Turkish Airlines


Turkish Airlines Reseñas

Evaluación BUENO
37195 reviews Verificado
Turkish Airlines


Reseñas ( 6609 ) 3.5

amber montoya
2024.10.09 2024.10.09 | Turkey
Always quality service Turkish Airlines never regrets. It offers a flight opportunity at a higher level of quality every time. I use Turkish Airlines every summer, especially for my trips to North Africa. Travelling with Turkish Airlines increases my holiday quality.

Fecha de la experiencia: 05 Octubre, 2024
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Akif Atakul
2024.10.09 2024.10.09 | Turkey
A top-level service I will always prefer Turkish Airlines for long-haul flights. The service is really at a very high level. I would not have guessed that my flight to Australia would be so comfortable.

Fecha de la experiencia: 08 Octubre, 2024
Acun Ilıcalı
2024.10.08 2024.10.08 | United Kingdom
Very comfortable Economy class was better than I expected. I was very comfortable and enjoyed the whole flight, everything was very well thought out.

Fecha de la experiencia: 06 Octubre, 2024
Musa Eroğlu
2024.10.08 2024.10.08 | Turkey
a satisfying journey Although it was a short flight, I really enjoyed it. It was a quality flight experience. I was very satisfied with the seats, food and other services.

Fecha de la experiencia: 07 Octubre, 2024
Hssc S
Hssc S
Turkish Airlines Business Class: Pessima esperienza! Ho volato in Business Class da Milano Malpensa a Guangzhou con i voli TK1876 e TK072 il 3 settembre 2024, ed è stata un'esperienza deludente sotto molti aspetti. Le poltrone erano rotte, sporche, e il personale di bordo scortese e per nulla disponibile. Per un servizio di business class, ci si aspetterebbe ben altro. Il peggio è arrivato con il ritardo nella consegna del mio bagaglio, che mi è stato restituito solo tre giorni dopo (il 6 settembre alle 7:00 AM). In quei tre giorni di attesa, sono stato costretto a comprare vestiti, articoli da bagno (compresi prodotti per la rasatura e profumi) e tutto ciò di cui avevo bisogno per partecipare a importanti incontri formali durante un viaggio di lavoro. Dopo aver presentato tutte le ricevute a Turkish Airlines, mi hanno offerto una somma irrisoria di 225 USD—l'equivalente di 75 USD al giorno per coprire tutte le spese, una cifra ridicola per chi si trova costretto a gestire imprevisti del genere in un viaggio di lavoro. Aggiungiamo che l'importo offerto è lordo di tasse non meglio specificate, il che rende il tutto ancora più deludente. A peggiorare la situazione, il rimborso non viene gestito da Turkish Airlines, ma dalla sua compagnia assicuratrice, che probabilmente è messa peggio della stessa Turkish, visto che non hanno nemmeno i soldi per sistemare i loro aerei. Veramente ridicolo. Purtroppo, un'esperienza che non consiglio, soprattutto per chi vola in business class aspettandosi un livello di servizio adeguato al costo del biglietto.
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Chris d
Chris d
Airplane was overbooked & promised compensation never paid, after countless attempts Turkish Airlines sold too many tickets for my flight and then refused to grant me access to the airplane, even though I bought the flight ticket months in advance. As a compensation, I was offered 400 euro's, but that seems to have been a fraudulent promise. I already filled in and signed all the necessary forms at the airport, but as then later told I had to do it again online. I subsequently did, over and over again. First they will find new excuses not to pay (wanting wet blue ink, instead of an online signature for example, even though that was not specified and it takes a month to reply that). Then if you get all the details right and they cannot think of another excuse not to pay, they will just ignore you. It's been more than a year now, and countless e-mails and forms filed. Nothing has been paid yet. I do not recommend anyone flying with Turkish Airlines.
Emy T
Emy T
Senior traveler Nightmare: denied boarding on connecting flight, 3K surcharge, lost luggage, return flight not honored! A good deal turned out be my mother's nightmare, denied boarding, mistreated, charged over 3K to add her to the next flight, lost luggage, placed a claim requesting the return flight be honored, which was answered 3 days later after the return date. Had to purchase additional flight for over 1,2K (still cheaper than what they were charging) total miss with this airline. Please consider other routes to have a stress-free trip to Greece!!
Sanjay R
Sanjay R
Airlines with Cheap Staffs. I’ve just had my second terrible experience with Turkish Airlines, and it’s safe to say I won’t be flying with them again. My first experience was awful, but due to the short flight time, I reluctantly booked with them again, only to regret it even more. The ground staff at Istanbul Airport were extremely unprofessional and unhelpful. Many didn’t speak English and treated passengers with a disrespectful, almost arrogant attitude. Some even displayed racist behavior. My flight was scheduled for 10 am, and I arrived at the gate by 9:40 am. Despite the boarding bridge still being connected to the plane and staff present at the gate, they refused to let me board, claiming the gate was closed. There was no “last call” announcement, and the flight display only read “GO TO GATE,” without showing any warning that boarding was closing. I wasn’t alone – there were eight other passengers in the same situation. We were all sent to the customer care center, which was anything but helpful. Once again, no one seemed to speak English, and the staff didn’t care about our situation. To make matters worse, they tried to charge us 900 Euros for rebooking the same flight, even though the online price was only 460 Euros. It felt like a blatant attempt to overcharge and take advantage of us. To top it all off, Istanbul Airport itself was a nightmare. Despite Türkiye’s official currency being the Lira, everything was outrageously overpriced in Euros. For instance a can of coke is 6 euros, and no singles food is less then 20 euros , even McDonald’s is charging 20+ Euro for a single meal. – a total rip-off. This experience has completely soured my view of Turkish Airlines and Türkiye. No matter how cheap their rates may seem, it’s just not worth the hassle, poor treatment, and hidden costs. I will never fly with Turkish Airlines again.
Frank R
Frank R
Grausame Business Klasse. Was wird diese Airline hochgelobt, oder lobt sich selbst. Für mich war das die schlechteste Business Class, die ich in den letzten 10 Jahren geflogen bin. Wurde von Lufthansa wegen Flugausfall auf Turkisch umgebucht. Ich hatte mich tatsächlich gefreut. Soviel Gutes wird über die Airline verbreitet. Von Bremen nach Istanbul waren von 20 Business Seats nur 8 besetzt, davon 3 Kleinkinder. Mein bestellter Fisch war bereits aus, obwohl ich der vierte war, der gefragt wurde. Mein Senator Status wurde hier ignoriert. Ich wette, der war gar nicht geladen worden. Ofenfrisches Brot aus der eigenen Bäckerei, alles Fake. Das Essen habe ich komplett angetestet und habe es alles zurückgegeben. Der Sitz war uralt. Die Toillette roch nach alten Füßen. Der Flughafen in Istanbul soll ja auch klasse sein. Kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Wahnsinnige Laufwege. Offenbar nur eine Business Lounge. Riesengroß und auch hier. Die Speisen sind wie im Flugzeug allein auf türkische Küche ausgerichtet. Wer die nicht mag, so ich, ist hier auf verlorenem Posten. Ruhezonen konnte ich nicht entdecken. Der 9-stündige Hauptflug nach Mauritius startete um 01.30 Uhr. Zum lange schlafen völlig falsche Abflugzeit. Der Sitz eine einzige Katastrophe. Gefühlt 50 Jahre alt. Uralt und knüppelhart und man lag mit der Hüfte auf einem Scharnier. Ein ausgelutschter Topper der reinste Witz. Ich habe mir alle Decken drunter gelegt, damit ich nur etwas schlafen konnte. Die Maschine war 2-2-2 bestuhlt. Ein riesiger total offener Raum, kein bisschen Schutz. Ablagefläche zum Nachbarn 14 cm breit zum teilen. Internet Totalausfall. Toilette roch auch nach alten Füßen. Keine Erfrischungstücher. Es roch wie in einer Küche ohne Abluft. Als ein Mann mit Kochmütze fragte, was ich essen wolle, habe ich höflich abgelehnt. Für mich war diese Flugreise einfach nur grausam. Auf der Website wird eine ganz andere Business Klasse angepriesen. Ich komme mir vor, wie auf einem türkischen Basar. Nie wieder Turkish Airlines. Und das soll die Beste Airline Europas sein? Es ist die schlechteste.
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Overall a good airline I note this airline has many bad reviews but I cannot fault our flights from London Gatwick to Cappadocia via Istanbul and return flights. The plane was pretty new I think, the in flight entertainment was excellent with very recent movies and games. The meals and snacks were the best I have tasted and I have travelled with many airlines. Our only gripe was at airport security - at Cappadocia - arriving after two flights to have to pick up your suitcase and put it through a security screen before you could leave the airport. Nobody there to help the elderly! at Istanbul - leaving the Country was a nightmare - again you had to heave your suitcase onto a conveyor belt - plus phones etc - which passed through a security screen. Once through Border Police and check in we had to go through Security again - minus suitcase. Then at the Gate there was discriminate security!
Удобство и комфорт К сожалению, самолеты стали пускать старые по нашему направлению. Одна из стюардесс всем видом показывала нам свое высокомерие ( непонятно перед кем выпендривалась), за это молодые люди, сидевшие впереди постоянно ее ругали. На вызов могла прийти минут через 5. Хотя в салоне нас было 5 человек и во время обеда долго ждали напитков. Перед этим молодого человека, который нас прекрасно обслуживал , отправили в конец салона и мы остались без должного сервиса. В целом полет прошёл нормально.
Марина К
Марина К
Прекрасный полет Летели а/к Турецкие авиалинии 25.09.2024 г. Москва-Анталия и обратно 04.10.2024 г. Прекрасный взлет и мягкая посадка. В Анталию милые стюарды и позитивные, из Анталии-серьезные и сосредоточенные. Разговаривают на английском. В полете предлагали воду,соки,чай и сэндвич. В Москвы вылетели с задержкой рейса,обратно строго по расписанию. Была небольшая турбулентность, о чем сообщили по громкой связи на русском языке. Долетели даже менее чем за обозначенные 4,40. Два года назад самолеты были оснащены экранами и было горячее питание, здесь лоукостера,но нам все понравилось. Полетим ли мы Туркишами,однозначно да.
Good airline Nice airline had 4 separate flights on the trip no issues good service and even given a hot sandwich and drink on a 1 hour internal flight. Planes from London to Istanbul and return were 777-300 good service and staff. The entertainment system was good with a fair range of films, if you join their frequent flyer scheme think this allows you free access to internet. Istanbul Airport is impressive
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Aminata D
Aminata D
Tellement déçu, c de la publicité mensongère pour attirer les gens. Plus jamais, sur le site Turkish airlines m'a vendu un billet avec un escale de 20h prise en charge par le tourism tour et à grande surprise arrivée à Istanbul vers les 23h, Je me suis rendu à l'accueil de Turkish airlines pour être transporter à l'hôtel car le prochain vol est prévu le lendemain 18h ( convention), non c à vous de vous prendre en charge, on a juste un bon repas pour vous. Imaginez vous vous retrouver seule dans une ville où vous ne connaissez personne. Et la raison, entre les 2 destinations il y a eu plusieurs vols, c'est parce que je pouvais prendre d'autres vols avant cette heure donc c à moi de me prendre en charge. Donc livré à moi même 20h d'escale. J'ai pris mon billet à plus de 800 euros. J'ai dû payer une chambre d'hôtel avec transport 180 euros. Un hôtel sale avec voir les photos. J'ai payé un déjeuné à plus de 1100 de leur monnaie. Je devrai partir de l'hôtel à 14h négocier avec l'agence de l'aéroport, ils m'ont demandé de libérer la chambre à 13h . Je suis resté de 13h à 15h dans le hall de l'hôtel. Voir photo du hall. Je me suis fait arnaqué par Turkish airlines avec toutes les preuves.
Worst airline company With Turkish airline there is always a surprise just round the corner,they pride themselves on letting costumer miss there connecting flights.if it happens 1-2 times i understand but it happens to me 4-5 times on 2 occasions i had to stay on airport for a day.for those reasons i stopped using them but my bad luck i choose them today again and again they have made me missed my connecting flight and what they offer in return! Food coupons for burger king its a joke of a company i dont understand how they got this big by delaying flights.be very careful with them go with emirates or qatar if u want to be on time.
Turkish Airlines is THE ABSOLUTE WORST AIRLINE Turkish Airlines is absolutely the worst airline I have ever dealt with. Their complete lack of responsibility and failure to preform even the most basic of tasks is completely embarrassing. First I was denied boarding to my connecting flight from India to Kathmandu because they said I needed a travel Visa for India which YOU DO NOT. I got confirmation from my travel insurance and the airport in India that I did not need a visa to make a connecting flight within an international terminal in India. With zero compassion or explanation Turkish Airlines made me leave the gate and miss all of my connecting flights afterwards. I asked for help to get a new flight and they refused to help, they literally said just go get coffee and see what happens. Just absolutely embarrassing customer support. On my return flight from Instanbul to Chicago I was notified that Turkish Airlines did not put my checked bag on the plane (I have an air tag) so my bag is currently in Instanbul. When I told the airline they said they were not responsible and I'd have to contact United Airlines who I used to fly to Chicago to Denver. Turkish Airlines forgot my bag in Instanbul but somehow it is United Airlines responsibility in Chicago? Every flight I've had with them took off late due to them waiting to board until 10 minutes from flight time then taking FOREVER for their staff to get the plane ready. So many people missed important connecting flights and when they ask for help the flight attendants say oh just go get coffee and see what happens. If I could get this airline negative stars I would. After sprinting from 1 flight to another due to their late departure I barely made a connecting flight only to have my passport checked 4 times by 4 different people standing within a 15 foot radius then they dumped my stuff out of the bag to swab for "bombs" then walked away saying you need to hurry your flight is waiting. No kidding maybe don't dump my entire bag out leaving me to reorganize everything when you KNEW the flight was waiting on me to depart. I've traveled to over 40 countries and have used multiple international airlines and Turkish Airlines is by FAR the worst. Just absolutely insane how this qualifies as an airline. They should be brought up on criminal charges and shut down. If they gave me a flight for free I would immediately turn it down, that's how bad they are. Worst experience in my whole travel career and just absolutely embarrassing that they call themselves professionals.
Change seats on boarding time ! Bad company changed seats and gave them to Turkish citizens! They didn’t even ask or inform us why did they do this they just did ?
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Evan T
Evan T
This airline is a mess! Turkish Air is impossible. We booked a trip to Turkey on Turkish Air with a number of trips around Turkey as part of the trip. We were constantly receiving notices that the flight times had been moved or cancelled. We had to move flights around to make connections as a result. We had bought a round trip business class ticket to Istanbul and wanted to trade in the return leg for a ticket to Malaga (also on Turkish Air) They were so difficult to work with we ended up just buying the tickets to Malaga and eating the cost of the leg to DC. It is a shame because the people who work on the planes are nice and the service is good. I wouldn't fly them again though.
Anthony F
Anthony F
Be careful where you spend your money! I arrived at the airport on time but wasted a lot of time trying to find the right parking location for my rental vehicle. When I finally found the right place, I rushed to the gate to get to my flight. I got there 5 minutes late and was talking to a lady at the front desk. She was checking in another passenger on the same flight without a problem right in front of me but decided not to check me in. I told her I understood the situation and that I was sorry for what happened and for causing trouble. I begged her to let me through, even asking her to leave my bag behind and let me fly without it because I was flying to go see my family who I had not seen in a very long time and it would have been a huge problem to reschedule the flight. However, she did not want to listen in the slightest, and when I mentioned the fact that she just let another passenger go, she said I was too late and would not be able to do anything and would not do anything to help me. At this point, after talking to her and other employees for a while and trying to see if they could get me on another flight, they told me I had to contact the travel agency I purchased the tickets through, which told me this was not possible because Turkish Airlines canceled my ticket already. I then gave up and tried to buy a one-way ticket to get to my location and then use the same return ticket I previously purchased. However, this was not possible either, because since I could not make the first flight, this was considered a no-show, and they canceled the ENTIRE ticket so I could not use the return ticket to come back home. I then was forced to purchase a whole new two-way ticket and lost all the money for the previous ticket. They told me there was nothing they could do but give me points back on my account, but even this was not useful because there was a $350 dollar charge to get the points in my account, and then a $400 dollar penalty charge once I actually used the points to purchase the ticket. They are not willing to help their customers in any way and have stupid policies that just complicate everything. What a joke, I will never book with them again and I hope others won’t fall for this scam too. Be careful!
Grauenhaft Angekommen am Flughafen heißt es, wir haben nurnoch einen Platz frei, einen von beiden müssen wir auf Standby setzen. Auf die Frage , was das heißt, meinte die Dame, Sie haben keinen Online Check In gemacht, somit haben wir keinen freien Platz mehr in der Maschiene, wenn die Maschiene in 4 Stunden einen Platz hat, können Sie mit der fliegen. So eine Unverschämtheit haben wir noch nie erlebt und wir fliegen minimum 4 mal im Jahr. Selbstverständlich sind wir völlig eskaliert und standen 40 Minuten am Schalter und haben ewig lange Diskutiert, wir waren bereit, für 260,- Euro einen Businessplatz zu buchen um nach Hause zu kommen, das ging wohl und einen Platz meinte sie gäbe es, als sie auf buchen gehen wollte war aber auch dieser schon ausgebucht, dass war Ihr dann aber so unangenehm das sie dann meinte, ihr könnt doch beide fliegen. Neue Masche Turkish Airlines: die Flüge werden einfach überbucht, was wohl auf meine Aussage, dass dies ziemlich dreißt dafür ist, dass diese Airline eine Award anstrebt auf Beste Fluggesellschaften völlig legitim und rechtens sei. Angekommen beim Boarding erging es vielen weiteren Passagieren ähnlich, einige durften nicht fliegen und andere waren da, die schon am Vortag hätten fliegen müssen mit der selben Masche. Schämt euch, ehrlich, ab sofort NIEWIEDER Turkish Airlines. Ps. Im August waren wir wieder auf dem weg Bodrum-Stuttgart und durften nicht die Toiletten betreten. Alle 4 Toiletten waren außer Betrieb. Sorry aber das ist beschämend. 06.10.2024 Flug 12.20 Uhr IST-Stgt