
JoinMyTrip Reviews

118 reviews Verified


Reviews ( 115 ) 4.8

Dob Penkov
2024.06.19 2024.06.19 | Netherlands
Don’t even try JoinMyTrip is not a working idea because most of the offered trips don’t have a single enrolled participant. On the other hand, everybody could be kicked out from confirmed trips at the trip leader discretion. In both cases there is a high risk that the trip doesn't happen, and the traveler will lose money, e.g. on flight tickets. Therefore, it is useless to join a trip with JoinMyTrip.

Date of experience: 13 June, 2024
Christian Hübsch
Christian Hübsch
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Als Tripleader bin ich seit über einem Jahr ein begeisterter Teil dieses Konzepts und möchte meine Erfahrungen teilen. Das Tripleader-Programm hat mir die Möglichkeit gegeben, viele inspirierende Persönlichkeiten kennenzulernen und wertvolle Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Das Konzept hinter JoinMyTrip ist einfach großartig. Es fördert nicht nur persönliches Wachstum, sondern auch den Austausch mit anderen motivierten Menschen. Durch meine Teilnahme habe ich gelernt, wie wichtig es ist, sich ständig weiterzuentwickeln und sich neuen Herausforderungen zu stellen. Die Community, die sich um JoinMyTrip gebildet hat, ist wirklich etwas Besonderes. Man trifft hier auf so viele verschiedene und interessante Persönlichkeiten, die alle auf ihre Weise inspirierend sind. Der Austausch von Ideen und Erfahrungen ist dabei besonders bereichernd.
Apsari Otty Wigana
Apsari Otty Wigana
For my very first solo travel, it helps me a lot to find other travelers also the trip leader is super nice. Hope the payment can be easier for Asia countries.
Patrick Ghanem
Patrick Ghanem
I recently had the pleasure of exploring "JoinMyTrip" for planning an upcoming vacation, and I must say, the experience exceeded my expectations. The website boasts an intuitive design, making navigation a breeze. I was particularly impressed with the wide range of trip options available, catering to various interests and budgets. One of the standout features for me was the community aspect. It’s not just about booking a trip; it’s about connecting with fellow travelers who share similar interests. This added a unique personal touch to the planning process that you don’t often find on other travel platforms. Great Experience, Kudos JMT!
Christopher Gaspar
Christopher Gaspar
Jan Brückner
Jan Brückner
Hat echt Mega Spaß gemacht!!!!
Lars Langrusten (LL)
Lars Langrusten (LL)
Only protects trip leaders to make revenue. I had booked a trip to south korea last october to go in 2024 October-1 year in advance. Had paid inly deposit ofc. I made 1 of my friends join too. But app allows the trip leaders to make anyyyy damn changes to trip after we book with deposits including changing the num of trip mates. Sounds fair right?? 🤌 Then I contacted the trip leader to know if any accommodation or anything at all is booked to get an idea 10 months in advance in jan 2024, for which she replied saying not able give specifics yet and to contact her in "A FEW MORE MONTHS". Made sense. So I and my friend immediately cancelled to get deposits back! Fun! We got less than 50% of our deposits each and most funny part, each one of us got different amounts even 😅 Asked JMT via email to explain the logic behind refund % schema, no reply since 4 months now 😅 friend asked them in WhatsApp, same, ghosted 😅 the trip leader is a heavy money maker to JMT with full time trips and max trips 😉🤣 SO MAKE TOTAL SENSE 😅 Another fun part is including this influential trip leader, many others make trips to countries they've never been before or hv no single remotely close clue even!!!! 🤣 imagine a western person "leading" a trip to an asian/ african country for 1st time in their life! 🤣 good luck if you are on that trip 😇 try to lead yourself 😉 1 ⭐️ bcs can't give 0.
mit nem MOIN um die Welt
mit nem MOIN um die Welt
Es war meine zweite Reise die ich über JMT organisiert habe. Leider stornierte eine Mitreisende kurzfristig. Da ich schon den vollen Betrag erhalten hatte wartete ich auf eine Mitteilung seitens JMT wie nun verfahren wird. Über de Schriftverkehr seitens des Tripmates mit JMT war ich immer informiert. Und wie soll ich sagen, dieser war mehr als unterirdisch und widersprüchlich. Angeblich seien Mails nicht angekommen (blöd nur wenn man auf antworten klickt und die Mail die angeblich nicht angekommen ist mitgesendet wird). Niemand wusste Bescheid und niemand war nun befugt zu handeln da in den AGB‘s etwas anderes stand als in FAQ‘s wusste auch niemand an was sich zu halten ist. .de Mailadressen werden übrigens nicht auf die .com Mailadressen weitergeleitet. Was ziemlich unglaublich klingt und ist. Ob ich noch mal eine Reise über dieses Portal organisiere ist fraglich.
Sonnen Blume
Sonnen Blume
Ich habe über hier einen 3 Wöchigen Trip für über 1800€ gebucht. Auf Grund eines familiären Trauerfalls musste ich diesen stornieren. Ich habe sowohl per Mail als auch per Telefon versucht Kontakt aufzunehmen. Ohne Erfolg. Meine Mails werden konsequent ignoriert. Whatsap Nachrichten und Anrufe ebenfalls. Ich versuche es bereits seit 3 Wochen. Auch der Tripleader erhält keine Antwort. Bei der Buchung wurde angezeigt das der erste Teilnehmer innerhalb 30 Tagen kostenfrei stornieren kann. Dies wurde aber in der Bestätigung nirgends erwähnt. In den Stornierungsbedingungen wurden angegeben bis 10 Tage vor Abreise nun haben sie dies auf 7 Tage nach Buchung geändert. Alles höchst dubios.
In Evitable
In Evitable
Support Business Home
Support Business Home
Dear Admin Your Facebook Business Page, JoinMyTrip .has experienced a potential security breach. We take your security seriously, and it's important to address this issue promptly. Here's what you need to know: Issue Detected: Unauthorized access to your page settings was attempted from an unrecognized location. What to Do: 1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): To enhance security, we strongly recommend enabling 2FA for your account. This will require an additional authentication step for access. 2. Secure your account now : Sincerely thank! Meta security group
Christina Dehola
Christina Dehola
Very disappointing. I had booked a trip to Mexico a few months ago. Unfortunately on August a member of my family got diagnosed with cancer. I felt very uncomfortable to participate in the trip while my family is going under so much sadness. So I cancelled the trip, for which I had paid the first deposit. The reply I got on September the 1st was: "Since you cancelled outside of the free cancellation period we contacted your TripLeader and requested the maximum refund. As soon as the money is in our bank account we will add the platform fee and you will have your money back within just a few days." So I was fine with that until I got a second mail saying: "After conducting a thorough review and maintaining close communication with your travel guide, we deeply regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed with your refund request. The deposit you submitted has already been utilized to secure accommodations and transportation for the trip. Your guide has shared all relevant booking details with us, and we have verified their validity." In other words, if you have paid some amount and your travel guide can prove that this money has been used for bookings already, this money is gone. Even if something happens to you or your family, you can't take any refund back. This is the worst refund policy I have ever experienced in my entire life. Be careful with your trips via Join my Trip. Money back is anything BUT guaranteed.
Reply from JoinMyTrip 2023.10.09
Dear Christina, Again, we are super sorry to hear about your situation and can fully understand that you are not going to travel. Before we go into details: we _always_ honor our money back guarantee. Same applies in your case. What we promise is very easy: if you cancel within a certain period you get every single penny back. We always paid our debts and will keep on doing so. However, your case is different - as you mention yourself: you canceled outside of this period. Obviously, we did everything we could to talk to your TripLeader. Believe us, we invested quite some time as your case is special. The agreement between you and your TripLeader is very easy: money will be reimbursed if the reimbursement will not put anyone in a worse position. For your trip this would be the case, because either your TripMates or your TripLeader would have to pay what you get reimbursed. Both wouldn't be fair to either party. I guess this is easy to understand. What I'd like to do, is offering you a discount for your next trip as well as transferring the platform fee back (every single penny!). Please contact We wish you all the strength you need and are sure that your relative will come back to full health. Your JoinMyTrip team
Priyanka Chatterjee
Priyanka Chatterjee
It has given me a opportunity of Pro tripleadyto fullfill all my dreams of travelling round the globe... So three cheers for the growth and development of Join My Trip from my end ..
Saurav Sundas
Saurav Sundas
Reply from JoinMyTrip 2023.09.04
Hi Saurav, thank you so much! Spread the word 😊👍
A great platform to find unique trips around the world. It's perfect if you don't want to travel alone and travel in a small group. I can highly recommend it.
Reply from JoinMyTrip 2023.09.04
Hi Sanne, thanks so much for.your kind words. We always try our best!
Komisches Konzept. Leute organisieren Reisen in Länder, die sie gar nicht oder kaum kennen und das soll dann super authentisch sein. Hab mir jetzt gerade mehrere der Reisen in verschiedene Destinationen, die ich gut kenne oder bewohne (bzw. bewohnt habe) angeschaut und keine einzige dieser Reisen bietet etwas besonderes. Würde empfehlen, nicht mit einem xyz über idese Plattform zu reisen, der sich offensichtlich nur seine eigene Reise von den Mates finanzieren lassen will, sondern entweder wirklich bei Veranstaltern vor Ort zu buchen (nur dann bleibt auch das meiste des Geldes in den Ländern) oder bei einem der zahlreichen spezialisierten kleinen Reiseveranstaltern in Deutschland. Da bekommt man mehr authentisches ohne Fake.
Reply from JoinMyTrip 2023.09.04
Hi Georg, we are very sorry to hear this. Not sure who you are referring to and when this experience happend but we are very happy to talk and fix things!
Niels MueWi
Niels MueWi
Great experience 😍 Met amazing people. Still remembering my first trip and will never forget👌
Reply from JoinMyTrip 2023.09.04
Thanks so much! Hope you enjoyed your other trips just as much 😉
Hasim Taskin
Hasim Taskin
War mit JoinMyTrip zwei Wochen in Italien. Absolute Weltklasse. Super Leute und wirklich keine Standardreise. Kann ich nur empfehlen und werde selber sicher wieder mitreisen.
Raghav Vijaywargiya
Raghav Vijaywargiya
the best way to travel
Harry Krueger
Harry Krueger
I had a great trip to Libanon with a fantastic group organized via JoinMyTrip. Can only highly recommend it, both JoinMyTrip and Libanon. Everything was very safe and well organized.