Reviews ( 74 )
rakotoniaina Angelson Andry Alain
Une voyage en famille bien agéable que nous avons eu. merci à tous
Nous sommes ravis d'apprendre que vous avez passé un agréable voyage en famille ! 😊 Toute l'équipe vous remercie pour votre confiance et votre gentil message. Nous espérons avoir le plaisir de vous accueillir à nouveau pour d'autres aventures à Madagascar !
Alessio Di Paolo
Abbiamo fatto un circuito di 15 giorni con questa agenzia e ci è piaciuta molto.
L’autista Maefa ha guidato con molta professionalità su strade e piste di sabbia in modo incredibile ed è stato di buonissima compagnia.
La nostra guida Laurencia è stata molto brava, siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti.
C’è stato un piccolo inconveniente durante il tour che è stato prontamente risolto dall’agenzia.
Vi ringraziamo infinitamente per questo fantastico viaggio.
Caro Alessio Di Paolo,
La ringraziamo sinceramente per aver condiviso la sua esperienza positiva con noi. Siamo lieti di sapere che il circuito di 15 giorni le è piaciuto e che il nostro autista Maefa e la nostra guida Laurencia hanno contribuito a rendere il suo viaggio indimenticabile.
Ci scusiamo per il piccolo inconveniente avvenuto durante il tour e siamo felici di averlo risolto rapidamente. La soddisfazione dei nostri clienti è la nostra massima priorità.
Speriamo di avere il piacere di accoglierla nuovamente per future avventure.
Cordiali saluti,
Il team di Madagascar Circuits Tours
Edijs S
Madagascar Cirquite
Amazing, Beautiful Madagaskar cirquite. Nirina organised super 25 days Holiday. I warmly recommend Madagascar Cirquite!
Marina Maran
Ho inviato a Nirina una richiesta per un tour del Sud Ovest per 2 persone in 4x4, indicando alcune mete che volevo visitare e chiedendo di integrare con altri posti interessanti: dopo poche ore avevo già ricevuto un itinerario ed un preventivo, che si è poi rivelato in linea o più economico di altri ricevuti più tardi. A richiesta, ha prontamente inviato anche il prezzo nel caso in cui si fossero unite altre 2 persone, cosa che poi non è avvenuta.
Dal 3 al 15 agosto, il giovane autista Tsina ha guidato con maestria sulle peggiori strade che si possano immaginare (ad una sola corsia, con guadi e traghetti, buche profonde e dossi altissimi, polvere e sabbia a non finire) e la giovane guida Laurencia ci ha spiegato in ottimo Inglese gli stili di vita delle diverse tribu malgasce, facendo tutto il possibile per soddisfare le nostre richieste extra programma (ad esempio organizzare una visita notturna nella foresta Kirindy per osservare i micro lemuri).
Anche se molto faticoso, a causa delle lunghe ore trascorse in auto tra polvere e sobbalzi e per il cambio giornaliero di hotel, il tour è stato MERAVIGLIOSO.
Cose più importanti viste lungo l'itinerario: Lago Tritriva, Allée des Baobab, moltissimi villaggi, Foresta Kirindy, Grande e Piccolo Tsingy, Belo sur Mer, Saline d'Antsira, Ifaty, Tulear, Mahafaly Limestone Plateau, Sapphire Rd, Isalo Park, Anja Park, Ambalavo (lavorazione carta), Fianarantsoa, Ranomafana Park, Ambositra (lavorazione legno), Antsirabe (lavorazione corna di zebu), Ambatolampy (lavorazione alluminio), Antananarivo.
Chi progetta un tour di questo tipo, metta in conto che servirà un po' di spirito d'adattamento: in diverse località non arriva l'elettricità e col generatore o i pannelli solari non sempre c'è acqua calda o si può usare un asciugacapelli (la sera, in agosto, le temperature sono intorno ai 15 gradi!). Però le sistemazioni proposte da MCT erano tutte carine e pulite, e offrivano ottime colazioni e anche cene di buona qualità.
Unica rimostranza: nel viaggio di 2 giorni Morondava-Belo Sur Mer-Ifaty, tutto su piste di sabbia, siamo stati costretti, per ragioni di sicurezza, a spostarci insieme ad un'altra 4x4 di MCT. Ci era stato assicurato che ogni giorno saremmo stati davanti per la metà del tempo, in modo da dividere equamente il disagio per chi sta dietro di respirare polvere. Tuttavia, nonostante le nostre ripetute e accorate lamentele, è stata avanti sempre l'altra auto, e noi abbiamo inalato montagne di polvere per 2 giorni interi. Non ci è stata fornita nessuna spiegazione valida: la vera ragione rimane un mistero (lauta mancia promessa dall'altra auto? anzianità di autisti/guide? Chissà...).
A parte questo inconveniente, è stata un'esperienza fantastica e mi sento di consigliare senz'alcun dubbio la MCT.
Gentile Marina,
La ringraziamo di cuore per aver condiviso la sua esperienza dettagliata con MCT. Siamo felici di sapere che il tour è stato per lei "MERAVIGLIOSO" e che Tsina e Laurencia hanno contribuito a rendere il suo viaggio indimenticabile con la loro professionalità e dedizione.
Apprezziamo molto i suoi commenti positivi sulle sistemazioni, gli itinerari proposti e l'efficienza nella pianificazione del viaggio. Il suo riconoscimento ci motiva a continuare a offrire servizi di alta qualità ai nostri clienti.
Ci dispiace sinceramente per l'inconveniente riscontrato durante il tragitto Morondava-Belo Sur Mer-Ifaty. Comprendiamo il disagio causato dalla posizione del veicolo e dall'esposizione alla polvere. Le assicuriamo che prenderemo seriamente in considerazione il suo feedback per migliorare la coordinazione tra i nostri autisti e garantire una migliore esperienza in futuro.
La ringraziamo ancora per la sua comprensione e per averci consigliato senza alcun dubbio. Speriamo di avere l'opportunità di accoglierla nuovamente e rendere il suo prossimo viaggio ancora più piacevole.
Cordiali saluti,
Il Team di MCT
Mara W.
After 18 years I returned to Madagascar. This time to show my family (including 3 kids from 10 to 16years) the beauty of the country. Nirina planed a great tour for us, including all our wishes. The tour was full of adventures. Our Guide Benson, was great too. The tour was well organized. At the end we had to change the route because of my health condition. The company found a solution very quickly. While we continued our program, they organized everything in the background. And the hotel in Mantasoa was so nice to relax and calm down. Thanks for everything! And also a big thank you to our three really save drivers we had.
Thank you so much for your heartwarming feedback! We're thrilled to have been able to accompany you on your return to Madagascar after 18 years, and especially to have helped you share the beauty of this country with your family. It's a pleasure to hear that your trip exceeded your expectations, filled with adventure and seamlessly organized. We're also delighted that our team was able to quickly adapt to your needs when your health required a change in itinerary. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we're overjoyed that you found the hotel in Mantasoa to be the perfect place to unwind.
A big thank you also for your kind words about Benson and our drivers. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back to Madagascar for more discoveries!
Olivier Chulliat
Nous avons parcouru Madagascar en famille (3 enfants de 12 à 17 ans), en 3 grandes zones (centre, ouest et nord). Nous avions indiqué à Nirina les sites que nous souhaitions visiter. En moins de 24 h, il nous a retourné une proposition qui correspondait parfaitement en termes d'organisation, de parcours, d'hébergements et de prix.
Le voyage s'est parfaitement déroulé au niveau organisation. Nous avons toujours été accompagnés d'un guide et d'un chauffeur quand cela s'imposait. Les guides sont très sympas, les chauffeurs conduisent très prudemment. Ils nous font découvrir leur pays avec enthousiasme.
Nous recommandons sans réserve.
Merci beaucoup pour votre avis chaleureux et détaillé ! Nous sommes ravis d'apprendre que votre voyage en famille à Madagascar a été une expérience mémorable et que notre organisation a répondu à vos attentes. C'est un réel plaisir pour nous de savoir que vous avez apprécié les guides et chauffeurs qui ont partagé leur passion pour ce magnifique pays avec vous. Votre recommandation nous touche énormément et nous espérons avoir l'opportunité de vous accompagner dans d'autres aventures à l'avenir. Merci encore pour votre confiance !
Nirina et l'équipe de Madagascar Circuits Tours.
Patricia G. Poteat
The team at Circuits Tours organized a wonderful tour for us. 4 days in Siribhina, 4 days in Singi, Kirindi and Morondava. Thanks to the good care and convenient services we had the chance to see wildlife and meet the local people. We really recommend them to many.
Susan Hartman
If you want to travel to Madagascar then I would suggest you to book with Circuits Tours.They organized the whole trip for us, always very friendly and attentive and willing to help with everything. And our driver! Perfect trip for us, they are a great agency knowing all the situations that might arise and introducing us to the Malagasy culture. I recommend this company.
Charles Parker
We spent 2 weeks in Madagascar with Circuits Tours and they were excellent. They provide many facilities and are open to all kinds of suggestions and suggestions before and during the trip. The drivers that accompanied us were both very friendly, with very interesting information on all corners of the country. It may seem expensive, but both cars were very comfortable and properly maintained, we had no problem at all and felt like we were traveling in our own country.
James S. Jackson
This family trip organized by Circuits Tours was awesome! The team at Circuits was able to create a trip for us to meet this wonderful country and its inhabitants that we were able to fulfill. We stayed in some great places, and with locals too, which made this trip rich in every way. We cannot describe what we felt in a few lines. Thank you Circuits Tours for being able to offer us this tour, for your professionalism, your knowledge of this country was great. Thanks to our driver and guide. We are back wanting to go back and make another trip, see you soon.
Thank you very much for your warm and detailed review! We are delighted to hear that your family trip with Madagascar Circuits Tours was an exceptional experience. It is a real pleasure to know that you enjoyed the places you stayed and the encounters with the locals, making your stay rich in discoveries and emotions.
Your satisfaction is our greatest reward, and we will pass on your thanks to our team, especially your driver and guide. We would be thrilled to welcome you again for another unforgettable adventure. See you soon!
Best regards,
The Madagascar Circuits Tours Team
Tyler R
Amazing tour across Madagascar
My wife and I spent 2 weeks exploring Madagascar with Nirina's team and Madagascar Circuit Tours and had an amazing time. Nirina supported us in developing an itinerary that fit our timeline and desired sites, and the team on the ground was organized and professional.Traveling in Madagascar can be challenging at times and the team made us feel safe and comfortable the entire journey. The team was quick to adjust and modify our itinerary as we went basis our preferences ensuring we were able to see the incredible sites Madagascar has to offer (turtles, lemurs, chameleons, tsingy, baobabs).
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Vriendelijke groet,
Enrico D
Maximum reliability!
We relied on Nirina to plan a tour that avoided the usual hyper-crowded tourist circuits and without any objection she satisfied all our requests. We crossed the country from West to East, even managing to visit the Tsingy park in April when all the other tour operators had refused. Nirina often interfaced with our guide, Laurencia, to be updated and even when there were small delays (due to the airlines) he immediately offered to find us a hotel that could accommodate us even for a few hours. Everything took place in great safety and without ever a problem. Every day the program included numerous activities that turned out to be unique experiences and beyond our expectations.
Antonio C
Super professional
I would like to thank Nirina for her patience, her professionalism and the speed with which she was able to respond perfectly to all our needs and adapt to our requests in a very short time. We travel a lot, we know very well what we want and it is often not easy to find someone who understands us, we are not very demanding, we like to understand and learn cultures and in this Nirina has everything for us immediately understood by giving us valuable advice. Anyone intending to visit Madagascar will definitely find the right person with him.Thank you, and thank you also to Olivier, excellent driver
Pascale Jaquand
Malgré un petit contre temps, Nirina de l'agence Madagascar Circuit Tours a su réagir. Nous avons pu savouré ce merveilleux voyage en famille grâce aux talents de notre guide Radou et tous ses contacts. Madagascar est un pays authentique, magnifique, peuplé de gens sincères et bienveillants. Tout au long de notre périple, nous avons décliné tous les synonymes du mot magnifique. Nous n'avons qu'une hâte y retourner.
Pascale, Samir, Lola, Lisa
Bonjour Pascale, Samir, Lola, et Lisa,
Nous vous remercions infiniment pour ces mots chaleureux et pour avoir pris le temps de partager votre expérience avec notre agence. Nous sommes ravis d’apprendre que votre voyage en famille à Madagascar a été à la hauteur de vos attentes, malgré le petit contretemps initial. Nirina, Radou, et tous nos collaborateurs sur place mettent effectivement tout en œuvre pour offrir des moments inoubliables à nos visiteurs. Madagascar est effectivement un pays qui a tant à offrir et nous sommes heureux que vous ayez pu explorer sa beauté et rencontrer ses habitants accueillants. Nous attendons avec impatience de vous accueillir à nouveau pour de nouvelles aventures.
L'équipe de Madagascar Circuit Tours
Svitlana G
2-day tour near Tana
Remaining 10 days in Tana, I asked Nirina for a proposal for a 2-day outing at the last minute. Very responsive, he offered me a 2-day tour of Andasibe National Park. Very complete tour, very well organized with passionate guides, I highly recommend Nirina's services
Denise R
The Great South of Madagascar
We traveled throughout the south of Madagascar with the MCT agency. More than 3000km in 4x4. Two friendly couples with our driver. 34 days of travelThis journey was truly a wonderful adventure, very well supervised by the people at the MCT agency. It was truly a moment which allowed us to discover magnificent landscapes, bush villages taking very little used trails.The descent of the Tsiribihina, the bush tracks, the ascent of the Pangalanes canal, the Isalo park, the contacts with the local population were enchanting.Despite the poverty, the population is really very welcoming. Thanks to Helinirina and her teams for the organization, kindness and professionalism they demonstrated. We will keep wonderful memories of this trip.
Marita W
East/west Madagascar Tour
I had a wonderful experience with Madagascar Circuits tour. I booked an 8 days trip covering the east and west of Madagascar.I was a bit skeptic to transferring 30% of the cost beforehand, but I received a voucher from Helinirina a few days later.The driver, Tina and guide Hasina made the trip amazing. Tina was a safe and experienced driver and Hasina shared interesting facts and stories during our travels. Hasina and I shared a few beers/cocktails in the local bars. They were both very kind and confortable to be around, and always on time.I enjoyed seeing lemurs, chameleons, birds, baobabs as well as the different landscapes. We also visited some local arts and crafts shops with possibilities for souvenir shopping.Most of the places I stayed over at were nice, with air-condition, wifi,good breakfast and swimming pools. The trip were supposed to end in Morodova Airport, but as I was saying to nights in Tana before heading home, the company organized pickup and drop-off at the Ivato Airport at no extra charge. Thank you! I highly recommend Madagascar Circuits Tour.
Cindy R
Go for it with your eyes closed!
After a detailed comparison of several agencies in Madagascar, we chose Nirina for our trip. And we did well! He is very serious and professional, he did everything to offer us the best possible service. The circuits are very well designed, and we were able to adapt the circuit to what you wanted to do. The driver and guide who accompanied us during the trip was quality, and very interesting, with impeccable conduct. We learned a lot, and we were amazed. We benefited from Nirina's wise advice throughout our trip. Thanks to Nirina, we had a wonderful vacation, where we were able to completely disconnect.
Perfect week in Madagascar
Everything was so wonderfully arranged by Nirina and team. Our guide Laurencia was knowledgeable and considerate of our needs. The trip was beautiful and Nirina's time estimates for getting from one location to another were spot on, not easy to figure out given some of the slow traffic and roads. Madagascar has been on our list for many years and Nirina and team helped that materialize in the best way. thank you!