominion Financial.
Iryna Ortiz
Iryna Ortiz
Dominion delivered on everything they said. The closing went without issues. They can actually close within a week from date of request which is something I didn't believe could be done. Draw requests was funded within 4 days and the process was incredibly effortless. I highly recommend Dominion. For those of you that might receive an invitation to do business with them, I can assure you that your life is about to change for ever. These people will become key to your success. Wade Susini is on top of everything, Jack BeVier is personally involved in every client. Lawanda Little handles draw request with lighting speed. What can I say? everyone works together like a fine orchestra. Special thanks to Michael Hurley, loan processor who will go out of his way to make things happen