Out For The Count


Out For The Count Reviews

34 reviews Verified
Out For The Count


Reviews ( 34 ) 5.0

William Carson
William Carson
We thought this service was too good to be true but it’s not! Maisie hadn’t slept a full night in 7 months, at its worse she was up every 45-60 minutes. We tried to get help from our HV but was told she would “grow out of it”. As a sleep deprived parent hearing this was soul destroying. After reaching out to Stephanie and having a 45 minute phone call we decided on which package suited us best (in home support). When Stephanie arrived to our home she was empathetic and it finally felt like someone understood. She told us we could expect results within the first few nights however I was still weary of it’s ability to work as I felt we had tried EVERYTHING. The first night bedtime took around 40 minutes (with the aim of 15 minutes at the end). However this was still a success as nights we could be 2 hours, and yes from first nights we started to see improvement. She was only up twice and it only got better from there. Maisie is now sleeping through the night and if she does wake up she puts herself back over to sleep again 🎉. The work Stephanie does is also transferable as it works in our caravan too! We can’t thank Stephanie enough for taking the dread out of bedtime and giving us our happy little toddler back.
Anna Francis
Anna Francis
Stephanie was an absolute angel! She saved me from pure sleep deprivation. Elsie needed to be helped to sleep and then she would wake up every 1 -2 hours throughout the night just to be comforted/ to know I’m still there. With Stephanie’s help and guidance Elsie no sleeps in her own room in her big girl cot and goes in there awake and self settles herself alone. And if she does wake up during the night 9/10 she self settles herself in the first 5 min without me even having to go in. I cannot thank Stephanie enough for all her help and guidance throughout this process
My one year old had trouble falling asleep. It was so difficult putting him to bed despite all the sleep training methods we used until we came across Steph. She was calm and detailed with her assessment. She followed up with her recommendations and would listen to our feedback every week. Now, my son sleeps so much better. I’d highly recommend for anyone to work with Steph. She’s the best x
Stephanie came to speak at our Parenting Wellness Group in St. Macartin’s Cathedral Hall, Enniskillen last month. There were 15 families present, parents and children. Stephanie spoke about topics such as baby sleep cues, awake times, soothing a crying baby and bedtime routines. There was opportunity for lots of questions and we all really benefited from the talk and are so thankful to Stephanie for joining us. Feedback from parents is brilliant and there are many houses that have taken the leap to implement some of the strategies mentioned and are reaping the benefits! Thank you Stephanie!
Naomi McIvor
Naomi McIvor
Absolute game changer of a service, I would happily recommend to anyone! From co sleeping with a very dependent 1 year old for pretty much all her life, to having her sleeping quite happily in her own bed after just over 2 weeks is crazy to me! I never thought I would be so happy to get my bed back haha! The tips and techniques we've learned have ensured our wee woman is going to sleep and waking up happy. I cannot recommend Stephanie enough!
Gemma Kennedy
Gemma Kennedy
Our sleep saviour!!!! We went from 6+ wakes every night, to sleeping 12 hours through the night by night 2 of working with Stephanie!!! She really is a sleep wizard & we cannot thank her enough for changing our lives - she was on hand to support and reassure us for any queries - we couldn’t have asked for more! Thank you thank you thank you xx
Jennifer Halpin
Jennifer Halpin
Cara, who is eight months old, has always been a great napper, but night time was a struggle, until now. We were longing for a good night's sleep when we contacted Stephanie, and it was the best thing we could have done. We no longer felt helpless, going through a list of possible ideas to help Cara go back to sleep and stop crying in the middle of the night. Stephanie gave us strategies and this made the sleep training so, so much easier. We no longer dreaded going to bed. Cara's bedtime routine also became a happy and joyful time, incorporating all the things that would help her prepare for a good night's sleep. Cara's wake times at night decreased significantly with the daily support of Stephanie, who was encouraging and so helpful with any questions we had. After two weeks working with Stephanie, Cara slept for twelve hours straight and she is also able to soothe herself if she has a cry during the night. We are so proud of Cara and so grateful to Stephanie.
Fiona Gillespie
Fiona Gillespie
Stephanie has been brilliant support for our little boy! While his sleep isn't perfect yet, she has given us the tools to know how! Thank you so much!
Georgie Milne-Home
Georgie Milne-Home
Stephanie has honestly helped us so much with our daughters sleep training. I was really struggling as my daughter wasn’t sleeping during the day unless it was on me or in her pram and maybe 10 minutes in her cot. We took a gentle approach as I didn’t want to use the cry out method and my daughter is now 6 months and has 1.5 hour naps in the day and can happily go to sleep in her cot at night. Stephanie was there for constant support after our first initial plan and kept me positive when things were difficult or I felt I didn’t know what I was doing. I’m so so glad we decided to go ahead with the training but even more so that we found out for the count. I will be forever grateful I had her support along our whole journey. X
Laura McCallion
Laura McCallion
I have a 3 year old who made me think sleeping was no big deal as she was always a fab sleeper. Along came my second girl and my eyes were opened! She is only 15 weeks but screaming every nap and bedtime. I contacted Stephanie and she recommended her newborn sleep guide as a start, it was filled to the brim with information and good foundations for sleeping (without letting baby cry it out) after about a week of implementing the tips in the guide my girl is sleeping 12 hours over night and no more fighting her naps during the day it has made life so much less stressful. She is still cat napping due to her age but Stephanie was happy to message back and forth with more tailored information for me. Couldn’t recommend Stephanie enough and it’s great knowing she’s on hand if anything changes in the future!
Tamsin Sillars
Tamsin Sillars
Stephanie gave us brilliant advice and support when our daughter went through a period of struggling to sleep. She listened carefully to the difficulties we were having and came up with sensible, practical and easy to implement advice. Being able to contact her through what’s app throughout the adjustment period was brilliant and we really valued her cheerful advice and kind support. Would highly recommend.
Sophie McGowan
Sophie McGowan
Stephanie was such a wonderful help when we were experiencing countless sleepless nights with our wee man. She provided a wealth of information and was so supportive after our initial consultation. After some perseverance and thanks to Stephanie’s guidance, our superstar now loves bedtime and sleeps through the night, every night. We couldn’t rate Stephanie high enough!
Stephanie was a great help with our little ones sleep! If you are in two minds to reach out for help, just do it! Best decision we ever made. Our baby boy was only taking two very short naps a day and also not sleeping at night without being rocked to sleep and constantly waking up. Within the first day with Stephanie’s guidance, he took his first long nap in 9 months! We stuck with Stephanie’s suggestions and the key is to be consistent and it worked. He’s sleeping well during the day with no rocking and now sleeps 7 till 7 most nights! Two very happy well rested parents and a very happy well rested baby! Can’t thank Stephanie enough…..
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.10.20
Thank you both very much for such lovely feedback. It was such a delight working with you both. I will never forget the day your little man took his first long nap and the sense of pride and joy from you both. It was so lovely to see. Thank you for trusting in me and trusting in my plan. Wishing you all the very best xx
Stephanie was so reassuring and helpful when we contacted her for help with our daughter’s sleep; she listened to all our concerns throughout and helped adjust our plan when we were struggling! All of our sleep is much better now and we’re so pleased we got in touch!
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.10.04
Nicola thank you for your lovely feedback. It means a lot. I hope you now feel confident in adjusting the plan as your little girl grows and develops. Meeting her individual sleep needs and her need for connection as you continue on your feeding journey. Thanks again x
Finvola Devlin
Finvola Devlin
Amazing sleep advice offered: we got in touch when my LG was 8 weeks old and there was constant support from the word go. Every question we had was answered and we were never made silly for asking. The support, guidance, kindness and genuine interest that we recieved was fantastic and we are extremely grateful to now have sleep tackled (most of the time!) 👏
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.10.04
Thank you Finvola for your kind words. It's so lovely to hear that instilling those positive sleep habits from an early stage has paid off for you all. Long may it continue 👏 x
Naomi Bell
Naomi Bell
We reached out to Stephanie when the 4 month sleep regression hit Emily big time. She had always needed a cuddle and her dummy to get to sleep but generally had been a good wee sleeper until that point... And then a switch flipped and we were up every hour or two and she could not be transferred to her cot for any naps! Cue the inevitable meltdown. Stephanie was so incredibly encouraging and gave us the confidence to help Emily learn independent sleep skills. Her determined/ head strong nature has meant it's taken Emily a little longer to adapt but she has made such big steps in the right direction that I'm confident she will only continue to improve. We now have all her naps in her cot unless out and about and she wakes only once or twice in a 12hr period overnight. We definitely feel like we are getting our lives back and would highly recommend for anyone to reach out to Stephanie if they need any guidance or assistance with their little ones sleep.
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.10.04
Thank you very much Naomi for such a detailed and positive review. That is just lovely and very much appreciated. It was lovely working with you to improve little Emily's sleep. I know how much it means to you all that you have more predictable and consistent sleep for her. Thanks again :)
Joanne Worthington
Joanne Worthington
Our little one was up every 10-20 minutes through the night , crying and wouldn’t stay in her cot . She ended up in our bed every night as we were exhausted trying! After 11 months of us trying and failing she’s now finally in her own room and hasn’t been back in our bed since! She still needs a little assistance here and there but overall is doing amazing! If you’re struggling with sleep in any way I’d definitely recommend Stephanie :) !!
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.08.19
Joanne, thank you for your review. It was so nice to meet you all. Thank you for inviting me into your home and for trusting me to support your family on your journey to better sleep for everyone. It's so nice to see that little Penny is happy in her cot and getting more consolidated and restorative sleep overnight⭐ well done to you and Ryan x
Jessica Douglas
Jessica Douglas
Asking Stephanie for help was the best decision we ever made. We always blamed teething, sleep regression, over tiredness and any excuse on our little ones poor sleep. We always struggled from four months with our little girl waking up an hour or so after being put down for the night, but as she has got older the longer it would take to settle her with most nights 2-3 hours before she was back over. After one week working with Stephanie we have seen a significant improvement and with her help our little girl who is 15 months goes down at 6.45pm - 7am and if she wakes we know exactly what to do. As the days go on she is getting even better at soothing herself back to sleep. We used to dread bedtime and our little girl is so much happier during the day. I wish we had reached out and asked for help sooner! My partner and I can’t believe how nice it is to have our evenings together again.
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.08.09
Thank you so much for this kind review Jessica. It's so lovely to see the progress your little girl has made with her sleep and to hear how much happier she is for it. A well rested toddler, mummy and daddy. I am delighted for the positive impact our time together has had on the family. It has been my pleasure 💕 x
Ciara Brown
Ciara Brown
We had gone to Stephanie as we had exhausted every possible way to help our little rowan sleep. Rowan had multiple night wakenings and depended on his bottle, the lack of sleep for nearly 2 years took its tole. Stephanie supported us along the way and we followed her plan easily, it was full with information and guidance keeping us at ease when we were in doubt. After a week and a half rowan is now sleeping through the night and is much happier during the day, he loves getting into his cot and bedtime is easier for him. We didn’t think we would see the day that he would sleep independently in his cot all night. We can’t thank Stephanie enough it was the best decision we ever made for both Rowan and us, we only wish we done it sooner!
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.07.28
Thank you both so much for taking the time to write such a lovely review. That is amazing feedback and very much appreciated. I am so happy for the changes that you have seen as a family. It was a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for trusting in me and trusting in the process. Wishing you and your beautiful family all the very best. X
We reached out to Stephanie for some help with our little girl who is 18 months old. She was typically waking 3-4 times a night, but up to 8 times on a bad night. Stephanie was so friendly right from the outset and put a lot of work into preparing a personalised plan for establishing a better sleep routine. There was absolutely no judgement (which I think is something we were both anxious about when reaching out for help). Stephanie came to our home to discuss the new plan and it was great for her to see our little girl in her own environment. We threw ourselves in at the deep end expecting the process to be a challenge, but our little girl did so well and was in a stable routine within the first few days of introducing the routine. She now gets a minimum of 11 hours uninterrupted sleep every night. Stephanie was always available to answer any queries we had or just to give us some reassurance. It’s been over a month now and we are all feeling the benefits of having full nights of uninterrupted sleep! I would encourage anyone who is struggling with their little ones sleep routine to get in touch with Stephanie. We persevered for a long time without reaching out for help and now, in hindsight, we wish we had contacted her sooner! I can honestly say Stephanie has changed our lives and we are so thankful for all her help!
Reply from Out For The Count 2023.06.01
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an incredible review! I am so moved by these lovely words. It really was my pleasure getting to meet and work with you as a family. Thank you for trusting in me, for inviting me into your beautiful home and for leaning in to the process of making those tweaks which has seen such wonderful changes for your family. I am so delighted with the outcome for you all. Wishing you all the very best as you prepare to meet your newest little one ❤️ thank you again x