Sahara Magic Day Tours

Sahara Magic Day Tours Reviews

121 reviews Verified
Sahara Magic Day Tours


Reviews ( 121 ) 5.0

!2 Day Tour of Morocco I just returned from a 12 day tour of Morocco with Hassan and Abdul as our guides/ drivers. We had a wonderful experience with them. The tour included Marrakesh, the seaside town of Essaouria, travel through the Atlas Mountains, Dades Gorge, then the Merzouga desert, two camel rides at sunset along with two nights at the Sahara Magic Luxury Camp. (A truly magical experience), a visit with a Nomadic family, Fes, and then the beautiful Chefchaouen. They were wonderful guides, teaching us about Morocco, it's people and customs. We felt safe and well taken care of throughout our trip. I would highly recommend traveling with them.
摩洛哥是個絢麗又迷人的國家~ 九天的旅程,瑰麗繁複的雕花和馬賽克花磚建築與撒哈拉沙漠璀璨的星空都令人難忘,推薦司機Mustafa(Mustapha) !準時、親切又有效率,與他一同旅行讓人放心~
難忘的摩洛哥公路之旅 這次和家人一起報名參加Yalla Morocco12日的摩洛哥之旅,從卡薩布蘭卡出發路經馬拉喀什、索維拉、達德峽谷、撒哈拉、菲斯、舍夫蕭安等地。 話說在出發前,我對Yalla的認識完全憑藉著網路上的評比以及網友的高度推薦,除此之外一無所知。但不得不說他們是一個很棒的團隊,無論是台灣小編每日的旅遊提醒和摩洛哥當地導遊的專業解說,更重要的是陪伴我們12天的司機Khalid,他沉穩的駕車技術更是不在話下,此外並為我們聯繫旅店確認每天的住宿和餐點,即使是身為全素食者的我們也沒餓著過。在摩洛哥12天,我們住過Dar, Diad和Palais,每間旅店各有各的特色,天天都有驚奇。 這趟旅途也對當地原民生活有些許的了解,透過進入柏柏人部落參觀舞蹈、認識沙漠汲水系統以及支持當地婦女紡織地毯的公平交易fair trade中心....這12天的寓教於樂的旅程一直到現在還讓家人們念念不忘!
我們的司機Ibrahim是沙漠中的一顆寶石! 我們參加了七天包車連沙漠的旅程,從馬拉喀什到沙漠—菲斯—舍夫沙萬—拉巴特—卡薩布蘭卡 首先,他總是準時到達,他的時間安排很棒。 我們不必十分早起就能趕上旅程。 他的4x4 SUV非常整潔,乾淨,舒適。最重要的是,他的駕駛技術非常高超及安全!在旅途中,我們遇到了很多警察檢查站,他每次都設法擺脫超速罰單!!! 更不用說他的音樂很有品味,我們非常喜歡他的播放列表。 他總是可以為我們找到一些新鮮水果站,為我們早晨打氣!你不知道我現在有多愛石榴汁。 由於我在旅途中病了,他幫助我在不同的鎮上找到藥物。 他介紹的餐廳很美味,也不是很貴。 我們喜歡地道的摩洛哥美食! 順便說一句,他也拍得一手好照片!!我們在一起玩得很開心! 我很幸運能把他作為我們的司機!!! 特別感謝把我們帶到沙漠的小伙子,我忘記了他的名字(Ali?)。他的攝影技巧令人難以置信,把我們拍得很美,而且他的擺姿勢嚮導非常實用。 他是一個真誠的人! 對於旅行社,我沒有什麼可以抱怨的。 他們熱情友好,溝通良好。 我喜歡他們每日WhatsApp的溫馨提示!您可以看到露營地也100%迷人而乾淨,我一定會向所有人推薦Yalla。 僅有一件事仍然困擾著我。 當我一年前計劃這次旅行時,我選擇的酒店直到旅行前一個月才被確認。 他們在最後2週內進行了更改,說酒店被超額預訂。 我了解這在摩洛哥可能很正常,但有時客戶也需要確定性。 我希望他們可以在預訂系統上有所改進。 再次感謝您為我們安排了精彩的旅程!
Amazing 11 Days Tour (with Ibrahim) We are glad and so lucky to have Ibrahim as our tour guide. He treat us like family members and always make sure that everything went smoothly so that we can just stay relax and enjoy the whole trip. Really appreciate it and hope that we can visit back again in future time. Thank you Ibrahim!
Amazing Experience My friend and I had an amazing experience and are so glad we took the time in our trip to do this tour. Our guide and driver Rachid was incredibly kind and considerate making us feel super comfortable the whole time. The drive through the mountains along the way was breathtaking with plenty of stops for photos or anything we wanted at our own pace. Rachid was wonderful about teaching us a lot about the culture, history, and language. We felt like we got to experience and learn so much more of Morrocco and it’s incredibly diverse landscape by making the excursion. The stay at the Sahara camp and the camel ride was awesome. The accommodations are true stylish glamping and everyone there was warm and inviting. All around a fun, and rewarding experience well worth the travel. Pro tips: request Rachid, he’s the absolute best! Request to stay at Chez Pierre in Dades Gorge, it was so cute and some of the best dining we had. Bring a bottle of wine or two with you to enjoy fireside at the camp. ?
摩洛哥異國之旅& 撒哈拉夢幻奢華營區 人生重要的蜜月旅行我們選擇了Yalla 的Sahara Magic Luxury Camp!從馬拉喀什開始,欣賞精緻雕刻的皇宮、享用香氣撲鼻的塔吉鍋、參觀夢幻謎樣的YSL花園,接著親臨索維拉(冰與火之歌)的磅礴古城、到達德斯峽谷感受大自然的鬼斧神工、在玫瑰谷體驗100%天然的玫瑰精油清香;在伯伯爾原住民家中喝一杯伯伯爾威士忌,看當地婦女磨製阿甘油、編織地毯;在撒哈拉沙漠騎乘駱駝看日落、在滿天星斗下躺臥在營火帳篷上放聲高歌;菲斯古城裡,琳瑯滿目的皮件、陶藝、雕刻藝術品,讓你忍不住剁手替家裡添購新飾品;在舍夫蕭恩這座藍色小鎮,發現當地居民人人都有藝術細胞;最後回到卡薩布蘭卡,讚嘆純白色海上清真寺的壯闊與穆斯林的虔誠;臨走前,在北非諜影的Rick咖啡品嚐時光倒流的片刻寧靜。 非常喜歡我們的司機Abderrahim,在白天無法吃飯、喝水的齋戒月,依然辛苦地開車載我們遊覽各處自然美景,熱情地招待介紹我們許多摩洛哥和伯伯爾人的故事,偶爾還貼心地買當地小禮物送我們,真的讓人覺得很溫暖感動!推薦大家一起Yalla Yalla, 來去摩洛哥體驗全新的旅遊經驗!
Lemon Ng
Lemon Ng
Best honeymoon in Morocco Me and my husband are from HK. We joined the “Yalla Morocco” tour for 11 days. Our driver Lbrahim is professional,friendly and always take care of us. He showed us so many amazing places and introduce different Morocco traditions to us. We had a lot of fun in Morocco. If you guys want to visit Morocco, I am highly recommend to choose Lbrahim to be your driver and tour guide. This is the best honeymoon trip and I will come back here again.
Natalie T
Natalie T
Sahara 3D2N trip Overall experience was great and pleasant. We had driver named Abdol who was very responsible and punctual. It’s not easy to have such a long ride especial Ramadan period. Luxury Camp in Sahara Desert was outstanding and fully equipped. Hassle-free and nothing need to worry about. Food was delicious too. The 3D2N trip from Marrakesh -> Sahara -> Fes is safety and comfortable. No compulsory shopping and overall ppl were polite.
完美旅程 極力推薦司機Ibrahim ,細心、耐心,積極。十一天的行程中,妥善的照顧了我們的各項需求,做了許多出乎預期的服務,他愛好整潔、健談。
Chang Chih Tung
Chang Chih Tung
Magic tour is your best choice It’s my first time post in tripadvisor.I’m from Taiwan,this is my honeymoon in Morocco ,we join 11days 10 night trip. The magic tour is excellent and memorable, Ibrahim is our driver and tour guide. He is the guide humor, professional and friendly. We had a lot of fun there. Following Ibrahim , he will show you more than your expectation. It’s really fantastic. Thank you my friend .BTW his car is very clean.hahaha~
Excellent This is my first time post in tripadvisor. The magic tour is excellent and memorable, we join 3days2night trip. The camp is comfortable and the staffs is very friendly. The Tour guide(driver) -Mr.Abdoul is nice,he takes us to many places to take pictures,and he drives very safty.
A magical trip in Morocco The trip in morocco is really fantastic. We had Ibrahim as our driver. He showed us more than our expectation. We had a lot of fun there. Thanks a lot.
CY Chang
CY Chang
Wonderful Trip in Morocco Got awesome experience in Morocco. Nice view everywhere. And especially thanks to our kind, humor, professional and friendly driver Ibrahim. Miss everything there.
What a magical 4 days of Sahara Tour We are two girls traveling together first time in Morocco. We booked our Marrakesh-Sahara tour via their FB page, which was a breeze. Their communication was quick and thorough. We were given the contacts of our driver a few days before the trip, and we had easy communication via WhatsApp. Our driver was Abdrahim and he was very kind and easy going, and had really good driving skills (we drove through quite a lot of mountain and dessert roads), he is always happy to help with our requests. In short, the trip was BEYOND EXPECTATION! The driver, the food, the accommodation, the places visited, the attention to detail... and also the price, everything was A+. Throughout the whole trip we received messages daily from their staff to check and see if we’re OK, and give us reminders for the next day. We would totally book with them again if we ever return to Morocco. The details: Day 1: Ait Benhaddou Our driver picked us up at our hotel on time, we stopped by a Berber restaurant for breakfast, visited Ait-Benhaddou and climbed to the top, and stopped by a few towns to take pics afterwards. First night we stayed at Riad Rihanna, which was recommended by the company, and it was beyond expectation. The dinner (which was included) was SO GOOD, literally high-end restaurant quality. They even had after dinner music entertainment. The room was clean and spacious, and they warmed it up with a gas heater before dinner. The view of night sky full of stars and the valley in the morning was amazing. Day 2: Dades Gorges, Todra Gorge After having a nice breakfast, we first visited the nearby Dades Gorges with the instagram worthy zig-zag roads and a cliff side hotel. Then we went to Todra Gorges to see the tall canyons that is breathtaking to witness in person. Afterwards we drove towards the Erg Chebbi entrance hotel. Day 3: Merzouga Sahara Desert In the morning we visited a Sahara Berber music and dance performance, had mint tea under a real nomad tent and met a sweet nomad girl, and in the afternoon we went to a Berber carpet shop with a very enthusiastic owner who showed us so many intricate handmade pieces and offered Berber pizza for lunch which tasted delicious. Around 5:30 PM we began the most anticipated part of our trip which is the camel ride into the desert! We were amazed by the desert itself and the serenity, and we stopped by the Erg and took some pictures mid way, before heading for the magic tent for a night’s stay. By the time we arrived it was around sunset, we were greeted kindly by the staff at the camp, and just chilled by the gazebo to watch the pastel colored sunset. The campsite is very stylish, and the room (tent) was hotel quality with marble finished sink. The dinner was held at the large tent, and the food was great and filling. After dinner there was also a music performance by the bonfire. Around 11PM, we asked the staff to turn off the outdoor lighting so we can see the starry sky clearly. There is really no word to describe the starry night at the desert. You will need to see it for yourself. It is truly magical. Day 4: Back to Marrakech, with surprisingly beautiful views along the way After having a filling breakfast at the campsite, we began our trip back to Marrakech. We thought the 12 hour drive would be a bit boring, but when we passed through the atlas mountains, we happened to see the snow left over from the previous night. It was a nice surprise and also a stunning scenery. We have seen the valley, the desert, and now the snow mountain! The beautiful landscapes along the way back made it an easy trip and our driver was kind enough to help us pickup our luggage from our previous hotel and drove us to a new riad we’re staying at. Thanks for arranging this wonderful tour and giving me and my friend a memorable trip to Sahara.
Tsui nga sze
Tsui nga sze
9 days trips in Morocco It is our first time we meet Morocco and we chose the Yalla's Magic tour for our 9 days trip. We enjoy the trip a lot. We visited many beautiful places and all the guys we meet in Morrocco are genuine, honest, helpful, and make us feel welcome. Our driver, Abdol, is a reliable and genuine guy. He took care us and brought us to many amazing places and good restaurants. He also brought us so much fun! Even the tour guides in Fes and Marrakech, all of them are wonderful who brought us to the handicrafts shops with good quality and services in reasonable prices. The Riads we stayed,their decoration and services are wonderful! we will definitely recommend our friends to visit Morocco via Yalla and we are looking forward to our next trip in Morocco!
Mindy Yeh
Mindy Yeh
Wonderful trip in Morocco We had a very fantastic honeymoon from Mar. 23 to Apr. 2, 2019 in Morocco. For Taiwanese, everything in Morocco is novel. Thanks to Brahim, our driver and concurrent tour guide. he always introduced the natural environments, cultures, cities etc. in humorous ways, satisfying our curiosity and increasing our joy. Brahim is a very considerate and friendly person who always thinks about our feelings. We very appreciated his assistance that helped us to retrieve our baggage because of the delay of baggage shipping that caused by the airline. Besides, Brahim is also a very professional driver and concurrent tour guide with very excellent time control, so you can just trust his schedule plan. Thanks to Yalla and Brahim, we took a very impressive and unforgettable journey in Morocco.
12 Magical Sahara days with Hassan Just returned from a delightful journey through Morocco with Sahara Magic and Hassan. We were 6, 3 couples, and knowing what we wanted to experience, we arranged many of the details of our journey with Hassan in advance. He suggested riads for us and let us choose from his suggestions. ...wonderful places.... and also suggested day trips which we thoroughly enjoyed. We traveled for 12 days from Marrakesh, over the mountains, through the Dades Valley, and onto the Sahara, where we spent a few days and nights in awesome luxury at Sahara Magic's camp. Hassan was attentive and gracious both in planning our trip, and as we got to know each other, he made suggestions that continued to enhance our time. When we decided to spontaneously extend our stay in the Sahara, he arranged an extraordinary meal for us, and invited local musicians to join us around the campfire and continue to serenade us through the evening. Camel rides (we added extra time with our camels!), visits to a nomad family's camp were all part of our experience in the Sahara. From there, we traveled to Fez, where Hassan had arranged an excellent guide to accompany us through the Medina, and easily met some of our unusual requests. Our days in Chefchaouen were most delightful: a friendly laid back town, perfect to end our journey. We are well seasoned and independent travelers and this journey worked for us! It allowed us the luxury and freedom to experience Morocco with a guide always attentive to our individual needs, and making suggestions to enhance our time. I recommend Sahara Magic to anyone contemplating a journey to Morocco.
Mary F
Mary F
Morocco is breathtaking and Hassan and and Sahara Magic make it possible Hassan, Abdul and Sahara Magic took us on a magic carpet ride beginning with Marrakech, Essaouira, Ouarzazate, Dades, Rissani, the Sahara, Fez and Chefchahouen. Friendly, professional, knowledgeable and so kind. Hassan knows and loves his country and shares that love and knowledge. Guides are essential in Morocco unless you are fluent in Berber or Arabic. And even then Hassan takes you places you would never go , such as dropping in on a nomadic Berber family who graciously serve you mint tea and peanuts. Hassan and Abdul became our friends and fellow travelers, never intrusive and always fun and informative. I always felt safe. Morocco is a country of kind people Morocco is beautiful,breathtaking and Hassan and Sahara Magic made it possible to enjoy worry free.
Justin Rothman
Justin Rothman
Tour Group That Goes Above And Beyond I've always wanted to go to the Sahara. A co-worker, who has been to Morocco several times, recommended Sahara Magic. I trusted her and booked a 4 day Marrakech to Marrakech Sahara Desert Tour. Hassan seems to be the boss, and communicating with him was very easy through email. He gave me a tour description and quoted me a price. The price was very fair. I didn't have to pay up front, and I confirmed with him a week before the trip that he would pick me up at the airport. Upon arriving in Morocco we were told that our luggage didn't make our transfer. So, we could not leave for the tour straight from the airport. I was a bit anxious, but we met with our Sahara Magic guide, Ismail, and he took care of us. He booked us a Riad on the spot to stay in for that night. He drove us to the Riad and made sure we were checked in. The Riad itself was lovely and right in the Medina. The next day he picked us up from the Riad and took us back to the airport. From there we got our bags back and began the tour. It was an experience that could have been very stressful, but Ismail and Hassan made sure we were taken care of. It was more than I expected of any tour company. Unfortunately, with a day lost, we had to reduce the tour to a 3 day tour (we had reservations we couldn't break with the Riad we booked for after the tour). The tour itself was great. The country is beautiful. The drive was through the Atlas Mountains and a bit of the desert the first day. We made a few stops to eat and get out to walk around certain attractions. Our Riad the first night was very nice and dinner was included. Ismail picked us up from the Riad and we continued driving. We drove through mountains and desert valleys. We again stopped to eat and walk some attractions on the way. Country was still beautiful. We made it out to the Sahara (Erg Chebbi) about sunset. After an exchange of drivers we met our camels and took a short trek to a dune to watch the sunset. We had a guide for the camel ride who was very ready to take pictures. We sat on the dunes for a bit after sunset and rode to the camp. We were greeted by a friendly and personable staff, and had cookies and tea. We got the luxury tents and would highly recommend that (shower/toilet). Dinner at the tent was the best food on the tour. The "restaurant" was beautiful. The stars were the best I've ever seen them, and we stayed by the fire pit for a while and talked to the hosts. The next morning we saw the sunrise, ate breakfast at the camp (again, good food), and started our drive back to Marrakech. We stopped for food but mainly it was a long day and a long drive. We took a different road back and it showcased how diverse the Moroccan landscape really is (mountains, canyons, valleys, desert). We were dropped off at our Riad in Marrakech and said goodbye to Ismail. The tour was outstanding. I was in a very foreign country and didn't have to worry about a thing. Ismail was a great guide. Personable, competent, intelligent, had a great playlist, one of the better drivers I've ever had the pleasure of seeing at work. While I was excited most about the desert, it was just one highlight. I would recommend this tour to anyone.