अति उत्कृष्ट रेटिंग
17 reviews सत्यापित


समीक्षा ( 17 ) 5.0

We komen sterren tekort! Samen met 6 vriendinnen hebben we onder begeleiding van gids Adnan een deel van de Peaks of The Balkans gelopen. Adnan is de beste gids ooit! Vanaf het moment dat we aankwamen op het vliegveld tot het moment dat hij ons uitzwaaide, heeft hij werkelijk alles voor ons geregeld. Van vervoer en verblijf in guesthouses, tot aan mountain tea en extra dekens voor diegenen die het koud hadden 's nachts, hij regelde het! Op sommige momenten liep niet alles zoals verwacht, maar Adnan wist dan altijd het tij te keren. Het begon met onze vlucht van Wizz Air die overboekt was waardoor wij geweigerd werden. We kwamen hierdoor twee dagen later aan dan gepland, waardoor we twee dagen minder hadden om te hiken. Adnan wachtte op ons in Tirana en paste de planning van de trektocht aan in overleg met ons. Het was top hoe flexibel hij hiermee omging. Eenmaal begonnen aan de trektocht, kregen we op de eerste dag een lange regenbui te verduren en heeft Adnan extra vervoer geregeld. Daarnaast werden onze kletsnatte kleren gewassen en gedroogd door de eigenaren van het guesthouse. En dan hebben we nog niet eens gesproken over de mooie bergen en uitzichtpunten van de tocht! Maar wij raden je 100% aan om die zelf te gaan bewonderen met Adnan. Adnan we miss you! Please send us some mountain tea and more blankets. And also, send us the rules of Pishpirik :) See you, Angi and Iris PS. are there just five stars to give a rating?!
Linda d
Linda d
Fabulous trip to Kosovo This trip was wonderful! The tour guide did everything he could to help orient me to the country and its people. He went out of the way to visit sites to accommodate y special interest. He was very invested in making sure I enjoyed my stay. He accompanied me for my required covid test. Just wonderful!
Adriatik Gacaferi
Adriatik Gacaferi
Peaks of the Balkans Trek Balkan is a great choice if you're looking for Peaks of the Balkans trek or other trails or mountains in Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia.
Hors des sentiers battus Plus que des guides, Adnan et Adriatik ont été de merveilleux compagnons lors de notre périple placé sous le signe de la bonne humeur entre Albanie, Kosovo et Montenegro sur les sommets des Balkans (14-28 juillet 2020). Vous pouvez partir avec eux les yeux fermés mais ce serait vraiment dommage car les paysages traversés sont de toute beauté et les gens rencontrés ultra accueillants. Un conseil si cette destination vous tente: dépêchez-vous de découvrir ces montagnes splendides avant que les tours opérateurs internationaux s'emparent des lieux et transforment les chemins en autoroutes à randonneurs. Pour notre part, en ces temps de Covid-19, nous n'avons croisé que de rares marcheurs et, à la seule exception de Theth, nous avons donc pu profiter de la beauté des Balkans en quasi-exclusivité. Notre bonheur n'en a été que plus grand
Anthony S
Anthony S
Peaks of the Balkans The 10-day Peaks of the Balkans trek is an amazing trek. The journey takes you through parts of Albania, Montenegro, and Kosovo and offers some of the best views this world has to offer. I was happy I chose to go on this adventure with Trek Balkan. Adnan is an excellent guide; kind, trust worthy, and an expert on the area. The guesthouses along the way are splendid and you definitely won’t be going hungry. I had a great time on this trek and with this company and would definitely recommend them.
Warren W
Warren W
Best Trek Ever!!! I and two friends spent five nights and six days on the Peaks of the Balkans trail with Trek Balkan in September 2019. To summarize the rest of my review Adnan is the best guide ever and the trail is incredibly spectacular! We were looking for a trek in Europe that would be off the beaten path and hiking the Accursed Mountains from Albania to Kosovo fit the bill. I was very fortunate to get a reference from someone who had trekked with Adnan the year before and so got in contact with him and worked out the arrangements. Adnan far exceeded any expectations we could have had. His communication leading up to the trip was excellent and he took care of the many complex arrangements for transportation and guest houses without fail. He was great fun to be with on the trail, always informative about culture and history. Adnan knew and was obviously thought of affectionately and respectfully by the all the guest house and cafe owners that we stopped at along the way. It became apparent that this was because of his personal qualities of honesty and integrity! We have hiked many spectacular trails both within and outside the US and the trail from Theth to Doberdol to Gjeravica was one of the most varied and beautiful. Though challenging in elevation changes the hiking was made much more pleasant by leisurely stops at the mountain cafes along the trail where beer coffee and food was available. Though the hike was the highlight, Adnan continued to take great care of us in Prizren and Pristina as well, making sure our hotel accommodations were good and bringing us to wonderful restaurants for lunch and dinner where our only complaints was that there was too much delicious food to eat. Based on our experience you can have great confidence in Adnan and Trek Balkan and please feel free to ask him for my contact information if you have further questions.
Jill D
Jill D
Triangle Borderlands This trip, which Adnan helped a friend and myself plan, is one of the best walking holidays I’ve ever done. The scenery was amazing and very varied, the walking sometimes tough but always rewarding and the accommodation everywhere was excellent. One of the highlights for me was the opportunity to meet locals in the mountains and spend time hearing their stories, with Adnan translating. Adnan is a great guide and was always willing to adapt to what we wanted; he went over and above to make sure we had a great time. This part of the world is so beautiful and I will definitely be returning in the future hopefully with Trek Balkan as my guide.
Marinela-Lumini... D
Marinela-Lumini... D
Discovering Kosovo The trip I went in Kosovo this year, started from curiosity. After it was over, I realized I wanna come back and explore more. Kosovo mountains are wild and amazing, with landcapes that remain in your mind forever. In this trip we went on Gjeravica, the highest mountain 2656 m and then on Guri I Huq 2522 m, we also did the via ferrata in Peje, the short version. As for the food and accomodation everything was excellent, the Kosovo people are very welcoming and the food is amazing, so prepare yourself for a feast. Adnan, our guide it's a very nice and calm person, which I highly recommend, and has patience to explain everything you want to know about the country. I will definetly come back ️
Chas A
Chas A
Triangle Borderlands tour, July 2019 A friend and I were return visitors to the southern Balkans and Adnan had guided us both on a visit last year. He and Gonxhe were very professional in the planning of this tour as we asked for some small alterations to the itinerary to suit us. Adnan is a great guide as he knows all the trails extremely well and he has good English language skills. He also has a very engaging personality which allowed him (and us) to interact freely with anyone we met along the way, including local residents. The tour includes some excellent and varied hiking and outstanding scenery. We enjoyed excellent weather, although I personally would prefer to hike in cooler weather in the spring or autumn.
Memorable walk in Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro We had an incredible 7 day hike on the Peaks of the Balkans trail. Adnan helped us to plan our itinerary, recommended accommodation and pointed out highlights along the way. He also arranged our border permits for us. He clearly knows the area extremely well, as everything he suggested enriched our experience enormously. Thank you Adnan for being so generous with your time and helping us enjoy this wonderful destination!
Hiking in Kosovo Iulie 2019 Hiking in Kosovo , 11-14 Iulie 2019 from Romania to Kosovo I spent three days in different places from Kosovo, along with my friends, and I can say that all the conditions were great, especially the food. Have a good bread that makes you addicted, if you put salt, you go home fatter with a surplus of 2 kg. The first day we climbed with Adnan on the Gjeravica peak of 2656m, the second day we climbed Guri and Kuq 2522m of the complex with the same name, and the third day we went to a "via ferrata", to which we only made the short route and it was great. Also, before we left, we visited a nice waterfall inside a Restaurant complex.
Adnan is the perfect guide אם אתם מחפשים מדריך מעולה לפעילויות חוץ בקוסובו אלבניה והסביבה אנחנו מאוד ממליצים על Adnan (אדנן) מחברת Trek Balkan. יצרנו אותו קשר כדי לתכנן את הטרק Peaks of the Balkans. אדנן הוא מדריך מעולה. מכיר את כל האזור ככף ידו, מקושר עם כל המקומיים ומוערך על ידם. הוא השיג לנו מחירים מעולים ונתן לנו מגוון אפשרויות לבחירה. הוא תמיד היה זמין, חזר מהר עם תשובות מדויקות והכל בחפץ לב ובשמחה. נשמח להרחיב למי שמעוניין
Ruth E
Ruth E
Outstanding hiking in Albania We had an amazing time with Gonxhe and Adnan. It was really easy to make contact and as we got closer to the meet up we were in touch regularly. We weren't quite sure what we wanted but the team came up with a perfect itinerary for us. We were collected in Tirana and driven to Theth (passing a restaurant with a beautiful view in Shkoder). The last section of the road trip was quite exhilarating and I'm glad I wasn't driving! On our first full day we hiked around Theth which gave us a chance to really absorb the beauty of the area (and some of the many waterfalls). On the second day we hiked the Valbona pass. It was quite demanding but totally worth it. The views from the top were stunning. The next day we walked around Valbona. The plan had been for something a bit more demanding but Gonxhe was brilliant and found us something a bit more gentle on our muscles when we asked for it. The next day we had a trip down lake Koman and up one of its tributaries, Shala River. I couldn't believe how few tourists were there considering just how beautiful the area is. Trek Balkan arranged all our accommodation in lovely guesthouses. They provided breakfast, a packed lunch and dinner each day. Whenever we were in a place where people didn't speak English Gonxhe brilliantly stepped in and sorted everything for us. We have so many fond memories of our time with Gonxhe (and Adnan, who was leading another group along side ours). We hope they go from strength to strength. Thank you so much.
Peaks of Balkans Adnan is a great guy. He is trustworthy and competent, cheerful and communicative, one of the best guides I have ever met. A true expert in his field. I did their The Peaks of Balkans tour two years in a row 2017/2018 and I was extremely satisfied.The tours offered by Adnan and his team are simply fantastic and worth every penny. Enjoy your time with Trek Balkan
Gent B
Gent B
Theth-Albania Our trip in Theth-Albania it was amazing. We stayed there for three days and we had a wonderful time with Trek Balkan in Albanian Alps, trekking from Valbona to Theth and back. For us it was the mos beautiful place that we have ever visited. I want to thank our guide, her name is Gonxhe, she was very nice all the time, and did her job in the best way possible for us! For all of you who want to visit alps, who likes hiking, and who want to enjoy the nature, I recommend Trek Balkan!
Steffen M
Steffen M
On the High Scardus Trail Adnan guided us on parts of High Scardus Trail from Rabdisht to Shishtavec. He organized transport from Bajram Curri to starting point of our hiking tour in Rabdisht, accomodation on our way in Rabdisht, at Grama Pass, in Radomire and Caje. Main luggage was transported by horse. After the 4 day hiking trip, he organized transport from Shishtavec to Kukes. We liked very much the beautiful nature of the hills and mountains in that part of Eastern Albania close to the border of Macedonia. It was a real adventure to hike this trail as one of the first pioneers. All local people on that trail welcomed us very friendly. Meeting the friendly locals and learning about their culture and traditions made this tour a unique experience. Adnan is a friendly and reliable guide and I would recommend him as tour guide for other hikers in this part of Albania.
Wundervolle Wanderung Valbona-Theth-Koman Wir sind zusammen mit Adnan aus Prishtina nach Valbone gefahren und haben dort in einem tollen authentischen Dorfhaus übernachtet. In Valbone sind wir dann direkt losgewandert, um die Umgebung zu erkinden und haben nachts bei wunderschönem Sternenhimmel ein Lagerfeuer ausgelegt. Als wir zurück zu unserem Dorfhaus kamen, war schon leckeres typisch-albanisches Abendessen angerichtet! Einfach perfekt! Am nächsten Tag nach einem stärkenden Frühstück, ging es dann zur großen Wanderung über den Valbona-Pass nach Theth. Adnan hat sich eine interessante Strecke ausgesucht und konnte uns viel über die Umbgebung erzählen. Auf der Spitze des Berges hat uns die majestätische Aussicht völlig umgehauen! Das muss man gesehen haben! Der Aufenthalt in Theth war auch schon super von Adnan organisiert. Am nächsten Tag sind wir dann zu einem See gewandert, der zurecht als "blaues Auge" bezeichnet wird...inmitten von Wald und Gebirge befindet sich dieses tief blaue Wasser! Außerdem besuchten wir einen Turm "Kulla e ngujimit", der für die albanische Kultur eine sehr wichtige Rolle gespielt hat. Dort bekamen wir eine super interessante Führung! Zu guter letzt fuhren wir von Theth zurück zum Stausee Koman und fuhren mit einem kleinen Boot, das exklusiv für uns war, über den See. Es war fantastisch! Wir hielten an einem Restaurant, welches völlig ab von der ganzen Welt in Mitten der Abhänge war, umgeben von Wasser und Steinstrand...wir waren einfach überwältigt. Dieser Trip war top organisiert und der Preis ist einfach unschlagbar! Ich finde es so wichtig Menschen, wie z.b. Adnan, zu unterstützen und nicht irgendwelche kommerziellen Pauschalreisen zu buchen. Adnan war sehr flexibel und konnte alle unsere Wünsche einbeziehen! Das war sicher erst der Anfang unserer Erkundungsreise durch das wunderschöne Albanien!