Parisi Tour

Parisi Tour Reviews

700 reviews Verified
Parisi Tour


Reviews ( 695 ) 5.0

Le seul moyen de voir Paris ! Hugo était notre Guide / chauffeur et était tout simplement incroyable! Il est tellement passionné par Paris, connaît tous les tenants et aboutissants, nous a montré des endroits secrets et s'est assuré que je voyais tout ce qui était sur ma liste. C'est un jeune homme incroyable et nous avons beaucoup apprécié son hospitalité! Quelle explosion grisante ! J'ai adoré chaque minute ! Je ferais ça à chaque visite à Paris ! ! ☆☆☆☆☆
Kathleen W
Kathleen W
Tour in Paris Celine was excellent. Full Cory tour for our first night in Paris! So much fun. Great tips on where to go and had dinner at a crepe restaurant on her suggestion which was beyond❤️❤️❤️
A great Memory of Our Trip Wonderful fun experience and great way to get a preview of the best sights in Paris. The car was fun and gave you a close up view of the energy and beauty of the city. The driver was fantastic in his skill at the wheel, knowledge of the city and charming personality. We can honestly say this one of the highlights of our trip and would encourage anyone to try it.
Ballade très agréable en 2CV dans le quartier de Montmartre, bel accueil de la part de l'équipe et chauffeur sympathique, de nombreuses anecdotes sur l'histoire de la célèbre butte. Prochaine étape, passer à l'électrique (le - : un peu bruyant et polluant ) !
benoit copin
benoit copin
Superbe expérience
Wynne O
Wynne O
Un moment fort du voyage Nous avons passé un bon moment avec Hugo et notre tour de ville. Hugo voulait savoir ce que nous voulions voir et était très arrangeant. Il faisait beau et le haut était ouvert. Hugo savait où serait la meilleure photo de la Tour Eiffel et nous a généralement aidés à vivre une expérience très heureuse. Notez que c'était en mai 2023 . Système ne m'a pas permis de mettre la date réelle
Nicolas Schoebel
Nicolas Schoebel
En privé ou en activité d’entreprise, superbe expérience avec Parisi Tour !
Estelle Ginel
Estelle Ginel
Conducteur sympathique. Une façon super de découvrir Montmartre. Merci, c'était parfait !
Incontournable ! On revient dans le passé dans ces belles voitures pour nous raconter l'histoire des loups de Montmartre, un gang de voyous des années 1900. Nos 2 chauffeurs ont été top ! Mention spéciale à Redouane, un vrai pilote.Des sourires du Fun et de la culture ! Très bon accueil sympa d'Antoine. Vraiment génial !
Nancy B
Nancy B
J'irais certainement à nouveau et je le recommande vivement. Nourriture intéressante et grande valeur. Nous avons dîné au Colita dans le Vieux Nice hier soir. Il est connu pour ses grillades et légumes fusionnés colombiens et français. Nous avons passé un très bon moment, un excellent personnel de service, et la nourriture était délicieuse. Sardines grillées, huîtres et joli vin de Provence. Notre facture pour 4 était de 130 euros - - nous avons senti que c'était assez une grande valeur. L'emplacement est 20 rue Catherine Sagurane. J'irais certainement à nouveau et je le recommande vivement.
Très belle expérience avec PARISI TOUR. Très professionnel et surtout ultra disponible ! Merci beaucoup pour ce merveilleux tour.
Hugo and two best friends with only with 36 hours in Paris As soon as we spotted the bright red citroen careening down the road, we knew we would be in for a fun morning. Hugo, a very charming, polite and friendly young man was the perfect fit to give two old friends a small taste of Paris. I have been to France at least 6 times, but never to Paris. After my husband gifted me an air ticket from Vancouver, Canada to visit my best friend in the UK, I knew that a quick trip to Paris was in order. With barely 36 hours in Paris, time was a big factor in experiencing the city of lights for the first time. Hugo, was exactly what we needed. Hugo's love and passion for Paris (and France) was evident with his knowledge and interesting facts added throughout the trip. He carefully balanced the touristy spots - the must see's - to showcasing some local spots with great suggestions for later. To be honest, I did question whether I had done the right thing when I was booking this trip, the lack of time and the cost. Hugo played such a big part in how we expereinced Paris, that without him, the trip would have falled flat. What we learned from Hugo is that Paris isn’t just a place, it’s an experience, its a feeling. From two best friends with only with 36 hours in Paris, we are completely smitten with the Friendly French and their beautiful city, and looking forward to the next, but much longer, visit.
Андрей В
Андрей В
Bon Voyage Nous avons eu un voyage de 1 heure avec Orange 2 CV et Guide Roman. Je pense que ce temps est tout à fait suffisant pour sentir les vibrations de la ville et de voir des endroits intéressants pour revenir plus tard, mais bien sûr il y a tellement de joyaux cachés à Paris! Le toit ouvert rend cette expérience si spéciale. Déposer - dans / Déposer - comme "où vous voulez" est très pratique. Nous avons terminé notre voyage au Sacré-Cœur, Roman nous a pris en photo, puis est descendu au centre-ville.
The vintage car tour is aunique way to get to know the city streets of Paris! One of the funnest things we did in Paris! It was raining that morning so we didn't ride with the top off. Our driver Clara was amazing and spoke great english and shared fun facts about the areas we cruised through. We stopped for photo opps along the way. Beautiful way to see the city.
Jerry C
Jerry C
Great experience! Our guide, ‘Red’, was awesome! We did this right when we arrived and it was a great way to get a preview of the city. It was perfect! If you go, try to get ‘Red’ as your guide. Highly recommended.
Jody P
Jody P
Delightful experience This was so much fun. We did the Montmartre area - great views of Paris and interesting neighborhood. People were taking pictures of us! The driver was amazing and knowledgeable. It was a delightful experience and great one to do on one of your first days in Paris. Highly recommend
Ole Blue Eyes
Ole Blue Eyes
Simply lovely I booked this for my mother and 11 year old daughter one late afternoon. Our driver picked us up in a red 2cv and we began our 2 hour tour of the city. The driver was very informative and knowledgeable about the history of Paris. We made several stops along our route, taking time for photographs. My mother and daughter loved it so, and will never forget this precious time. Merci Beaucoup!
Shelli B
Shelli B
WHAT A MESS--So Disappointed! What a mess! We scheduled this tour for our first evening in Paris and were so excited. We received three email reminders prior to our trip reminding us that we had the upcoming tour scheduled. WELL, we waited at the appointed time--6 PM in our hotel lobby and were very excited to take our tour of Paris. Imagine our disappointment when the tour WAS A NO SHOW! At 6:15 PM we asked the front desk to contact the tour company. The rep told us that he had no record of our booking and had no openings that evening. He blamed Viator for not sending the information. After contacting Viator, they blamed the tour company for canceling. So, who knows who was at fault, but I know it was extremely disappointing and frustrating to deal with on our vacation. The tour company did offer to book another night, but our itinerary was all planned for the remainder of our time. We did receive a refund, but no other offer of compensation. Someone SHOULD have offered us a discount or SOMETHING for ruining our first evening in Paris!
Faites-le d'abord ! Faites-le d'abord ! Une façon incroyablement amusante de découvrir tous les quartiers de Paris. . . notre guide était très compétent. . . il a partagé des histoires, des idées pour donner vie à la beauté de Paris et des recommandations pour explorer et vivre le meilleur de notre voyage. Inoubliable, excitant et tout simplement amusant !
Douglas D
Douglas D
Very fun Paris driving tour! Not only was Clara very friendly and knowledgeable, what impressed me the most about her was the way that she was able to maneuver the terrible traffic in Paris! She made my trip to Paris so enjoyable!