Geothermal Exhibition

Geothermal Exhibition Reviews

GOOD rating
1440 reviews Verified
Geothermal Exhibition


Reviews ( 1440 ) 4.2

understanding how Iceland harnesses geothermal energy This complex explains how Iceland captures energy from deep wells to generate electricity and to heat the city of Reykjavik. There is also information about carbon capture and storage which is at the cutting edge of climate change science. The building itself is a beautiful modern space, with plenty of light. The exhibits are instructive and clear. There are several videos explaining how geothermal energy is used. The view of the turbines at the rear of the building are a fine example of how industry can be both efficient and beautiful. It was also pleasing that the cost of the Exhibition was less than most museums or other tourist sites in Iceland.
Jan Skvaril
Jan Skvaril
Great experience of a “cloud factory”
You won't miss it if you're driving towards Reykjavik. You can see steam from cooling tower steam billowing out on the highway. The self guided exhibition is quite small, you don't see a lot. The most interesting thing is the glimpse into the power plant and they have good signage explaining what you are seeing. Price is approx 2.400 isk which is quite pricy for approx 1 hour spent there
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.10.04
Thank you for your review, we're glad you enjoyed your visit to the exhibition and the views into the power plant!
Ben travels
Ben travels
Hellisheiði-Kraftwerk – Ein faszinierender Einblick in Islands Geothermie Das Hellisheiði-Kraftwerk ist ein absolutes Must-See für alle, die verstehen wollen, was technologisch in Island passiert und wie das Land seine natürlichen Ressourcen nutzt. Hier bekommt man spannende Einblicke in die geothermische Energiegewinnung und wie Island diese Kraft der Erde nicht nur zur Energieproduktion einsetzt, sondern auch intensiv forscht, um innovative Lösungen für die Speicherung von CO₂ zu entwickeln. Die Führung durch das Kraftwerk ist lehrreich und zeigt, wie Island weltweit führend in Sachen erneuerbare Energien ist. Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie das Land seine einzigartige Lage und die geothermische Aktivität nutzt, um sowohl für sich als auch für die globale Gemeinschaft nachhaltige Technologien voranzutreiben. Ein sehr interessanter Ort, der sowohl technologische als auch umweltfreundliche Innovationen präsentiert.
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.10.04
Thank you for your review, we're glad that you enjoyed your visit to the exhibition!
Jason C
Jason C
Excellent self-guided tour of a cutting-edge geothermal and carbon sequestration facility for the new carbon economy Important exhibit and essential stop during visits to Southern Iceland. There are clear expositions and explanations of the plate tectonics, the history of the development of the geothermal industry in Iceland---the pant at Hellisheidarvirkjum delivers steam heat to the Reckyavik district heating system and generates electricity to the grid, a combined heat and power (CHP, an example of a cogeneration system) solution---and of the Icelandic Solution for capture and mineralizaiton of CO2, SO2, and other pollutants.High quality museum shop with interesting books and other goodies. Also a good-looking kids' room, if the opinions of a youngish geezer counts for anything.I hope the Icelandic experts will help the Californians---two polities who are on the cutting edge of the new carbon economy--write Carbon Accounting for the Compleat Idiot. And that lots of people meet here, at the meeting room next to the turbine room, as we grow the Carbon Economy response to the climate crisis.
William S
William S
Interesting Though Rather Technical Stopped in to visit a working geothermal facility. They offered a 15 minute description of plant operations and the history of geothermal in Iceland. The talk was quite technical so my absorption was limited. Still interesting. There are some good exhibits as well.
Nicholas Cazzaniga
Nicholas Cazzaniga
Sandra M
Sandra M
Very Interesting My husband has wanted to see this for many years. So we did a self drive on Golden circle in order to stop here. It was very informative & interesting. Highly recommend. We learned that this is a process in order to get the power & heating. More complicated than I had imagined. Iceland does a great job of using their natural resources.
Alex Snaden
Alex Snaden
Not worth stopping for. Only view inside the plant is a partial glimpse into the turbine hall through a blurry window. Minimal information on the facility itself and the process. Majority of the display space was based on video exhibits. Something you can do at home. If you have a deeper interest in power plants skip this one and find a proper tour.
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.10.11
Hi Alex, thanks for providing us with this feedback - we're sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your visit. We do have a lot of other displays that are not video-based, and we have a self-guided audio tour that was developed with engineers from the power plant that goes into quite a lot of detail. We apologize if this was not explained to you when you arrived. We hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Iceland!
Margaret S
Margaret S
For the science folks This is very cool for anyone interested in how geothermal energy works and recapturing CO2 in the atmosphere as well. They do a good job of laying out how the whole process works and how exciting this can be for the world.
Calixto García-Plaza -
Calixto García-Plaza -
Chris Conroy
Chris Conroy
Loved it! So impressive what they are doing
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.08.27
Thank you for the review, great to hear that you enjoyed your visit!
Owain W
Owain W
Really good exhibition with lots of informative visuals and physical media. Loses a star as were 15 minutes into the video displayed on a projector when 4 tour buses turned up and an employee reset the video back to the start to appease the 50 people who walked into the room. We didn't get to finish the final bit of the video and weren't going to wait the 15 minutes for it to appear again. We were paying customers too and felt this was rather rude and ignorant.
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.08.16
Thank you for the review, we're glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit! We will speak with our team about the video, it should not be done in this way so thank you for bringing this to our attention. We hope that you enjoyed the rest of your stay in Iceland, and thanks for visiting the exhibition!
Andreas Fertl
Andreas Fertl
It was informative but so is watching a youtube video. I think it is overpriced for what you get.
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.07.26
Hi Andreas, sorry to hear you feel that way! If you'd like to suggest ways we can improve we are happy to hear them - just send us an email to Enjoy the rest of your time in Iceland!
Eliane Camus
Eliane Camus
The geothermal exhibit is interesting but definitely overpriced considering the time spent inside. We took our time and stayed around 20 minutes, apart from several videos you don’t get much to see. All the boards are explained in English language only and the displays are not very interactive.
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.07.24
Hi Eliane, thank you for taking the time to give us feedback! We're glad that you found it interesting, but sorry to hear that you didn't stay long. All of our displays are in Icelandic and English, though we do have information available in other languages at the front desk. We offer an audio guide for a more in-depth experience that typically takes 45-60 minutes, and have several displays and stations outside of the audio guide. We are currently in the process of updating both the audio guide and adding additional stations, and adding additional languages to the audio guide. We are always looking for ways to improve, so we appreciate these comments and will pass them along to our development team. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Iceland!
Kári Valgeirsson
Kári Valgeirsson
Very informative! The exhibition goes in depth about how Iceland is utilising geothermal energy for both electricity and hot water and the staff is incredibly knowledgeable and approachable! A must see for everyone, including Icelanders.
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.07.24
Thank you for the review! We're glad to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the exhibition and will pass the compliments along to our team.
Yesterday I visited the National power Company Exhibition which was free and very interactive and we were the only guests there. Because of that I wanted to try another exhibition and found this one. The exhibition lacked the fun and interesting aspects I was hoping for. Instead we got walls of text, and stones with texts. Even toilets at the cheapest N1 stop were better. And then you don't even get warm water to wash your hands after reading half an hour about the nice benefits of geothermal energy and how no households need a boiler etc. But at least they have soap? Well it's 99% water and 1% soap. If you want to visit a museum, please skip this one. *********** Original reply from the museum: Hi Daniel, we're sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your visit to the Geothermal Exhibition. It sounds like you missed a significant part of the exhibition. We have textual displays, but in addition to this we have interactive displays (like the production wheels on the top floor), art instillations (like the immersive Agndofa room that showcases the surrounding landscapes), maps, distribution grids, diagrams, rocks and minerals, operational parts like turbine blades and a pipe cross-section, six different videos around the exhibition, and viewing platforms for the turbine halls and over the back working area to name a few of our highlights. We are not sure how you went through with seeing only walls of texts and stones, but we are again sorry you didn't enjoy it. Regarding the comments on the bathroom sinks, we took a look this morning. We found one sink in the downstairs bathroom with a very low pressure (though still with hot water), and the remaining eight sinks were all in working order. In our restrooms we have soap and sanitizer next to each other, so it's possible that you accidentally used the sanitizer instead of the soap. We will look into better labelling for the soap and sanitizer, and have flagged the low pressure sink for maintenance. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We hope that you enjoy the rest of your visit in Iceland! *********** Edit: After reading the reply of the museum I've adjusted my rating. The museum is indeed very very interactive how did I miss the obvious things there? So you can interactively watch a video where you can interactively choose to stand or sit (did I mention that it's very interactive?). You can interactively look (don't touch) at the moss or interactively watch a documentary. You also can interact with the interactive toilet with interactive flushing. You can also interactively turn the tap from left to right where it interactively switches from cold to cold. Of course I thought that in the soap bottles were soap but maybe I mistook the soap bottle for a water bottle because it was almost only water as mentioned earlier. My mistake of course. After reconsidering my first review I have to rewrite the conclusion: I interactively don't recommend this exhibition.
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.07.18
Hi Daniel, we're sorry to hear that you didn't enjoy your visit to the Geothermal Exhibition. It sounds like you missed a significant part of the exhibition. We have textual displays, but in addition to this we have interactive displays (like the production wheels on the top floor), art instillations (like the immersive Agndofa room that showcases the surrounding landscapes), maps, distribution grids, diagrams, rocks and minerals, operational parts like turbine blades and a pipe cross-section, six different videos around the exhibition, and viewing platforms for the turbine halls and over the back working area to name a few of our highlights. We are not sure how you went through with seeing only walls of texts and stones, but we are again sorry you didn't enjoy it. Regarding the comments on the bathroom sinks, we took a look this morning. We found one sink in the downstairs bathroom with a very low pressure (though still with hot water), and the remaining eight sinks were all in working order. In our restrooms we have soap and sanitizer next to each other, so it's possible that you accidentally used the sanitizer instead of the soap. We will look into better labelling for the soap and sanitizer, and have flagged the low pressure sink for maintenance. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We hope that you enjoy the rest of your visit in Iceland!
Anna Kraus
Anna Kraus
Zu teuer für das was geboten wird. Die Ausstellung von Powering the Future – National Power Company of Iceland Visitor Center ist interaktiver und kostenlos
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.07.18
Hi Anna, we're sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your visit. If you would like to provide any details on that or how we can improve, we are happy to receive them - you can email us at Have a good day, and enjoy the rest of your visit to Iceland!
Franco Cavazza
Franco Cavazza
Veramente interessante consigliatissimo per capire come un paese come l’Islanda sia un esempio di sostenibilità nella produzione di energia e riscaldamento. Certo avere tutta quell energia geotermica aiuta…!
Reply from Geothermal Exhibition 2024.07.18
Thank you for your review, we're happy to hear that you enjoyed your visit to the exhibition to learn about Iceland's geothermal energy sector. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Iceland!
Aušrinė Vilimaitė
Aušrinė Vilimaitė