Estilo de Vida

Estilo de Vida Reviews

42 reviews Verified
Estilo de Vida


Reviews ( 42 ) 4.9

Jeff Edwards
Jeff Edwards
We just spent a week at Alejo's magical Estilo de Vida Spanish language immersion school, and you must go! From the moment we got off the plane, Alejo made us feel like old friends. And the immersion in Spanish language and culture began immediately. Our first surprise was the location of his school. We had previously visited Catalonia and Andalucia, but were not familiar with the Borgos region. The beauty of the farms, mountains, rivers and wild forest make it our favorite region we've visited. As a bonus, foreign tourism is minimal and we were often the only non-Spanish people at attractions and restaurants. On the ride from the airport to his home, Alejo worked in experiences. We stopped by a family that sells the locally popular morcilla, as well as a Romanesque hermitage from the early 13th century with sweeping views of the valley. We could go on and on about all we saw and did. We swam in rivers and lakes, ate at family restaurants, attended an organ and violin concert in a medieval church, hiked in the mountains, visited local artists, and explored historical sites. The focus of our stay was the Spanish language. Alejo has a true passion for language and how it works. We learned so much; both in class and in conversation throughout the day. We also learned so much about Spanish culture and history. Thank you so much for all you did for us Alejo! We hope to return and continue our learning at your wonderful school and home.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.08.14
Queridos Kathy y Jeff: fue un honor recibir a dos profesores de NY, aprender de vuestra paciencia y disponibilidad para dejaros llevar por el propio aprendizaje y compartir la aventura de sumergirnos juntos en las entrañas del leuguaje. La alegría es el mejor indicador de que estamos cumpliendo con nuestro cometido. Vuestra sonrisa permanente es un verdadero regalo. Esta es vuestra casa, amigos.
Saskia Roelofs
Saskia Roelofs
A friend and I stayed one week with Alejo. We had two classes per day, combined with a diversity of activities, meetings with interesting people and lovely food in different places. Alejo offers an all-inclusive immersion of activities, well-structured and interesting classes and plenty of space to adjust the classes or activities to our wishes. We had a great time and learned much more about Spanish life and language. Muchas gracias Alejo!
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.08.12
Queridísima Saskia: es un honor que la belleza nos abra sus puertas y con una persistente sonrisa nos permita participar de ella. Participamos del lujo que es la disposición a aprender. Muchas gracias a Wity y a ti por vuestra disponibilidad a la alegría. Esta es vuestra casa.
Marie Thérèse TELLECHEA
Marie Thérèse TELLECHEA
Serge y yo tuvimos el gran placer de vivir una semana de “inmersión en español” en ESTILO DE VIDA en Viadas. Fantástico ! Tanto en lo que respecta a la calidad de la formación como al programa "descubrimiento de lugares de la región "Castilla y León, ocio, encuentros"... También el gran placer de estar acompañados por personas "en inmersión" como nosotros: Philipp, Mike, sin Olvídate de Carmen (profesora). Un programa rico y variado. Un estado de ánimo digno de "Estilo de Vida". Gracias Alejo por tu profesionalismo, tu humanismo, tu creatividad, tu gran amabilidad.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.08.02
Oh, muchísimas gracias, Marie-Thérèse! La pasada fue una semana especial, de celebración de nuestra amistad, aprovechando el fantástico festival de música en Frías. Fue la primera vez que tenía a cuatro personas en casa y --aunque todos habíais estado ya en Estilo de Vida- estaba un poco nervioso; pero vuestra actitud hizo que todo fuese fácil. Es una verdadera suerte que los clientes sean también buenos amigos, y sentir vuestro cariño y buen humor. Gracias por vuestra valiosísima aportación, en especial por las clases de baile... y por vuestra alegría inagotable! Aquí tenéis vuestra casa, bien lo sabéis.
Phil Brookes
Phil Brookes
This was a brilliant week of Spanish immersion that my wife and I went to. In the mornings we did classes of Spanish; afterwards we were brought to various sights, cities and towns that were all beautiful. Our teacher who brought us around every day knew many locals and they all seemed to be delighted when we joined the conversation - even with our sketchy Spanish accents - and they were some lovely and friendly people! Our teacher was an absolute source of energy and there was never a dull moment - unless we asked for it, to recover ;) We brought our dogs with us, and exploring the local farms and towns on dog walks in the morning was a real pleasure, and the area transformed into a real treasure at sunset. Thanks very much for a fantastic week of discovering Las Viadas from a perspective that otherwise we would have never had access to.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.07.08
Estupendo, Phil, me encanta ver que habéis disfrutado la semana y que las lecciones os han gustado. Sois una pareja que muy bonita, inteligente y amable. Os deseo toda la suerte del mundo, y ya sabéis dónde me tenéis para cualquier consulta sobre el español. Esta es vuestra casa, amigos.
jean knights
jean knights
My adventure in Las Merindades! This area is a treasure of natural beauty: rivers, mountains, ancient tracks and waterfalls weave through the landscape. Roman and gothic structures amidst Catholic iconography make its rich history visible. Friends greeted me warmly and with interest. These included a painter, a notable sculptor, a radio presenter and many others. The food in the restaurants Alejo took me to was delicious and the restaurateurs welcoming. Days are divided between excursions and lessons. Alejo is passionate in his teaching of spoken Spanish and its grammatical structures. I learnt a great deal. This is definitely an immersion in the language, art, culture and rhythms of the country. A very rich way of learning and improving Spanish .
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.04.29
¡Gracias, querida Jean! Comparto plenamente lo que dices. Para mí fue una semana riquísima, también aprendí mucho con las conversaciones que tuvieron lugar entre la palabra y la escucha. Fue un honor recibir tu presencia. Esta es tu casa -¡nos quedan tantas cosas por descubrir!
Joan Elliott
Joan Elliott
Estilo de Vida is a unique way to integrate into Spanish culture and its language. First of all, the area is magnificent. Every day, blue skies, green countryside and the river awaited me. Then the peaceful surroundings at Alejo's rustic Spanish home added to the tranquility and simplicity of the little village of Las Viadas. Add in Alejo´s friends and their hospitality to get a picture of a complete welcome and integration into Spanish life. The proverbial paella made by Alejo's friend was an added bonus. Amazing restaurants off the beaten track that Alejo has discovered welcomed me and the food left me speechless. I am now carrying a few pounds more than I arrived with. The old castles and museums impressed me and the t shirt was an outstanding surprise! Last but not least, Alejo is passionate about teaching and ensures his students walk away with a complete resumé of the morning's and evening's classes to reinforce the topics he delivers. Thank you Estilo de Vida for creating an original way to revise and learn the wonderful Spanish language.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.04.25
Querida Joan: fue un verdadero placer compartir contigo la alegría y el buen humor con el que se expresa tu equilibrio. Espero tener la oportunidad de seguir aprendiendo de ti y de ayudarte con el español. Un fuerte abrazo desde esta que es también tu casa.
Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas
What can I say about Estilo de Vida that hasn’t already been said? My partner and I thoroughly enjoyed spending a week in Alejo’s home in Las Viadas, working hard to improve our castellano, thanks both to his patient, interesting and methodical teaching, and to the fascinating social and cultural visits he guided us through every afternoon after our classwork, which really enriched the experience. We visited the largest and most spectacular cathedral in Spain at Burgos, witnessed the natural salt extraction operation at Salinas de Añana, where salt has been harvested by hand for a staggering seven thousand years, got up close and personal with pregnant ewes in the barn of four shepherd brothers in Valdivielso, visited the semi-derelict Valpuesta collegiate church in the beautiful countryside on the border between Burgos and Álava, where in the ninth century monks wrote on church documents what is now recognised as the first known examples of written castellano script, and we met Alejo’s prolific artist and sculptor friend Carlos Armiño in his eclectic workshop stuffed with exotic wooden and marble carvings and beautiful prints. We lunched out every day at a variety of different venues, eating white bean stew with morcilla and chorizo one day at a simple café on the banks of the fast-flowing Ebro, and another day feasting in the former prior’s house at Valpuesta, a step across the road from the church, and now a high-end restaurant which must be on its way to at least one Michelin star. The chef is the son of the man who painstakingly restored the broken stained-glass windows of the church. The most surprising meal of all was held in a modest private Burgos apartment of a friend of Alejo’s, an utterly charming and talented lady whose culinary skills would grace any top-class restaurant. Alejo himself, besides being a talented teacher, is a warm, humorous, intelligent and generous man who does everything in his power to ensure his clients enjoy and benefit from their time with him. We are proud now to call him our friend. He has also addicted us to Rummikub, our nightly relaxation and a totally unexpected consequence of our stay in the beautiful Las Merindades area!
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.03.18
Mike, qué alegría leerte, y qué suerte para mí poder haber contribuido a que disfrutéis aprendiendo español. Ha sido un verdadero placer disfrutar de vuestra compañía. Esta es vuestra casa. Un abrazo muy fuerte para Cat y para ti, con todo mi cariño.
J'ai beaucoup aimé mon séjour à Estilo De Vida, chez Alejo. Accueil chaleureux et attentionné, séjour très bien organisé tant pour les cours que les activités variées et très intéressantes. J'ai découvert une région magnifique, rencontrė des personnes très sympathiques et, bien sûr, progressé en espagnol avec un professeur très pédagogue, attentionné, patient et heureux des progrès de son ėlève. J' y reviendrai avec grand plaisir !
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2024.02.08
Muchas gracias, querida Josselyne! Fue un placer compartir contigo una semana y lo será aún mayor recibirte si quieres continuar nuestra conversación. Esta es tu casa. Un fuerte abrazo, amiga mía.
Angel's Heart
Angel's Heart
My time at Estilo de Vida was memorable! I have been re-doing my review many times as it always ends up being too long I really want to share it all so that when looking at this review you don’t think twice and reach out to Alejo to kick start your journey with the Spanish language! But I will make it brief and relevant I hope. The stay at Estilo de Vida was everything I expected and more. This means that I came to kick start my Spanish-speaking journey and have a better understanding of the language’s rules and pronunciation and I left the place with more confidence and hope that I can actually make it and learn a third language easily. Alejo is a great teacher as he knows how to bring out the best in you so you have the confidence to try and celebrate your mistakes. He will be there to gently correct you so that you are always learning. He will also adapt to how you learn to bring the best student out of you, making the learning process so much more efficient, at least for me. He will also encourage you to get out of your comfort zone to speak and use what you have learned, but he is there cheering you up so you dare, and it pays off :D! Then, the activities, are …can I describe them even I am not sure, between cultural sightseeing and nature walks and the people we meet… wahoo, it makes this immersion magical to me, true, authentic and memorable! I have discovered how rich of history the area is, how nature can enchant you and how the people you meet can warm your heart up…from a song to a life story, to a simple chat, a painting, or a sculpture, every aspect of this immersion was for me exactly was I was looking for. If you are considering this immersion with Estilo de la Vida, I would 200% encourage you to go for it, for the classes, the incredible teacher, the experiences, the discoveries and the extra super boost in your learning curve of the Spanish language…this is the real deal!
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.12.30
Angélique, ¡eres un tesoro! Muchísimas gracias por tu reseña. Fue un lujo para mí compartir contigo una semana de aprendizaje. Tienes una sensibilidad extraordinaria. Cuando quieras, ya sabes donde tienes un amigo que estará encantado de seguir acompañándote en tu aprendizaje de español o simplemente conversando. Un fuerte abrazo.
Mike Lithgow
Mike Lithgow
My two week educational and cultural immersion trip with ‘Estilo de Vida’ in October 2023 was an eye-opening and enriching experience. One-to-one interactive language learning combined with diverse cultural experiences, which included meeting and spending time with Alejo’s friends, afforded a unique insight into ‘Las Merindades’ and the local way of life. Alejo’s attention to detail, careful advance planning and passion in execution, facilitated a unique insight into the language, history, traditions, and customs of this wonderful part of Spain. The wide range of activities, which included language classes, visits to heritage sites, iglesias y ermitas, necrópolis, caves, waterfalls, restaurants and bars, to mention but a few, provided a complete and unparalleled perspective. ¡Mil gracias a ti, Alejo! - this experience will stay with me forever.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.11.10
Oh, Mike, lo que has escrito es precioso! Saber que así es tu recuerdo de Estilo de Vida es el mejor regalo que podría recibir para terminar la temporada 2023. Muchísimas gracias. Será un placer acompañarte como un amigo en tu aprendizaje de español. Y ojalá pueda visitarte en Edimburgo! Sabes que esta es tu casa. Un fuerte abrazo.
Eine Woche lang komplett eintauchen in die spanische Sprache und Kultur – das war mein Ziel, als ich mich bei Estilo de Vida angemeldet habe. Ich unterrichte selbst Spanisch, hatte aber das Bedürfnis, meine Sprachkenntnisse wieder mal aktiv im Land zu „boostern“. Die Mischung aus Unterricht am Vormittag und auf Wunsch auch nochmal am Abend und Ausflügen am Mittag/Nachmittag hat mir sprachlich viel gebracht. Alejo ist sehr flexibel und stellt sich wirklich auf individuelle Fragen und Bedürfnisse seiner Schüler ein. Er gibt ausführliche Erklärungen, eine Fülle an anschaulichen Materialien und viele viele gute Tipps. Die absolute Ruhe ist zum Lernen in Las Viadas ideal, das kleine Dorf ist liegt wunderschön inmitten von Natur. Das übrige Programm war wirklich abwechslungsreich: Bei Begegnungen und gemeinsamen Essen mit Freunden, Besuchen bei Künstlern, Entdeckung kunsthistorischer Schätze und hervorragender Restaurants in abgelegenen Winkeln, Besichtigung uriger Dörfchen, beim Baden im Fluss oder am Wasserfall, beim Gespräch im Auto unterwegs lernt man, ohne es zu merken. (Kleiner Tipp: Wer sehr zu Reiseübelkeit neigt, sollte wegen der vielen kurvigen Strecken Vorsorge treffen. Aber es lohnt sich und der Fahrstil wird auch angepasst). Fazit: Viel Spanisch-Input, die Entdeckung der spektakulären Landschaft und Schönheit der Natur der Provinz Burgos und des Baskenlandes, viele schöne Erlebnisse und Begegnungen – eine wirklich bereichernde Woche. Danke Alejo! Ich habe die Woche noch mit ein paar Tagen in Bilbao ausklingen lassen. Sehenswerte Stadt, nicht nur wegen des Guggenheim-Museums!
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.09.23
Qué gusto da leerte, querida Gabriele, cuánto celebro que hayas sentido que EdV es un abrazo. En él permanecemos y ello somos sin pretensión. Gracias por compartir con estos amigos tu belleza. Esta es tu casa.
Judith Amtmann-Katz
Judith Amtmann-Katz
Spanischunterricht im Estilo de Vida mit Alejo ist anders; es ist viel mehr. Wir waren 2 Schüler, kannten uns vorher nicht und erlebten eine außergewöhnliche Woche. Alejo gestaltete den Unterricht sehr abwechslungsreich und passte ihn an unser Niveau perfekt an. Er verpflegte uns nicht nur in seinem Haus gut und gesund, er lud uns auch täglich in sehr gute Restaurants zum Mittagessen ein. Alejo zeigte uns diese wunderschöne Gegend, die in meinem Reiseführer mit keinem Wort erwähnt wird: Wir besuchten kleine und größere Dörfer, die nahe gelegenen Salinen, Eremitenhöhlen, waren im Ebro schwimmen und fuhren SUP, wanderten, spazierten durch die Sonnenblumenfelder, plauderten mit seinen Freunden, besichtigten Burgen, Museen und Kirchen, diskutierten, philosophierten, lachten viel, verbrachten einen Abend im entzückenden Frias – es war wie zu Besuch bei einem Freund. Und als Draufgabe starteten wir jeden Tag mit Qi Gong – danke Philipp! Alejo begeisterte uns nicht nur für Spanisch und die philosophisch-sprachlichen Spitzfindigkeiten von „ser“ und „estar“, er ist auch ein herzlicher Gastgeber und ausgezeichneter „Reiseleiter“. Vielen Dank für diese wunderschöne, abwechslungsreiche und lebenslustige Zeit!
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.08.08
Judith, se me saltan las lágrimas al leerte... Nada me paga más que saber que disfrutaste tanto. Ya os he reservado la última semana del mes de julio del año que viene. Gracias , Judith. Gracias, gracias, gracias... <3
Vanessa Crivelli
Vanessa Crivelli
Ho soggiornato due settimane a Las Viadas partecipando all'immersione linguistica di Estilo de Vida, organizzata da Alejo. Ho passato dei bellissimi momenti, imparato tante cose e conosciuto posti e persone molto interessanti. È stata un'esperienza davvero fantastica della quale serberò ricordi bellissimi! Grazie mille Alejo, continua così!
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.08.20
Querida Vanessa, fue un lujo tenerte en casa, tan joven, tan alegre, tan sencilla, tan serena, tan buena escuchadora, tan integralmente guapa. Creo que todos los que te conocen deben estar tan orgullosos de tu amistad como lo estoy yo. Tú también, sigue así, querida amiga. Y aquí tienes tu casa cunado te apetezca conectar --¡que para desconectar ya está en día a día en las ciudades! :-). Te envío un fuerte y cariñoso abrazo.
Bonnie Williams
Bonnie Williams
I can only agree with the other 5 star reviews about the wonderful experience of learning and discovery with Alejo in Las Viadas and Las Merindades. It was a memorable, beautiful and enriching 4 day immersion for me. The icing on the cake was that I really learned a lot, beyond my expectations! I arrived with a certain level of speaking and comprehension, which considerably improved in the short time I spent at Estilo de la Vida. As did my confidence :-) What a great way to deepen one’s understanding and develop language skills while being welcomed into a very special part of the world. Thank you Alejo for being an excellent guide in this process.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.08.20
Querida Bonnie, participo del agradecimiento, que es mutuo y es también agradecimiento a la fuerza que nos invita a descubrir la novedad de cada día, de cada amistad; y a disfrutar de la belleza que hay en la novedad. Gracias, amiga, por la generosidad de tu sonrisa. Aquí tienes tu casa.
Margaret Greenwood
Margaret Greenwood
My experience at 'Estilo de Vida is unforgettable. The school is located in a part of Northern Spain which I had never heard about What a surprise! The mountainous region has rivers, waterfalls, forests and lush vegetation. It was like beng in a living Van Gogh painting with sunflowers all around. But, enough of the nature. Alejo's dwelling is located in the hamlet of La Viadas His home is rustic, spacious and comfortable. The classes are held in the house during the morning and again at the end of the day. Before my immersion Alejo and I spoke about my requirements, my interests and about what I hoped to gain from the experience. From our discussion Alejo created my experience which was interesting and challenging. Alejo is knowledgeable and passionate about language. He is friendly, patient and extremely generous with his time. We spent the afternoon exploring the beautiful area which has so much to offer and depending on your interests Alejo will create an enjoyable experience. He is knowledgeable about the nature and the history of the region. There were many opportunities to meet his friends who have many different life experiences and through conversations I gained some insight into their lives. There was a warmth and generosity demonstrated by those that I met that doesn't exist so freely in many towns and cities. I am very happy that I have dipped my toes in the waters of Las Merindades - both literally and metaphorically. It is definitely an 'Estilo de Vida'
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.08.14
Margaret, queridísima amiga, ¡es un lujo vivir en el abrazo que nos une! La belleza está en la mirada. En ella está la Varita de Hermès, que convierte en oro todo lo que toca. Mil gracias por tu excelente disposición. Te visitaré en Manchester este invierno. Aquí tienes tu casa, amiga.
Philipp Moon
Philipp Moon
If you are looking for a well equipped location and a A4 standardized spanish course, this is not your place. But.. It was just amazing. Alejo is running the one man show with the transfer service, yummy, healthy breakfast and dinner. He does some funny singing and freestyle dancing as well. I have been there for a week together with an unknown Austrian girl, but it worked out perfectly as the whole course. After morning lessons we visited all the best places around and we met many of his friends, one of them is the famous artist Carlos Armiño. We practiced spanish every day in the restaurant, bar,café, museum and with his many friends until late evening. A local wine tasting contest and table football contest will be also remembered for the rest of my life. We had a lot of good discussions about life and philosophy, but due to my limited Spanish skills had to switch over to English. I really recommend Estilo de Vida by Alejo.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.07.25
Jajajajaja, Phillip! Me encanta, ¡qué divertida fue la semana pasada! Mil gracias por tu actitud... ¡y por las dos sesiones diarias de Qi-Ging y Tai-Chi! Bien sabemos que seguiremos viéndonos, amigo.
Markus Mooser
Markus Mooser
Rustique mais efficace… Alejo n’a pas une minute à perdre pour essayer de nous apprendre l’espagnol et cette région isolée d’Espagne. Pour ceux qui cherchent du dépaysement et de l’authentique c’est difficile de trouver mieux. Pour les débutants le challenge sera de freiner Alejo qui va plus vite que son ombre. Bref une expérience unique.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.07.17
Jajajaja. ¡Y lo repetimos tantas veces como hizo falta! Creo que ya no dirás más veces "es bien" :-D Aprendí un montón de ti. Fue un lujo pasar dos semanas contigo y con Vanessa. Gracias, amigo. Ojalá volvamos a vernos, aquí o en Lausana. ¡Un fuerte abrazo!
Vivien sheard
Vivien sheard
What an absolute delight. So much more than I expected. Reignited my love of learning Spanish and introduced me to a beautiful área of Spain. Alejo is an attentive teacher, adapting to his clients' needs as well as being an excellent host. The accommodation is traditional but very comfortable. Highly Recommended.
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.06.26
Oh, Vivien, muchas gracias por tu reseña. Hicisteis todo tan fácil que yo solo dejé que ocurriera. Ojalá puedas venir más veces, y no dudes de que pasaré por Manchester a visitarte. Por cierto: justo ahora estoy ayudando a Carlos con su casa nueva y me está dando cariñosos recuerdos para ti. Un fuerte abrazo de corazón.
Jane Heyworth
Jane Heyworth
I had a wonderful experience learning Spanish with Vivien , taught by Alejo at Estilo de Vida. I can highly recommend it as it is so much more than just Spanish classes. Tried to express this in the poem below: Estilo de Vida When I think of Estilo de Vida I think of many things Friends and fiestas, landscapes and lushness, learning and life Conjugations, conglomerates and clarity that Alejo brings Culture and sculpture, cuisine and chalar, wonder and wildlife Senses tantalized by all in The Valley of Torbalina When I think of Estilo de Vida, I think of Alejo, un profesor magnífico Wry humour, nurturing our Spanish, pursuing pronunciación, Challenging with conjugations, teasing out tenses, ah no subjunctivo! Lessons lightened by levity fly by, bringing satisfacción He beguiles us with conversacións deep and diverse His passion, power naps, energy, attentiveness inspires When I think of Estilo de Vida I think of magic and majesty Frias, Oño, Herron, Medina, Puntedey and San Bernabé Spires of mountains, cathedrals and castillos Monasterios, museos, & history seeping into our souls I think of Carlos, Janfry, Yosu- their love of their land, their oases These and more, all the treasures of Las Merindades When I think of Estilo de Vida I think of sound Silence of the night, broken only by distant cuckoo calls Soulful serenades of men of long lives, strong in voice and proud Warbling of birds and the wonder of waterfalls Solitude of nature, winds whispering through grasses, Conspiring with us to enjoy life, all enthrals When I think of Estilo de Vida I think of our learning From hapless to hopeful, frustrated to fascinated, Awed by lengua, despacio confidence has grown When I think of Estilo de Vida, I think of lasting friendship and all we have gained Thank you Alejo
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.06.15
Oooooh, Jane, lo que has escrito es tan bonito que ¡me están saltando las lágrimas de la emoción! :-D Gracias, las que trajiste con tu mirada alegre y tu sonrisa profunda. Si no vuelves por aquí tendré que ir a Perth a visitarte. Esta es tu casa, amiga mía. Voy a enviar tu mensaje a todos los amigos que conociste. Hasta pronto. Alejo
Anthony Davies
Anthony Davies
What a marvellous experience at Estilo de Vida with Alejo! Individualised Spanish classes for 2.5 hours in the morning, followed by superb sightseeing in the afternoon typically coupled with a meal at an authentic local restaurant and then a 1.5-hour language debrief and consolidation session before supper. This truly is immersion in both language and culture!! Alejo is an attentive host, guide and educator and his passion for life is infectious. The Las Merindades area is a hidden gem with remarkably few tourists (late spring). With Alejo you will visit sites that you won’t have considered as an independent visitor. Alejo ensures that there are multiple Spanish conversations on your excursions which really helped us improve our comprehension of the spoken language. So in essence this immersion of Spanish course is well suited to those who want to develop their linguistic abilities and cultural understanding of the country. Tony and Mary, UK
Reply from Estilo de Vida 2023.05.24
Oh, ¡qué bonito, amigos! Nuestra alegría íntima es como la varita de Hermès: todo lo que toca lo convierte en oro. Es un verdadero placer compartir con personas como vsotros el gozo de vivir, con la excusa de aprender un idioma; porque devolvéis ese gozo multoplicado. Un abrazo, amigos; aquí tenéis vuestra casa por el norte de Castilla.