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Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines Reviews

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Reviews ( 7763 ) 3.5

Aneesh m
Aneesh m
Boycott Turkish & Indigo airlines
Turkish and Indigo airlines are selling tickets from Stockholm to New Delhi but these are not single PNR tickets, even if you get single PNR. Both code share partners dont want to take the responsibility of delayed flight, wrongly checked in baggage (only to Istanbul) and missed connection. Worst customer service and airline.
Afuah A
Afuah A
Terrible experience. Will never use again
The male staff were unbelievably rude on both my outbound and return flights from London to Ghana. On my outbound journey I had a staff member shout at me like a child and point for me to “sit back down now!” when I tried to get something from the overhead storage, instead of politely asking me to sit back down and put my seatbelt on as the seatbelt sign had just come on. Staff’s communication skills need to be improved. The same staff member later on during the flight looked at me like I was making their life difficult when I requested for some water, and handed it to me so rudely -literally nearly dumping it on my lap! I tried to stay polite and not react during these incidents, but inside I was fuming! On my return journey another different male flight attendant was once again rude; using a very rude, abrupt tone when I asked if he could take my empty drinking cups which they had forgotten to take. He informed me very rudely and abruptly “I can’t take it, just put it in the holding section”. In contrast, the female staff on the outbound and return flights were extremely professional. This was my first time taking Turkish Airlines, and it will most definitely be my last. I will go back to using British Airways and KLM to fly to Ghana from London. I don’t know if these male staff don’t enjoy their work, or are just poorly trained and don’t know how to provide good customer service. Whatever the reason, I shall be taking my money to a different provider where staff know how to conduct themselves professionally.
Alborz S
Alborz S
Terrible customer service
Needed to reschedule my flight and was more than happy to pay the extra fee, but they told me my only option was to cancel the flight and mentioned rudely that I needed to notice my ticket rights at the time of reservation!
Leo V
Leo V
Non-existing customer service and assistance
It began with a first delayed flight end of Feb. 2025 due to bad weather, leading to missing the connection flight in IST later that day. After following the instructions we have been sent to various desks, waiting for another hour only to be sent to the next one. Countless employees but overall a massive lack in customer service and organization, to the point you'd feel lucky if at some point you'd actually get help and a solution to your problem. Return flight beginning of March: Following a leg injury at the end of our stay, I thought of getting some assistance at IST, due to the size of the airport and the long walks this involves to reach your gate. Talked to different employees from the 'wheelchair' company, all with the same answer: you don't have a reservation. They would insist on that after I pointed out that many of the electric wheelchair drivers with no passenger don't look that busy.. It is shocking, for someone who asks for a little help in these situations, basically a 5-10 minutes drive to the gate and that bit of your time, to get a straight NO to your request. You just hope nothing goes wrong while you're in a modern airport, to the way to or back from your trip. Horrible experience. Twice in 2 weeks.
Airlines managements /luggages department
3 of my suitcases ruined by Airline, I did claim whatever I have every respond I get that do I have receipts for it, they pushed really hard to pay a penny , it’s very frustrated and rudeness I have proof that plane baggage door stuck 1,5 hours and leak subsrtance on my languages all over, they ask me if I get them cleaned even though I showed them all destroyed and cat be repaired and repeatedly they ask me cost of loss and receipts .. they asked non sense and impossible proves not to pay their fault, I didn’t not recommend them at all and I will write this post every social media they are on.
Mary S
Mary S
Never Again
I paid for seating and because the flight put me on a flight 12 hours later, I did not even receive my assigned seat refund. It destroyed 2 days of vacation due to their making me late (1/2 hour) for my connecting flight. I will pay more for another airline, because I lost more by loosing 2 days of my vacation. Humans need sleep for good health.
Tom M
Tom M
Do not fly with this airline.
Originally booked with Turkish Airlines for my trip to Istanbul in February only to be informed with only a few days notice that my flight was cancelled due to "operational issues". So I rebooked to fly out a day later only to be informed the next day (only two days before my flight) that this flight had now been cancelled. I had already booked them to fly to Jordan in March and given their cancellations of my previous flights I was apprehensive but it was already booked. I fly in three days and was yesterday informed that my flight had been cancelled, again for "operational issues" and that I was rebooked on a flight 8 hours later resulting in a 12 hour lay over. I thought "not the end of the world, at least I will still get there the day I planned". However, Turkish airlines truly out did themselves and cancelled AGAIN. For both instances I was fortunate that there were alternative viable flights from airlines that actually do their jobs and provide the service they say they are going to. However, it is unacceptable do mess customers around the way Turkish Airlines have. Given I value booking with an airline that bring customers to the destinations they say they are going to, I will never book with Turkish Airlines again and I advise you to do the same.
Jacqui A
Jacqui A
Rude Horrible Aggressive
Checkin staff in Istanbul were rude, aggressive and refused to offer assistance or answer questions. Spoke Turkish to each other laughing and looking at customers smirking. When we asked about connecting flights they told us to work it out it’s not their problem. NEVER FLY THIS AIRLINE
Salvatore D
Salvatore D
Vergognosa...e dir poco. Mi hann frantumato una valigia business porta attrezzatura e sono 15 gg che non mi rimborsano. Mai piu
Ciara S
Ciara S
Old plane - poor quality - not worth the money
Old dirty plane. Felt like premium economy. Do not waste your money on Business class with Turkish Airlines. Go with another airline.
kendrick d
kendrick d
Are you here to help or not
Terrible customer service. I informed the Turkish airline agent that I had accidentally selected the wrong flight time after my original flight was delayed. Immediately the agent notified me that if I wanted her to change my flight for FREE she was not going to help me. I expected the agent to say, OK sir let me look at the mistake and try to help you, I'm informing you that there may be a flight fee if I change your flight time. I just needed to be on a different flight no matter the cost.
No customer support...very unfriendly
Never ever with turkish airline....vienna customer service is really a desaster Istanbul airport due to inflation too expensive...forget this airline...take the arab airlines or the western europe one
Ricardo P
Ricardo P
Turkish: una decepción total.
2 Vuelos cancelados, 32 pasajes sobrevendidos, malos tratos en los mostradores, demoras en los 4 vuelos, rotura de equipajes, equipajes mal despachados, un desastre total. La peor aerolínea en la que he viajado en mi vida, y he viajado en muchísimas. Ni siquiera las líneas de bajo costo son tan horribles. Una decepción total, no lo recomendaría a nadie.
soheil s
soheil s
How do they manage to be so bad?
It would be bad citizenship if I don't write about my experience with Turkish airline. If you plan to book a trip in which one possible airline option is Turkish, please make sure you have adjusted expectations. I travel often from the US to the Middle East and tried different airlines. This time I chose Turkish because it has sightly shorter duration on the longer leg compared to other service providers in the region (Qatar, Emirates, etc). But unfortunately I didn't get what I wanted (shorter trip) and also missed some other basic services. With Turkish airlines, you can happily book a flight and make travel plans accordingly. But the airline doesn't feel obliged to commit to that booking. They very very often cancel some legs of your flight likely due to the fact that the leg is not being fully booked. This selfish cost saving approach won't stop there. In my case, it led to a major layover duration increase (from 1.5 hr to 7 hr). And as you may have guessed, they don't care for your time and won't even mention a penalty. Having a 7 hr layover, I decided to book a lounge at Istanbul airport (IGA premium lounge - costing about 100 euros per person). I won't bother readers with describing quality and variety of accommodations at the lounge. But it's good to lower your expectations about a lounge if you think it's supposed to be a comfy area for resting and good food. In IST, if you could find a feasible spot to rest (like taking a nap), you should be proud of yourself. And lastly, after all the misery, we arrived at the destination (Newark NJ) with two out of five checked luggages missing! Again, it might be surprising to a regular reader, but it's very usual for Turkish airline staff if you ask them. The airline had only seven hours to transfer our luggages and this is indeed error prone. You may be more lucky with >10 hr layovers next time. When are we getting our missing luggages? Again, no one knows! Why am I writing this? Just to vent a little. I'm sure the effect would be none. But hope some of you may change your mind before falling in the trap.
Rory S.
Rory S.
To change the last name on your ticket, contact Turkish® Airlines™ customer support at +1_866*284_3o22™(OTA). For legal name changes, you may need to provide supporting documentation, such as a marriage certificate.
Sławomir J
Sławomir J
Turkish Airlines - total lack of interest in passengers
Unfortunately, it turned out that Turkish Airlines does not treat passengers equally on all lines. On December 27, 2024 we flew from Istanbul to Cotonou (Benin). The plane (if I'm not mistaken Boeing 737) was almost full - maybe 2-3 seats vacant. Upon arrival, it turned out that no luggage (for all passengers) arrived with us. We received our luggage on January 2, 2025 after 6 days of “struggle” and daily questions when our luggage would arrive at the airport. When it turned out that the luggage finally arrived we had to make our own arrangements to pick it up. I understand that anything can happen, but from an airline boasting that it is among the top five airlines in the world I expected: - A modicum of interest in what happened, It is the airline that should keep us informed when the luggage will arrive and not us calling them every day - A simple word of apology, not to mention compensation for organizing the transport of luggage to the place of our stay at the time or for shopping for the most necessary personal hygiene products and underwear for a change of clothes Immediately after returning to Poland, we complained to Turkish Airlines about the situation (each separately, on January 15-16), and after almost two months of waiting, the matter “is still under consideration”. Immediately after returning home, we complained to Turkish Airlines about the situation (each separately, on January 15-16), and after almost two months of waiting, the matter “is still under consideration.” Therefore, Turkish Airlines has lost at least some possible future passengers. Probably this is not a problem for them, but this is why I warn against traveling with this airline.
Start, Flug , Landung, Mitarbeiter, Essen alles erste Klasse. Ich werde wenn es möglich ist immer wieder mit Türkish Airlines fliegen.
Jade C
Jade C
Appalling! Unethical, dishonest, no accountability!
Appalling outward journey…. First flight delayed by over an hour… weren’t able to reserve seats on app (suspect overbooked seats) … weren’t given boarding passes in Manchester for onwards flight as they said we had to collect in Istanbul… were then not able to use the short transfer gates in Istanbul… ran through the airport as quickly as possible (my elderly mother nearly had a heart attack), arrived at the gate one minute after the gate closed and denied boarding with around 10 others also denied, some of whom were also travelling on to Zanzibar from Manchester, and who had been at the gate on time but told there were no seats! We then spent the next five hours in queue after queue after queue to eventually arrive at a hotel that was neither near the airport or central to Istanbul and couldn’t fly for almost 24 hours. The replacement flight also wasn’t direct, it was via Kilamangiro. The airline staff were not sympathetic and the queues were huge. The airline is now refusing to provide compensation which we are legally entitled too. They say it was out of their control. I will be submitting a complaint to their regulator/ombudsman and, failing that pursuing court action. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!!
Unzumutbarer Service und katastrophale Kommunikation bei Turkish Airlines
Ich kann nur jedem dringend davon abraten, mit Turkish Airlines zu fliegen. Unsere Erfahrung war mehr als enttäuschend und absolut stressig. Wir hatten einen Thailand-Urlaub über DERTOUR gebucht, der auch Flüge mit Turkish Airlines beinhaltete. Vorab hatte ich für alle 4 Flüge Plätze mit mehr Beinfreiheit direkt bei der Airline gebucht und bezahlt. Alles schien geregelt, bis ich kurz vor dem Urlaub zufällig in der App von Turkish Airlines nachgesehen habe und feststellen musste, dass meine Frau und ich plötzlich getrennte Sitzplätze hatten – ohne jegliche Vorab-Information. Ich rief die Hotline an, wo mir eine unfreundliche Mitarbeiterin erklärte, dass der Fehler bei DERTOUR liege. Als ich versuchte zu erklären, dass ich die Sitzplätze direkt bei Turkish Airlines gebucht habe, wollte sie mir das nicht glauben und bestand auf ihrer falschen Erklärung. Das Gespräch endete in einem Streit, da die Mitarbeiterin schlichtweg inkompetent und unhöflich war. Erst nachdem ich das Reisebüro kontaktierte, wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass die Airline das Flugzeug gewechselt hatte – aber darüber wurde ich nicht informiert. Als ich dann auch noch bei einem anderen Flug (HAM-IST) feststellte, dass auch hier die Plätze willkürlich geändert wurden, ohne dass mir jemand Bescheid gab, war ich vollkommen enttäuscht. Während des Urlaubs wurde die ganze Sache dann noch schlimmer. Beim mobilen Check-in waren meine Frau und ich wieder getrennt, und die App zeigte falsche Informationen. Erst am Schalter in Bangkok stellte sich heraus, dass wir doch die ursprünglich gebuchten Plätze hatten – jedoch erst nach einer Stunde Warten und vielen Unsicherheiten. Die mangelnde Kommunikation und die dreisten Lügen der Hotline-Mitarbeiterin sind für mich ein absolutes No-Go. Ich werde nie wieder mit Turkish Airlines fliegen, vor allem, weil ich so etwas noch bei keiner anderen Fluggesellschaft erlebt habe. In den letzten 20 Jahren, in denen ich regelmäßig fliege, war dies mit Abstand der schlechteste Service.
Jane B
Jane B
Worst experience ever
I had the worst experience ever dealing with Turkish Airlines’ customer service in Istanbul. The staff were incredibly rude—by far the rudest people I have ever encountered—and their behavior left me feeling completely disrespected and frustrated.