GO car subscription


GO car subscription التقييمات

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199 reviews تم التحقق
GO car subscription


التقييمات ( 199 ) 4.1

Shyam G
2023.11.13 2023.11.13 | United States
Know before getting into this…. The quote "Too good to be true" is fishy in this case. The terms of the contract will always favor the business, not the individual. They provided a quick notice to return the car due to unfavorable business conditions. I kept the accumulated miles over having year+: planning to keep the car for three years. But I was asked to return the vehicle within ten days and give up my miles (more than three months of underutilized for free). No extension, pathetic location to return, and asked not to write bad reviews for one monthly fee, which I didn't agree to, so another customer truly understands the business model here. Just be aware of what you are getting into with this drivego. You end up with better deals with leasing in the longer run than this subscription model.

تاريخ الخبرة: 31 يوليه, 2023
2023.08.20 2023.08.20 | United States
Stay Away!! I can't believe how terrible my experience was with DriveGo car subscription company. They are hands down the most unprofessional and unethical company I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. I had signed up for their car subscription service with high hopes, only to have my expectations completely shattered. Out of the blue, I received an email informing me that my subscription was being canceled with a mere 15 days' notice. Can you imagine that? I was left scrambling to figure out alternative transportation arrangements in such a short span of time. This level of disregard for their customers is simply appalling. Their sudden cancellation of my subscription clearly showcases their lack of commitment and consideration for their customers. A reputable company would provide a reasonable notice period to allow customers to adjust their plans accordingly. But not DriveGo – they seem to thrive on causing inconvenience and stress. The way they handled the situation reeks of unprofessionalism. The lack of communication and transparency throughout the entire process only adds insult to injury. It's as if they don't care about the impact their decisions have on their customers' lives. I strongly advise anyone considering a car subscription to steer clear of DriveGo. They are not a company to be trusted. Their actions clearly demonstrate their disregard for customer satisfaction, and I wouldn't wish this kind of experience on anyone. Save yourself the headache and frustration – there are plenty of other reputable car subscription services out there that actually value their customers. In conclusion, my encounter with DriveGo has been a nightmare from start to finish. Their sudden cancellation of my subscription and the subsequent inconvenience it caused me is a testament to their unprofessional and unethical business practices. Stay away from DriveGo – you'll thank me later.
Sasha Diehl
2023.08.17 2023.08.17 | United States
My Saga with GO My saga with GO can also be found on Trustpilot. For some reason, this company believes that they can tell me that I can give them $50 to stop a check due to them sending it to the wrong address nearly 6 weeks ago. Please GO, tell me why you are making this my problem? How much time do you think it really takes for return mail to be sent from PA to FL?? I didnt lose the check, GO did. Despite my disbelief over this company's outlandish and unethical behavior, this is all incredibly hilarious at the same time. Good job GO.
Scott Sokoloff
Scott Sokoloff
There’s lots of details out there about how badly they chose to treat their customers. Do your diligence before signing up to be their customer.
scott sokoloff
2023.08.02 2023.08.02 | United States
buyer beware Had a 3 year agreement with them - a few months in they decided to cancel with virtually no notice - I was told i could get a new car but everything they had available in the near term was mroe than 2x the price I was paying. I was told I could purchase the car for fair market price - which to them means many K more than what KBB says if fair market price. - You can check out the various articles about state attorney general looking into their "alleged" deceptive business practices. I'd also check out the verfied stories of the many others that have dealt with this same issue -- Update they are charing several K for damage incurred after the car was dropped off at their facilties as a way to make extra money from customers.
Jeff List
2023.07.25 2023.07.25 | United States
STAY AWAY - FRAUDSTERS Terribly ran business that will scam you. Will just change contract terms whenever they want, charge you for random shit, and then CANCEL your car subscription and force you to return it in 10 days or they threaten to call the police on you for stealing their car. Worst car buying experience ever. Rather deal with the snakes at the dealership than these SCAMMERS. Stay away.
2023.07.18 2023.07.18 | United States
A Company In Crisis Let's start with the most glaring issue of all. As another user put it, at the core of their corruption, Go is attempting to skirt state and federal laws that govern car leases by calling themselves a subscription. It's been bogus from the start to pretend customers are free to opt out of a subscription service when canceling said service does NOT come free of charge. This is in effect a unilateral option for Go, and car lease bait and switches like these are outright illegal in most jurisdictions. Go is not a subscription; it is a lease for all intents and purposes. If someone signs up for a 36-month contract where they would need to pay $1000 if they chose to end it early, then the company also needs to honor the original terms throughout those 36-months. They cannot raise prices or reduce service as they see fit while still expecting the customer to pay a large exit fee if they don't agree with those changes and wish to end the subscription. It's common sense, and yet, that is exactly what Go is doing! They have continually made changes to their terms and conditions throughout their existence because they see themselves as a subscription and within their legal right to make those changes. Through the course of their existence, they have gone from providing full maintenance to covering $75 of maintenance to not providing maintenance at all. They have gone from providing insurance to requiring users to get their own insurance, including the additional requirement of a lower deductible/better coverage (more expensive) than they were providing. All these things are taken into account when customers sign up with Go - the base cost, the insurance, the maintenance, etc. To change these things mid-term can put significant strain on a person's finances, and frankly, it's not what they signed up for. In the latest development Go is now requiring 10% of their users (most of their 2022 customers) to return their vehicles with 10-30 day's notice. There has been widespread resistance to this take-back from customers who have made a loud noise on social media and review sites. It has even caught the attention of media and politicians, like the Philadelphia Inquirer who recently wrote a story on this situation and the Pennsylvania Attorney General who tweeted that any affected customers should file a claim. In an attempt to save face, Go has spiraled out of control. They have attempted to get their customers to sign non-disparaging agreements or to risk "paying a restocking fee" when they return their cars. Restocking fees are only for when customers choose to end their 36 month contract early. They are not for situations like this where the company is choosing to demand their cars back. To threaten customers a $1000-$1500 fee if they don't sign an NDA is a whole other level of unethical, even for Go. They have also attempted to remove and dilute negative reviews. They removed their listing from Google Maps. They have presumably used their own employees and paid users to write false positive reviews on Trust Pilot. They have flagged as many negative reviews on that site as they've been able to. For users who have not immediately returned the car as Go has demanded, Go has threatened to disable the cars, repossess the cars, or report them as stolen, all this even though the customers have continued making on-time payments. They have even tried to scare a few customers by telling them that they could be arrested. For users who have agreed to return the car, Go has required them to drive any number of miles to 1 of 7 drop off locations in the US, and only during limited business hours. If they can't drive to the drop-off location during business hours, Go will charge a $400 pick-up fee. So not only is the company breaking their implied contract by taking back the cars early, they also want to charge those customers $400 for the pick-up and then to get them to sign an NDA. Even before all of this, Go was struggling to get a handle on their new business. When they advertised an availability date for vehicles, they have proven that they don't actually know when the vehicle will be ready. Numerous customers have reported long delays (weeks to months). During that delay, Go has rarely been forthcoming. They have not proactively informed the customers of delays and give very poor estimates when asked for an update. Go refuses to understand or simply does not care that customers have to plan their lives around getting a vehicle. I, for example, was driving an older car when I decided to lease from Go. Through multiple delays of my vehicle arrival, I held on to my older car until I was reasonably sure that my new vehicle was ready. When I finally sold it, Go delayed my vehicle for the 4th time, and I spent $500 on car rentals those final 2 weeks. Go needs to adjust their business model so they can actually deliver vehicles within an accurate time frame. At this point, the company can be described anywhere from wholly unreliable to willfully ignorant to blatantly unethical. They have been unwilling to acknowledge the negative effects their choices have had on real people's lives. This company needs to be brought to justice and needs to be regulated. Please make your voice heard by leaving reviews wherever possible and if you are a Go customer affected by their cancellations, please file a claim with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Consumer Protection.
2023.07.16 2023.07.16 | United States
User to get scammed I can echo what others are posting around the constantly changing term and the demand to return vehicles early. They even had someone on their corporate team log in to my account to accept the modified terms and conditions. Its bad enough that they raised the cost of the car by a meaningful amount mid-term - to now they demand the car back with no notice. Also, their "fair" price is 25-35% higher than what the car is worth - based on manheim (auction service) expected values.
Aaron G
2023.07.07 2023.07.07 | United States
This horrible company terminated my car lease two years early, despite my consistent and timely payments. Solely so they could make more profits. Furthermore, let me emphasize that they offered me (like the prior poster) $500 once the car was returned. However, now we apparently I have to sign a non-disparagement agreement to get this $500. This includes, like the other poster noted, a non-disparagement clause that forces customers to remove any social media posts about the company made within the past 90 days and refrain from posting anything negative in the future. Don't take my word for it...........I am attaching the non-disparagement agreement to this posting. It is truly astonishing! I also acknowledge the concerns raised by other customers, shedding light on numerous overlooked issues. Based on my experience and the experiences shared by others, I strongly advise everyone to steer clear of Car Go.
2023.07.07 2023.07.07 | United States
"Warning: A Disturbing Experience with Car Go - Exposing Unacceptable Practices" Horrible. I won't repeat what others have already posted. Their experiences are strikingly similar to mine. Here's the most frustrating part: in late June, they informed us that we had to return the cars within 30 days. As some sort of compensation for our "troubles," they offered us $500. While it may seem mildly generous, it's a major challenge for me and my family to find a new car within such a short time frame. But here's the real kicker: they recently sent me a document to accept the $500, which REQUIRES US TO SIGN A WAIVER TO SIGN AWAY OUR RIGHTS TO POST ANY CRITICISM OF THE COMPANY. WE MUST AGREE NOT TO CRITICIZE CAR GO ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. FURTHERMORE, WE ARE REQUIRED TO AGREE TO THE REMOVAL OF ANY CRITICAL POSTS ABOUT CAR GO FROM THE PAST 90 DAYS. I kid you not. I attempted to upload an image of the waiver they wanted me (and I'm sure others) to complete. I'm not sure what they are thinking.........this has class action lawsuit all over it. They are getting desperate. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? IT'S LIKE CAR GO IS ENFORCING NAZI-LIKE OR FASCIST POLICIES. I, FOR ONE, AM NOT SIGNING AWAY MY RIGHT TO EXPRESS MYSELF FOR $500. HORRIBLE COMPANY.
GO? No Go!
2023.07.03 2023.07.03 | United States
A total shit-show of a 'company' - starts off as a nicely and quickly becomes dumpster fire Starts off as great experience and they quickly turn the screws to you and force you off all benefits in an insane breach of contract process that just continues to the point absurdity until they eventually force you to return the car and cancel your subscription with little notice to make sure their company profits increase at levels they project without any regard to customers - yes, it really is too good to be true, ironically, which their website promotes ironically. It's hard to believe a company can operate at such shady levels, they will definitely be subject to class action lawsuits in no time and the better business bureau should be notified in every State that allows them to operate. We haven't even had the car for six months and receive a notification to return the car which was supposed to be a 3 year subscription - when they notify you they indicate they will provide a discount on your next subscription, but then quickly reply that no cars are available when you try to take them up on it
Gustavo Ferraz
2023.06.29 2023.06.29 | United States
Started out great then it became awful! Started out great then it became awful. The process was great, Customer service rep I dealt with was amazing (Tricia) was very responsive during the entire process. Then few months into the subscription I get a notice that Go needs their vehicle back within 30 days due to "unforeseen circumstances" or I could purchase the vehicle at market value. Then soon after I received instructions on how to return the vehicle. Wait how about the offer to purchase? does it still stand? I always hated purchasing vehicles its such a rip off the negotiations process is total BS so I had so much hope that Go would be an excellent alternative and wished the concept of a subscription would catch on and become very popular making purchasing a vehicle a thing of the past. But Go has failed miserably. CEO Michael Beauchamp please keep up the good work sir! . I will post this same review on all websites.
Sergei Lukyanenko
2023.06.28 2023.06.28 | United States
Incredibly shady company
Bo Hu
2023.06.28 2023.06.28 | United States
More or less a scam. They keep breaking up the agreement frequently and randomly. To Go Inc: I suggest you quit car subscription business. Your company management actually disturbs my life a lot: first you asked me to get my own insurance with a few days' notice, and I tried to get one. Now you force me to return my car also with a few days notice. Then I have to find a new car somewhere within a few days, have the Go car picked up for $395, and talk to my insurance company to get my paid insurance premium back.
Young Ro
2023.06.27 2023.06.27 | United States
Scam artists Scam! They don’t keep their end of the deal but they want you to keep yours. I signed a 3 year car contract and after 1 year because of unknown reasons they decided to take my car away from me. No explanation at all. Beware of Drive Go! Once they get your money they cut off communication with you.
Anne Napoliello
2023.06.26 2023.06.26 | United States
HORRIBLE, just horrible Well, they've taken down their company on Google (don't know how, but I sure know why), so I will post my Google review of these crooks here: Update June 2023: Got a text that "due to unforeseen circumstances" they "must request the return of your vehicle within the next 10 days." There are LOTS of us who got this notification. Some people were told they had to pay a restocking fee (upward of $1000), some were threatened with their vehicle being disabled. They sent out a non-disclosure agreement to each of us basically saying that if we signed it, we wouldn't have to pay a restocking fee. Run from this completely untrustworthy company. They have really caused a lot of grief and pain for a lot of people. Updated May 2023: 1) the Rogue I ordered in March 2022 is still not available. I have had an Altima for over a year (they blame Nissan) 2) My original terms and conditions included insurance in my payment, they just decided to change that in the middle of my contract and now it is NOT included (monthly payment was adjusted, but I now pay more per month) 3) My original terms and conditions included scheduled maintenance in my payment, they just decided to change that in the middle of my contract and now it is NOT included - they did NOT adjust my payment to reflect the decrease in service. Updated Jan 2023: I ordered a Rogue in January 2022. In February I was told Go was not able to fill the order due to a production issue by Nissan and was offered an Altima in the meantime. It is now eight months later and I'm still waiting on the Rogue. I have been given numerous dates when they expected delivery, but those dates have all come and gone. That's disappointing, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that it is Nissan's issue. I'm disappointed in Go because of the way they handled the situation. I'm their customer, but they did not once reach out to me first to say the delivery date was being pushed back - I had to reach out to them each time. There was also poor communication on registration issues and a couple of other minor things. I honestly wish them well, but poor communication and a lack of taking responsibility is a detriment to any business. From March 2022: Ever the skeptic, I was just waiting for the catch in my transaction. I'm happy to report that there wasn't one! My experience was excellent. The people at Go that I worked with (especially Eric Harhi) were outstanding and the process was very smooth.
2023.06.26 2023.06.26 | United States
DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY Do Not Trust This Company! I signed up because it made sense to my situation: #1) A predictable car payment, #2) predictable insurance payment all in 1 monthly payment. A few months into my "journey" with this company and they removed the insurance and told me to get my own??? Ok... since I still needed to car, I went to and got my own policy, but now the insurance is more than twice the payment. Not happy, but while I was looking at other options, I get another message 1 month later saying I need to return the car in 10 days!!!! WHAT? I've never missed or made a late payment and this is how they treat their customers. I recommend everyone to stay away from these people. They cannot be trusted. The options given to me are #1) buy the car from them... #2) return the car back (oh, and they won't pick it up, you have to return it or pay a high fee)... or #3) get a different car..the cars that they have available are considerably more expensive then what I was paying. These people are shady and do not care about the people that took a chance with them. I regret the decision to go with them, don't make the same mistake as me. Think about this: I started with this company as a customer because I believed what their website claimed, but this soon changed. They keep changing things without much warning AND there is little you can do about it. They put me in a difficult position as a single parent. It may be legal what they are doing, but dang... just screw over your loyal customers? DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY SAY: #1 Insurance is included and the payment is predictable... LIE, #2 Keep the vehicle for 3 years... LIE, What's next? The warranty is not valid? You have to pay for registration and tags? To be honest, I'd be terrified of when it's time to return the vehicle. What other lies will they come up with to get more money???? Body damage? Mechanical Issues? Take many pictures of the car and videos. Take the car to the dealer to get inspected before returning to protect yourself. P,S. Have you noticed that the Google reviews are now missing? Kinda makes you think it's not "isolated to a hand few of people?.."
Johntavious Barkley
Johntavious Barkley
They WILL take the car from you without much warning. 10 days. And the will charge YOU $400 to have them come get the car. Don’t think you’ll avoid this. This is not an isolated incident. The deal they once offered is a shell of what it was. I was an early customer of there’s and they have no respect for that. Don’t bother accumulating rollover miles thinking you’ll use them for a road trip. All they’ll see is dollar signs at how much resale value your car has.
Niket S
Niket S
Update June 2023 - Too good to be true? Not really. The catch is that they can cancel the subscription at any moment and that is mentioned somewhere in the fine print. I subscribed the vehicle in April 2022. In June 2023, they cancelled the subscription without proper justification and asked to return the vehicle within 10 days. So that's the catch and its not so good. On their website, they present it as refresh vehicle every 3 years which gives a false assertion that you will be able to drive the vehicle for 3 years, but that's not true. You will end up in a difficult situation when you don't want to be in. Yes, I agree while subscribing the vehicle, you will not have stress or do any negotiation, but when they keep changing their policies (yes they changed their insurance policy, return policy multiple times within a year) and cancel the subscription without proper justification or compensation, its much more stressful. It disrupts the ongoing life. When customer cancels the subscription they charge you $999 but when they cancel the subscription they only give 1 month compensation. Save your time and money and better go with other options. Its not worth the time and money. Ownership or traditional leasing seems to be more better option. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The car was delivered a day early and the overall process was hassle free. The customer service was very responsive for all the questions. Looking forward for a positive experience in future as well.
Mariela Gómez Sanchez
Mariela Gómez Sanchez
Title: Terrible Car Leasing Experience: Disrespectful and Exploitative Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ I recently leased a car from a company, filled with high hopes of enjoying a hassle-free three-year contract. Unfortunately, my experience has been nothing short of a nightmare, filled with blatant disrespect, unfair practices, and exorbitant fees at every turn. First and foremost, the most infuriating aspect was having the car taken away from me before even completing a full year of the agreed-upon contract. It's incredibly frustrating to have invested time and money into a lease, only to have the rug pulled out from under me. To add insult to injury, the company provided a mere 10 days to return the vehicle, which was an unreasonable and inconvenient timeframe. Not only did they snatch away the car prematurely, but they also displayed a complete lack of consideration for the inconvenience caused. There was no compensation offered for the trouble and inconvenience caused by abruptly terminating the lease. This lack of empathy and disregard for their customers' concerns is simply unacceptable. One of the most exploitative practices I encountered was the exorbitant fees for even the slightest infractions. The company enforced a draconian mileage policy, charging a penalty if you exceed the allowed monthly mileage. Despite my contract allowing 12,000 miles per year, when I unintentionally drove slightly over 1,000 miles in a single month, I was shocked to find myself penalized and charged a fee for it. This feels like an outright scam to extract more money from their customers, without any consideration for reasonable circumstances or occasional unforeseen events. Furthermore, the company seemed to seize every opportunity to charge additional fees. It felt as if they were waiting eagerly for any excuse to squeeze more money out of me. From administrative fees to wear and tear charges, every step of the process was accompanied by a hefty price tag. These charges were not clearly explained or justified, leaving me feeling like I was being taken advantage of at every turn. Overall, my experience with this car leasing company has been an utter disappointment. They have demonstrated a complete lack of respect for their customers, from abruptly ending the lease before the agreed-upon time to charging excessive fees for minor infractions. Their exploitative practices and failure to provide any compensation for the inconvenience caused have left me feeling frustrated and betrayed. I strongly advise against leasing a car from this company if you value fair treatment, transparency, and respect. Save yourself the trouble and seek out a more reputable and customer-centric company that understands the importance of fostering positive long-term relationships with their clients.