Reviews ( 11 )
Satish Mahadeo Gore
5 stars **** विज्ञानाचा वाटसरू
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
First Human being India Steps on the Mars 2022 - First Indian Anti Gravity Space Ship Satish Gore
Based on Pushpak Viman Valmiki Ramayana Copyright for only ISRO-***** Just Imagination First human being India steps on the Mars 2022- India's First-Advanced anti gravity functional lander system-Ramayana Pushpak Vision 3 rd eye First Indian anti gravity technology spacecraft-Pushpak Yan Mangalyan- All steps to 100% success. 100% successful soft lander system. The Pushpak Spacecraft on the top does not affect the gravitational force of any planets . The request by the Indian government to send Mars Human being Yan Spacecraft. The speed can be reduced to as little and as much as desired. Only India can step on the Mars first. The entire space is of the India. Many congratulations! To Prime Minister and Indian scientists for Chandrayaan 2 and India is ready to launch Chandrayan 3 in November 2020. Indian floral space with human being. First human being India steps on the Mars 2022- First Indian anti gravity space Ship-Researched by Mr. Satish Gore-Based on Pushpak Viman Valmiki Ramaya First Indian anti gravity technology
1) Marsyan spacecraft-Pushpak Yan will total fifty rockets in the interior. This will be used to speed up the speed (slow down) of the rocket.
2) No gravitational force will be adversely affected on the Marsyan soft lander space Ship.
3) The speed of the space Ship can be 2 meters per second. We can increase the speed much more and control it.
4) We can create and reduce antigravity force by using 10 D rockets system. Use up to 50 rockets. Automatic mode .Use Radar system. Use Live telecast system. Allow human being right command mode.
5) We can control the speed of spacecraft and change its direction at any direction at any time.
6) Use automatic computers and robots command system. Space Ship can be size as per designed.
7) Satyamev Jayate! Jay Hind! Jay Bharat! Based on Valmiki Ramayan, Newton’s Law of gravity, Myself Mr. Satish Gore’s Law of anti gravity. We can create and reduce anti gravity force in the space with using 10 D Technology anti gravity 50 rockets system. Thanks. 1) The first Indian Gravity Controller - Anti gravity The first rule of Satish Mahadeo Gore gravitational force is to keep the force of the moving object in the opposite
direction in order to control the speed of any moving object.
2) The second law of gravity controller Anti gravity of Satish Mahadeo Gore. The force should be increased in the opposite direction given to increase the speed. You can do more with the force of the direction of the original direction. The speed can be controlled.
3) The third law of gravity controller of Satish Mahadeo Gore The gravitational force works as well. The opposite gravitational force also works. The law of stability - by conquering gravity by anti gravity, applied the same force over an object in ten directions, the object remains constant in the sky. Basis Newton's theory of gravity. F = ma
thanks Just Imagination First human being India steps on the Mars 2022- India's First-Advanced anti gravity functional lander system-Ramayana Pushpak Vision 3 rd eye We can set up human being on the Mars at 2022.I think ISRO will do this. Best wishes from all India. Author Profile Mr. Gore Satish Mahadeo Country-India State-Maharashtra DistBeed Village-Bansarola PIN CODE-431518
Email ID goresatishm@gmail.com
Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 www.ijsr.net Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: SR20206191702 DOI: 10.21275/SR20206191702 503
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